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Everything posted by avfc1982am

  1. You've never played defensive midfield, have you? I've seen the goal plenty of times. What you're saying is literally completely wrong. If Westwood was meant covering the stoke striker them his defenders would be asking what the **** he was doing. The goal is the fault of the defenders. There's four of them, and three stoke players pushing up. Richards and Hutton are caught marking the same man, as were Crespo and Amavi, with none of those four covering the very obvious run from Arnautovic. You're completely wrong. Personally I thought Richards and Crespo were to blame for the goal, more the latter for getting sucked towards Amavi and opening a gap in the line, then Richards for not coming across to cover the space and in the process Arnautovic. Westwood was not responsible for the goal on Saturday although I would like us to see what Veretout and Gana can do together for a few games with Gil in front of them. Westwood hasn't been as bad as some are making out but I do think there is a better combination without him in the midfield at the moment.
  2. I think he will go the euro's if fit and he continues with his current form. Not suggesting he will start but I think he can definitely make the squad.
  3. It just gets worse..... Admitting he's tried not to lose matches but still failed!?!?!? The second bit sounds a lot like a mix up of DOL and Lambert.... Maybe if TS instructed the players on some tactics/positional play they'd fair better? This isn't going to end well at all and it sounds like wishful thinking on TS's behalf that he'll be able to turn it around. I can't see much wrong with admitting he has made mistakes and I think that he's right in that the players need to take some responsibility also. No matter how tactically inept we were on Saturday their lack of spirit was evident too. Ultimately though, it all falls down on him doesn't it, I just don't think it's healthy to pick apart absolutely everything he says, it will drive you mad. I agree with your point totally but he really isn't helping himself saying this... “I like to try to win enough games rather than going out there not to be beat because I’ve done that a few times and you end up getting beat anyway,” said Sherwood. And then set us up to contain Stoke on Saturday with 5 defenders on the pitch and 3 CM's at HOME! What an idiot TBH. At least just come out and say something along the lines of, "my plan didn't work, it wasn't the players fault as I set us up not to lose, and I introduced our attacking players too late in the game and allowed Stoke to tighten up making it difficult to break them down". Personally I think he is under serious pressure, not just from us but up stairs. His last couple of interviews the cocky confident smile has been replaced by a nervous one and I would reason this is why he is continually chatting shit. He would imo be better off saying nothing at all though as continually contradicting himself and sounding like he hasn't a clue is pushing even those away that think he should be given time. I want to back him as with all our managers but you can't defend the indefensible.
  4. Out of all the posts I have ever read this has to be the one I disagree with the most! Eh lexicon?! Richards has been good as a Centre back ! Come on just say it once? ......
  5. And there was a moment in the last fifteen minutes when Grealish had the ball twenty yards infield and was imploring him to bomb on so he could play a ball in. In the end Grealish played the ball there anyway to force Amavi to run on to it - he belatedly chased it and nearly got to it but it went out of play. Before any of that had happened, Jack had already shouted "F*** off" and turned his back on it - he was clearly furious. Now that begs two questions. 1.) Is Amavi being instructed not to make runs to the byline, even when other players think the space is available? 2.) Does our 20 year old playmaker know more about the game than his manager? I think we've got this very talented footballer confused and tied up in knots of thinking about what he should be doing rather than just expressing his ability - by all means make sure he's doing everything right tactically in his own half, but let him play once he's in the final third surely? He looks really, really frustrated to me. Someone recalls that differently in the Grealish thread That will be me then. The way I saw it was Grealish did call Amavi on but then tried to push inside to make the space and Amavi had to hold the line otherwise he would've strayed offside. Grealish dallied with the ball instead of slipping it into space and then got smothered and lost the ball, then going off at Amavi. That was how I saw it at the time in L4 lower, but haven't seen any replays so if I'm incorrect please correct me? No doubt Amavi is frustrated but so would anyone playing in a team that provides no decent cover out wide when he drives forward. While Lescott is his cover when he is expected to push on and deliver I think he will continue to be frustrated tbh because it really exposes him and us. Even our CB's are far to wide and apart at times. And I cannot see what the heck Clark did to lose his place to Lescott in the first place especially when we looked quite solid at the back in the opening games. Until we address the issue of strength and cover out wide on what is a very wide pitch we will continually be questioning the performances and quality of our fullbacks until the end of days imo. We need natural width in midfield and until we sort this out our play will continue to be smothered, fragmented and will always break up easily with pressure. I think the pitch is far big for us to be playing so narrow at time especially when in possession of the ball. We just don't generate any space on the pitch with the formation. Amavi is a class act but as with the right back position, Hutton and Bacuna there is just not sufficient cover for them out wide to get forward without exposing themselves on a frequent basis.
