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Everything posted by avfc1982am

  1. Most versatile midfielder we have. Excellent game today and covered every single blade of grass, tackled well, passing is the best in the team and was unlucky not to score second half. Had a feeling he would come good after seeing him against Notts County as he reminded me of Milner and nothing he has done has changed my opinion. I am really enjoying watching him game by game get better and better. MOMT imo.
  2. We played 4-4-2 today with a diamond in midfield and Ayew floating. Agree with the rest though. Although a little disappointed at the result I felt with a bit more luck we would have won comfortably today. I also felt with Sanchez going of we looked weak in the centre again for a good 15mins and were back to individual stupidity, Hutton's closing down for the goal for a start. I also felt this was probably the reason he held back with the Adama sub so long as taking another one off out of Veretout,Westwood or Gana would leave us more exposed centrally and we were also in the ascendency. Players were shooting, fighting for the ball and each other and in turn got the fans going which created an excellent atmosphere second half. All in all not the best result but positives again...Okore and Lescott are playing well together, which as needs must probably opens Richards up to coming back in as our RB, Ayew is getting better as is Veretout, Guzan has stopped making silly errors-at least for now. Westwood looked better again today as did Gana as the game wore on. IMO we need more pace up front in January to compliment Ayew. Gestede although an aerial threat just isn't quick enough to stretch teams and open gaps in the defence for the like of Gil and Veretout to expose. A midfield hardman and the LB situation remedied with Cissokho to come back which will give us more natural width down the left. All in all I am happy with what Remi is doing and trust him to continue doing what he feels is necessary.
  3. Maybe I shouldn't have used the word 'Project' for those it upsets. However Garde imo is not just here for 8 months as with Sherwood and I would also believe there will be a long term strategy to get us back into the premiership should we go down. You can call it what you like I don't mind. Project, strategy, plan it's all the same to me and either way every manager with half a brain will have one. With regards to my comments regarding Ayew. I never mentioned he would definitely stay, but said maybe he will and explained the reasoning behind my comments. Believe it or not footballers, not all, or even most, but a few actually give a shit about the clubs they play for, those that support them and some repay this with loyalty. As I said, Maybe.
  4. Lay off that alcohol mate it's interfering with logic.
  5. I sort of agree with this. For what its worth I would not be surprised in the slightest if he has brought into the Garde project. Genuinely seems to love and appreciate playing for the Villa and I am sure his old man who would remember the days when we were a proper club will have had a big say in him choosing to join us. I have this feeling he will want to help get us back up and may stay for 12 months to see if it is achievable, unless of course he is offered a truly big move and the chance to play champions league football. He is only 23 and a guaranteed starter for Ghana regardless of where he plays so maybe loyalty will have a big part in his decision. I also look at his first interview for AVTV where he mentions that his own goals are secondary to the needs of the club and team. Different attitude imo and one of the reasons I rate him so highly. Anyway if he continues to contribute the way he has no-one can begrudge him a move or will we lose money on the transfer fee we paid. The good thing about Ayew, Amavi, Veretout, Adama, Gil and Grealish is age. They all have their best years ahead of them and 12 months out of the premiership won't be career damaging in anyway as Ayew is the only international regular. Amavi will imo not be leaving for at least 12 months plus due to his injury and I don't think Grealish will either due to his links with the club. Adama still has much to learn and Veretout also strikes me as a lad who is loyal and not a mercenary. I also look at the length of contracts the players are on and think we aren't in a position where we will need to sell at a loss with any of them anytime soon. Okay a few loses are inevitable however is that a bad thing with the current squad?! I really think if we keep Garde we keep most of our better players, at least for a season unless teams offer big money for individuals. Garde is very highly regarded and although we haven't had the initial bounce as with most new managers I think he is more a long term project manager and will eventually bring us back far stronger than we have been for years. I am not of the opinion as some are that going down will be the end of us if it does come to pass. I believe if we do we will have far more resources than any other club possibly in the championship. I think we would come straight back up as I am sure the players would also feel which may have a bearing on their own decisions at the end of the season. At least I hope!
