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Everything posted by Mantis

  1. And yet still in a good position. That's what most people are taking issue with tbf. I don't think anyone is seriously disputing that our form has dropped off recently.
  2. I do think there's something in this. As a fanbase we do some prone to extreme negativity and pessimism. It's no longer such a mystery to me why our home form has dipped so badly recently.
  3. Hand on heart I honestly don't know. On the one hand we have been poorer these past couple of months and lost games we should've won, but on the other hand, we actually did play very well tonight and have key players coming back from injury soon. I wouldn't be comfortable putting any kind of major money on it. It's such a tough one to predict, and that's why the "it's already over" bedwetting nonsense posts are so pathetic. I didn't realise the season began two months ago.
  4. It's happened before and it'll happen again, sadly. As I said, may as well just psychologically prepare yourself for a loss every time regardless of performance. "Probably not related" There's no probably about it. It's not related.
  5. What's your point? It's still in our hands as things stand, and we've shown that we can also go on a winning run.
  6. I'm sure you'll be very pleased if that does indeed happen. Regardless of what actually happens though, it's still in our hands, hence why the "today was the final nail in the coffin" was so hilarious.
  7. I wonder if this is why we've actually been better away than at home for the past couple of months.
  8. Lmao. Like seriously, this is genuinely hilarious stuff. You're talking about two fundamentally different things here. Nobody is suggesting that anyone should be happy with losing. However, we did play well (and the idea that you can't play well and lose is categorically false). Even if you deny that, at least accept that it was a huge improvement performance-wise compared to the Chelsea and Newcastle games.
  9. My advice to people is to simply see every game against Man United as an automatic loss regardless of form or how we actually play. It's pretty clear now that they will always have the edge over us no matter what. It's extremely infuriating but ultimately there's nothing anyone can do about it. Just expect the loss every time and if we do get anything it's a nice bonus. Obviously the players shouldn't have this mentality, but as a fan I can't really suggest anything else, otherwise you'll just get yourself worked up over that horrible club who will always do this.
  10. It honestly does feel as if certain fans are almost willing us to have a collapse. Some seem to be absolutely revelling in it. Bit pathetic really. @Spoony is right - we played well and psychologically Man United have a unique edge over us. If we play like that for the rest of the season we'll be fine. I was worried we'd see a repeat of the Newcastle/Chelsea performance but we didn't.
  11. I actually barely feel anything. I accepted long ago that Man United will always have an unbreakable psychological edge over us and that the best we can hope for is a couple of wins and draws every decade, at best.
  12. I don't even rate Hodgson but this does him a massive disservice. Younger Hodgson was twice the manager Southprick ever was.
  13. I'd much much much rather us lose 1-0 to a late dodgy penalty than throw away another big lead against these pricks. It's actually insane how often we've done it against them compared to other teams. They will basically always have a psychological edge against us that they don't have with other teams because of it.
  14. True, but it does give us added security just in case we have some sort of collapse.
  15. Imagine if that actually happened. Would feel very sorry for Palace fans - going from one poor ex-England manager to an even poorer ex-England manager.
  16. Yes, I'm taking the piss. I mean if we lose tomorrow I could definitely see us finishing outside the top 5 but the idea that it's hard to see where our next win coming from is ridiculous.
  17. Honestly it's lucky we're already over the 40 point mark otherwise I'd be seriously concerned about us going down. We've just been so poor this season. It's all so dreadful.
  18. Mantis

    Unai Emery

    Neither do I - personally if I had to bet I'd bet on 5th, but 6th isn't out of the realms of the possibility and as I said I think a vocal minority will turn on Emery if that happens.
  19. It's pretty obvious that almost all of them are absolutely desperate for the "Big 6" plus Newcastle to do well. Pathetic.
  20. Mantis

    Unai Emery

    Oh of course, I meant genuine in the sense that they'll genuinely believe he should be sacked, not that the claims will have any merit.
  21. Mantis

    Unai Emery

    If we end up finishing 6th this season, I think there will be some genuine calls for him to be sacked, even though if you'd gone back in time to when Gerrard had just been sacked and said "Villa will finish 6th next season", literally every single Villa fan would've bitten your arm off for it.
  22. Mantis

    Unai Emery

    I'm sure it'll retroactively become the received wisdom that actually we weren't great against Sheffield United and that we only smashed them becuase they're really poor, but we genuinely looked lively and full of zip in that game, and I don't really know why there was such a marked lack of application tonight. Even setting aside tactics and the quality of opposition, it was like watching two different teams. If we'd have played like that on Saturday we'd have lost or drawn at best.
  23. Mantis

    Unai Emery

    Because the average level of performance under those two, especially Gerrard, was so much worse. Not that he doesn't deserve criticism for tonight but it also seemed like the players just didn't even try.
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