  6. I too wasn't expecting the world but as a minimum I would have liked to see us on 10 points (realistically 12 points) given the relatively soft start we had. What does he need to do in the next two games to save his job? Play Carles Gil for a start, give Ayew another start because the lad deserves to, and get Westwood off set pieces. Not play 3-5-2 again because we aren't good enough at the back or midfield to vacate spaces on the pitch. Plus, have a go at Chelsea and try to win the game next week even if we are to lose. Oh! and beat Swansea at home, anything less and I'm seriously pissed off!
  7. A lack of movement up top has been an issue with for us for years. This one criticism I have Mark......why successive managers have opted for the big guy instead of a Dean Saunders type who are busy moving in and out of the lines, I will never know....you are quite right the movement is as flat as a witches tit....However the lack of movement is a general issue too, hence why players get caught in possession so often. They don't play or work as a team. I totally agree on the movement issue up front. It has been and is one of our biggest problems the last few years and imo the reason why we play sideways and backwards so often no matter who is on the pitch. I think that since MON there has been nothing but caution from managers at VP in the way we play. We are at home on one of the widest pitches in the league yet continually play with narrow formations in an effort to play a more contained approach. And added to the fact of a reduction in the quality of player only exposes our weaknesses further. I have personally lost count at the amount of times teams in recent years we have been dominated out wide down the Villa. It's a major problem in my opinion and one that non of the managers in recent times have tried to resolve with serious effort. However with regards to Grealish on Saturday in the second half he picked up the ball on the edge of the stoke 18yard line, then cut back inside and dallied with the ball, Amavi went to hit the byline but had to check back and hold on as he would have been offside. Grealish then lost the ball and started to go off on one at Amavi. Grealish is a fantastic prospect but seriously needs to start releasing the ball quicker at times, especially when the fullbacks or wingbacks have run the length of the pitch or a good distance to provide the overlap. Just a point though.
  8. Personally I think he has lost the fans already. Only grumblings around the ground at the moment but nobody I have spoken to recently thinks he can rescue what it fast becoming an emergency situation. It is therefore imo only a matter of time before anger at incompetency takes over and Sherwood feels the full force of the fans frustrations. I as I think most people expected things to take time and still do to an extent with the new signings, but the manner of the defeats and decisions being made are alarming.I also think things are starting to filter onto the players in their individual performances and that is never a good thing.
  9. Think your gonna be surprised and shocked for a little while longer. Take a seat, a deep breath and brace yourself.
  10. I think at times he needs to start releasing the ball much quicker. Fannied with it too much at times today down the middle when he had options. Would definitely start Gil in the 10 spot and play Grealish in the wider left position where he will find the spaces to play into.
  11. Today's defeat was most definitely down to the manager. Starting the game with Amavi and Hutton as wingbacks allowed Stoke to run in behind time and time again in the first half. Instead of looking to take the game to Stoke as we were the home team he set us up to contain them which backfired. By starting with the 3 CB's we lost a sub having to rectify the mistake at half time and the 3 in the middle were all to similar in positioning and we were too slow to move into space and spread the play. The team that finished the game should have been the team that started imo. Sherwood needs to start showing faith in players like Ayew, Gil, Grealish and Traore when fit and get them in the team. At least two or three of them at a time because without them we are up shit creek without a paddle. I want all managers at Villa to succeed and believe Sherwood deserves time, but watching him morph into Lambert with his cautiousness in approach to games, with the formation and line up's, well it's becoming harder to back him. I really think the players we have this season are more than capable of getting us to mid table but at the moment he is crushing us and himself with his decision making.
  12. Really don't think we helped Amavi or Hutton today. The formation was all wrong from the off playing them both as wingbacks. With the 3 CB's and 3 in the middle we smothered ourselves down the centre and exposed ourselves on both flanks. The amount of times they both got doubled upon in the first half was ridiculous in fairness to them. Switching to a 4 in the second half helped but the changes bringing on Gil and Ayew were too late.
  13. Cannot see someone like Wilkins making that comment tbh. The bloke is very measured and cautious with his comments at the best of times never mind around a media crew, off air or not.
  14. Have to agree with this. We know that if we put good balls into the box he'll score with his head. This is probably the simplest form of football there is....no tippy tappy, no step overs. Get the ball out to the wing and let players like Amavi cross. Let's obviously develop Gestede over the coming seasons but let's not try and change the fundamental player and try and make him play like Messi. If we get more crosses into the box, he will score a bag full of goals because he is that good with his head. He could easily score 15 goals from doing that this season and we would all be delighted with a striker in his first season to do that wouldn't we? it's not as if many others will even get close to that number. Personally I think if he stays injury free and plays he will hit 15 at least this season which for a 6m player from the championship will be fantastic his first season in the top flight. Doing his job well at the moment. Needs to hold the ball up better but I think that will come in time. 4 goals is a solid start from him though.