  6. I like Veretout. I see a lad that has taken a little while to adjust and been criticised for being crap prematurely by some. Yet you watch him and I see no lack of effort, improvements all the time however small. And genuinely I get the feeling he is an honest player who if backed and played in the right position will possibly be our best acquisition in midfield from the summer. There is no billy big bollocks attitude or laziness when things ain't working he just keeps plugging away. Along with Ayew his attitude on the pitch has been top draw. Both have something to prove and are going about it the right way imo by working their nuts off even without the ball. I also think his fitness levels have vastly improved and are up there with most of the other players now. The tiredness after 70-80 mins I thought was only natural considering the shift he had put in against Southampton. Still a long way to go but I do expect him to keep improving as he settles more and then the consistency will follow. Also just too add it does seem that playing him in his natural advanced position in midfield is now helping him to settle also. As with all the new lads, I believe non of them should be playing out of position unless we have no options. They need to be comfortable on the pitch in a positional sense while learning the lingo, pace of the game etc, then we will see what they are really capable of.
  7. Personally I don't think so, not by a long way. Cleverley has had years to adjust to the premier league and at a club like Utd surrounded by decent players. What pissed me off most about him was that as others have said, he did nothing until the last few games, which it could also be argued that he only pulled his finger out in order to get the everton move. His effort was minimal at best and I have seen far more in spells from both Veretout and Gana considering the length of time they have been here to believe both will be better than Cleverley.
  8. Can't agree more. And I personally think if we are to get out this mess we need pace out wide and up top to ease pressure on the defence and midfield at times. Whether we give Bacuna and Adama a run of games out wide and also play Ayew off Gabby up front until January. Either way we are too easy to play against at the moment with Gestede or Ayew being expected to hold the ball with minimal support and strength in wider areas as an outlet. All teams need to do against us is play a high line and pressure the ball. I think defences love Gestede up top as he isn't going to frighten them with pace behind and with the formation so centrally biased opposing fullbacks can bomb on also not being concerned with being caught out. IMO it's our biggest problem on the pitch as teams find it easy to surround us and squeeze the ball when we have possession. Is it really any wonder our best moments(can't say games) are when using width correctly?! I am not sure about stats etc but using memory I cannot recollect many instances where we have created much or bossed games down the middle in the last few years?!
  9. TRO I agree with many of the points you and Mark both raise in the last couple of posts and generally on a regular basis but I also do think it's a little more intricate than some of what you have mentioned. Yes we cut costs ridiculously so after the MON era, far to much for us to transition easy into a more sustainable way of operating for the first 2-3 years imo. However what has been continual in all this time which has held us back the most has been a lack of direction from management to the personnel/players and their ability to manifest their ideology through the players. Your both right in that we have as fans lowered our expectations but this has only come about due to the piss poor decisions our last couple of managers have made. What boggles me most of all regarding both Paul Lambert and Tim Sherwood is that both of them never truly had conviction in their actions in the way they wanted us to play. Both at certain points had us playing some cracking football going forward and then crapped it when it didn't work, turning us into a frightened team scared of forward movement. Instead becoming more defensive, tentative in possession, lacking movement in the right areas and erratic. It's easy to apportion blame to the players for being crap, and rightly so in some instances, but I personally think the managers have used the lack of investment into the team as an excuse for their own shortfalls in structuring the team correctly. Since MON left we have completely lost our identity as a club in the manner we play. We used to be a fast counter attacking team who utilised width and pace. We then went from Houlliers possession based game to Mcleish's defensive game. From Lambert's try and bore everyone game to Sherwood's suck it and see game. It's been a bloody rollercoaster! And if you'd been a player under any of them I'm sure you would have been confused also. Admittedly some of our players are not up to the standard but the truth is if you look through the squad I would believe most are the players which have been here the longest? Possibly due to age, never any good or not being moved on at the right time in some cases but what about not being used correctly? Not having the manager to help them perform to their highest levels, whether by rod of iron or quality coaching and instructions? General good management. For what it is also worth I think we have more than enough quality in the players we have currently to not be in this situation. Unfortunately Sherwoods bottle went after the Leicester game and instead of taking the blame and letting the players of the hook for what were terrible subs tactically, he started to question them publically and isolate himself from reality. In turn shattering their confidence, hence the domino effect. I would bet my bottom dollar that Richards, Ayew, Gana, Sanchez, Gil, Grealish, Adama, Amavi, Okore, Veretout, or even possibly Sinclair, Clark, Hutton Bacuna, Westwood have no shortages of suitors from the Premier League should/when we go down. As for Remi I really think we have a sensible manager in control finally who could given time sort out the drivel on the pitch, I just think the turn around will come to late but I do hope I'm wrong as we all do.