  15. Veretout needs to play. It's okay to say he has only looked decent against lower league opposition but the lad has high class pedigree and has proven whether in the premier league or not that he can bang goals in and assist. Leaving him out and giving him cameo appearances is not going to help him settle. Lets be fair here as most are questioning which of the two should play, Westwood has had all his life to settle in English football and how many years at Villa? Has he ever changed a game, or bossed the midfield because I can't genuinely remember? Although Veretout and Westwood are different players I think the former will offer far more to the team as a whole if he plays. It's no disrespect to Westwood either as he is a tidy player but I look at the midfield and our current options and then ask myself, "Who is he better than and and what?". Sanchez and Gana are better DM's, and Westwood for all his passing doesn't penetrate defences, assist or score either. So if we play a 3 in the middle with one DM does he start? If we have 2 holding does he start? Personally I don't think he should. Veretout should be the player with along with Gana that we put our trust in as I think he will give us far more improvement in the team.
  16. I think the bottom line here with Sherwood is that with all the activity in the transfer market this summer and convincing the talent(that's right talent) we have brought in to come and play in the claret and blue he needs to be more accommodating in integrating them into the team. I as most have been pretty chuffed with the majority of the signings as I believe the likes of Richards, Traore, Veretout, Gana, Amavi, Ayew and Gestede are an upgrade on what we already had. If Sherwood doesn't start to at least give game time to Veretout, and Ayew there is a real possibility of him damaging their confidence massively and affecting the squad as a whole- If not already. Whether against lower league teams or not leaving players out after good performances doesn't send the right message to your squad and in the cases of both Veretout and Ayew neither will ever be ready unless they play, it's that simple, and added to the fact that match fitness and peak performance levels will bring out the best in players it's bloody stupid to continually give fragmented game time to players requiring just that. Carles Gil for example has been superb for us for a high percentage of his time since joining the club, and added a dimension that was serverely lacking last season and has continued in the same way this season yet has had to sit out the last 2 games on the bench?! It's incredibly naive to believe he couldn't of added something to out attack last Saturday. Personally I think Sherwood needs to find his nuts and show faith with the players we know are good and those brought in before he f**** it up completely and his managerial career in the process. I was very unsure as to whether he would be right for us but after last season and keeping us up(Although I did say under Lambert our squad was better than the results suggested) he deserved the benefit of the doubt. However I think he is undoing himself with silly decisions especially the subs he is making at times which are baffling if I'm honest. He does though imo deserve time to turn things around however shit that may be for some to take onboard.
  17. Cant agree with that post although nothing against your opinion but I think Gil is the most technically gifted player at the club and on previous performances deserves to be starting at the moment. I think he is a real class act and won't be surprised if one of the top clubs come sniffing for him soon. Definitely in my starting 11 if fit.
  18. 1. Surely if his tackles are "last ditch" as you put it he is staying on his feet until the last moment before going to ground or making the challenge/block? 2. Generally when a defender makes a challenge it is more often than not in the final third and the last line of defence before opponents are in on goal. Most tackles are at the last moment as players are taught to stay on their feet as long as possible looking to intercept the ball before going to ground. It's what good defenders do! 3. Richards for all the crap from some about not being a CB, or too rash, or the general not good enough, has been absolutely solid carrying out his duties over the first 5 games at centre half. Okay he isn't McGrath, Laursen or Mellberg but he is a definite upgrade on what we have had the last few years and will get better. A massive plus for me having him and one of our stand out players so far. Out of all the posts I've ever read - I think this is the one that I disagree with the most. For ease, I've numbered the various points. 1. That's not what 'last ditch' tackling is and you know that. 2. No, they don't. Defenders make challenges within their own half and at many different times and it's not often that they'll commit if they are the last line. They have to stay on their feet and stay between the attacker and the goal, creating as much pressure as possible - only making a challenge if an opportunity to do so arises, or better still holding the opposition up until another player can double up and take the ball. 3. He really isn't an upgrade on Vlaar or Okore, a downgrade if anything. At 27, how is he going to make up for one of his biggest problems - his lack of experience in that position? You can't just pull it out of your arse. The thing that is most frustrating is that throughout this time, we've had to suffer Bacuna at RB, when we've got a guy who's a top 6 RB playing at being something he's not. You go on about disagreeing with my comments the most yet partially agree and say something similar?! See the bold above? 1. A last ditch tackle is exactly what it says it is. Making the challenge/tackle at the very last moment in order to stop the opponent from scoring or positioning themselves to. If not what else is it then? You've highlighted it yet said nothing to enlighten us as to your definition of a 'last ditch tackle'. 2. Secondly I didn't mention defenders not making challenges in their own half?! The final third was mentioned in relation to the opponents final third if that is what you was getting at, but if you had read on you may have worked that out. Also if a defender or any player for that instance is the last line of defence at some point if not covered or backed by a team mate there will be a moment more often than not where the attacker will force the defender into committing it's called action and reaction and is inevitable. 3. You mention Richards lack of experience as if he is some sort of one trick pony. Like your the all seeing eye that can see into the future and tell us Micah Richards cannot get better at 27+? You talk nonsense! Like Vlaar was captain fantastic. A good defender yes but definitely had more than a rick or two in him and cost us goals with his rashness at times- definitely not the level of previous CB's. Or Okore bless him, who I do think is a good CB and will get better but lets get this straight. The majority of Richards experience is at RB yet his overall experience in a winning environment with better players at a higher level is far greater than Vlaar or Okore. And on top of that he has done nothing really poor for people to question his position or place in the team. Players as they get older will transition into different positions as they grow, gain strength, slow, mature, or just because their skill set increases or decreases. To say a player needs to pull positional experience out of his arse or if they are being asked to play in a different position to previous they are automatically not good enough shows your own level of experience regarding football needs game time never mind Richards.