  10. Yep I agree with this. Think for a player to come back from the injury he had was always going to take a considerable period to build muscle and gain proper match fitness. Started slowish tonight but he is the most clinical finisher we have imo. Didn't see the second goal but the first was a class cross by Adama and bullet header from Libor. Would really like to see him up top with Ayew floating around him picking the pieces. Think he deserves a chance considering our lack of firepower.
  11. We'll see. I'll give him longer than a couple of months before judging the lad.
  12. I agree with this. I think he has had some stick today but most of our forward passes were played by him and he played hutton in on numerous occasions, and not forgetting the assist for Richards goal which was class. Not a great performance by any stretch but he is definitely a good player and I thought he played well bar a couple of dodgy passes which in fairness all the players made in different areas. I thought he looked stronger as well today and his set pieces in general are very good.
  13. Totally agree. No matter what happens, Ayew, Gana, Amavi(when fit), Veretout, Gil, Adama, Richards, will all find premiership clubs with ease if we go down. The dross in our squad imo are the long term players who in general are average on a good day.The issue for us will be convincing, if possible 3 or 4 of those above to stay and provide the foundation on which to start again and hopefully get us back up. I would happily see Clark, Hutton, Guzan, Westwood, Bacuna, Gabby, Richardson, Lescott, Sanchez all go if I am honest as I think all could easily be replaced, especially the British players in that bunch.
  14. Extremely laughable the bold. I think Garde has a bit more than just speaks French on his CV.
  15. What! After 3 games with a team that was already in a mess.... Ridiculous thing to say. IMO we need to stick with Garde whether we go down or not as I think he is the right manager to eventually take us forward.
  16. I agree with all except the bold..... I think both Lambert and Sherwood will at some point manage in the premier league again because I can understand the media fixation. I think both have been given a free pass by most over their results at the villa due to the medias fixation with our lack of spending, the ongoing sale and internal sagas. Plus it has and always has been about, not what you know but who you know, not in just football but in life. Also taking into consideration both are linked with jobs like Fulham, QPR and Blackburn I would not be surprised in the slightest if either ended up back in it at some point.
  17. I like Clark as he is very much no nonsense in the tackle. He is though capable of a rick every now and again mainly due to decision making, ie his positioning with the goal in the spurs game, also the fact that instead of trying to wrestle with Dembele(which he would never win once he was goal side), he was close enough to comfortably get the tackle in and chose not to. Fair enough he wasn't on his strongest side but imo he didn't do enough. That being said I don't completely blame him as KMac should be held accountable for playing him in an unfamiliar role on the right side, especially with Crespo on the bench who would've been a better partner than Lescott and allowed him to play his natural position. Clark isn't top draw by any stretch yet he has become vastly improved in the last 12 months imo and at 26yrs would expect him to improve further. Until we have resolved our keeper, rb and striker positions I wouldn't even consider replacing him as the left side CB. All I know is thank the Garde he came back in for Lescott last Sunday.