  19. Surely if his tackles are "last ditch" as you put it he is staying on his feet until the last moment before going to ground or making the challenge/block? Generally when a defender makes a challenge it is more often than not in the final third and the last line of defence before opponents are in on goal. Most tackles are at the last moment as players are taught to stay on their feet as long as possible looking to intercept the ball before going to ground. It's what good defenders do! Richards for all the crap from some about not being a CB, or too rash, or the general not good enough, has been absolutely solid carrying out his duties over the first 5 games at centre half. Okay he isn't McGrath, Laursen or Mellberg but he is a definite upgrade on what we have had the last few years and will get better. A massive plus for me having him and one of our stand out players so far.
  20. How much of a look have we actually seen? Give the lad a chance. No villa89, it's clear that most of our signings this year are massive flops, and we should sell all of them, bar Amavi, for £1m each just to cut our losses and get them off the wage bill. Lambert out! Everyone out! Whilst your sarcasm is clearcut, I'd bite your hand off for 1m for Ayew.. Good job you're not in charge of negotiations then. Well if I was, Ayew and Gestede wouldnt be at the club, Charlie Austin would be and we'd be a couple of mil better off. Wait, isn't this the Jordan Veretout thread? It's the writing off players after 2 games thread!!
  21. The problem is though DK82 will we ever have our strongest 11 playing? Most teams possibly won't for majority of the season. What we need is for all our players knowing their jobs,giving 110%, for the coaches to give them the right instructions and then make the correct changes when needed. I do think we will be fine also, although I say it so often I wonder if I am carrying out some sort of conscious ritual in order to ease my subconscious. A psychological calming of the mind after the last few years me thinks. F****** Villa!
  22. Yeh.......your giving him time alright! Not got a Danny La Rue!
  23. Lambert didn't recognise though and many managers fail to do in game. Rogers at Liverpool- no plan B, hence he is now walking up the steps before the hanging commences. I think it was MarkAVFC40 that mentioned when Gil came off it should have been for Hutton who should have slotted in at RB with Bacuna in front providing the cover, Veretout on for Grealish or Sinclair and drop to a flat 4-5-1- Or something along those lines. I totally agreed with that as I thought we needed to kill the game with numbers in our half when we went 2-0 up as Leicester were pushing us back. He didn't react to that in the slightest the way he should of which was disappointing imo. Anyway what's done is done but it has put a shit load of pressure on us beating the baggies next sat which I don't think we needed right now.
  24. New original chant formally known as The Kinks 'Follower of Fashion', now named 'Follower of Aston'. They seek him here, they seek him there.... He's just to fast, You best beware, Flying down the wing you know that he is just the best, Cuz he is Aston Villa's Adama Traore..... Oh yes he is....oh yes he is...oh yes he is...oh yes he is, Aston Villa's Adama Traore... Flying down the wing you know that he is just the best, Cuz he is Aston Villa's Adama Traore!!!! I want royalties for this!!
  25. I agree with a lot of this TRO. I do think though that with our manager what I do want to see is a reaction to the changes the opposition makes and a definitive response which leads me to believe he has spotted the problems occurring during games. Whether or not Veretout is ready I would have like to see the changes reflecting the pattern of the game. I was so obvious yesterday that the midfield required the additional back up in the form of another CM and Bacuna needed assistance down our right. I thought the starting line up and formation was spot on and we did play some fantastic football in the first 45min. So he is setting us initially up well, however games are won and lost during the 90 min and if he can't spot danger as it appears we are in for a frustrating time. Still backing him but he needs to shape up just as much as the players imo.
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