  18. Ridiculous. So you don't think people should be allowed to be in the Holte if they don't plan to stand all game. Utter nonsense. I've been a season ticket holder in the Upper Holte for years and me and the people around me stay seated for most of the time, whilst also singing at the top of our voices. Obviously we stand occasionally, like everyone, when there's a near-miss or a chance in the opposite corner, but when you're surrounded by a mixture of people, including children and old people, it's inconsiderate to stand all game unless you've been specifically told 'this is the standing section'. So you sit down and sing? Do you sit down when you take a piss as well? I would never take children or grandparents into The Holte. I understand this is where the 'lads' and hardcore support go so I'd much rather be in a family orientated stand. Bit harsh! But now your asking, I sometimes sit down to take a piss especially if I fancy 5 mins peace from the loved ones or a tom tit as well. I have also been known to ward off evil spirits with the kind of screeching only demon cats can carry out when in full swing. Nothing wrong with it?! The whole 'lads and hardcore' is a load of bollocks as there is very seldom any grief in there these days. It's very much a family stand unless a derby evening which can be a little intimidating for the little ones I admit. My old man always used to stand in the Holte during the 60's,70's and 80's and as soon as I was 7 I was dragged down there every other week with him, and loved it trying to get in middle of the 'mad square' as we called it, even though me and my mates couldn't see a thing unless we were getting bunked up on somebody's shoulders. Some of the best days of my life as a nipper were getting jumped all over in the Holte by big burly geezers. My own kids were brought up in the Holte as I am sure their children will be if blessed as it is and always will be for everyone claret and blue whether you sit, stand or piss in the most unorthodox position.
  19. There lies the problem for me at the moment! Unless he can step up his attacking game he would be down my pecking order as I think Sanchez and Gana are better DM's. Sanchez had one of them games Sunday which confirmed what many of us thought in that keep him in the DM role and he will produce class performances. I thought he was outstanding against Yaya who he never allowed to play down the middle at all, hence most their attacks came from wide as we were pretty solid centrally. I do agree though in that he should start with a clean slate as should everyone. Although maybe not start as many he is definitely a decent squad player and someone who can possibly excel in a possession based game. I like him as I think he is a tidy player, not a dominant figure but calm and neat in his passing and retention of the ball. Problem at the moment though is needs must and we need dominant players in the middle. I also don't blame him for the whole Cornergate Saga as I am pretty positive he would have been under instructions on how to deliver the ball from corners. Westwood has definitely a role to play imo unless of course Garde has other ideas.
  20. He picked exactly the team I would've put out with probably the exception of Troare being on the bench. I also agree with the NZog substitution as Gil was tiring after putting in a massive shift. And also him switching to the left side when Bacuna came on. Giving us fresh legs on both flanks was very necessary imo given the ground our wide players had covered. Personally I didn't expect him to ring the changes so dramatically in his first game, however when hearing the starting 11 on the way to the ground I became very excited(bit like a kid again). For the first time in a long long time a manager had picked virtually the starting 11 I think most would have, and he made the substitutions in a pro active way rather than a reactive way. Our shape was good yesterday, we pressed in numbers and most importantly played as a team. He appears calm, measured and in just a short period of time(days) has got us looking far more organised, assured and responsible than in the last 3 months under Sherwood. My own confidence in us turning this mess around has increased too so I am sure after yesterday's performance the players will have had a serious lift and hopefully believe they are more than capable of turning our fortunes around also. Only a good thing!
  21. Definitely grew into the game. Has a great engine and can pass a bit too. I like Veretout and think with the right guidance will be a top player for us.
  22. Extract from SSN, Says it all about the lad. "For all the fuss about local lad Jack Grealish, Gil is arguably the most gifted technician on the staff. However, the 22-year-old has been an unused substitute for three of the last seven games, starting only once. His inclusion was the right call. Restored to the team, he looked a threat against City and helped Villa hint at a more possession-based game. Gil found a team-mate with 34 of his 35 passes in the opposition half - the best ball-retention figure on either side". Full article... http://www.skysports.com/football/news/12799/10061270/aston-villa-0-0-manchester-city-positive-signs-for-remi-garde
  23. I think he deserves all the plaudits with the players today who as a unit were fantastic. He showed balls and picked a line up similar to that which most of us have wanted all season, got the players organised, made the substitutions when needed. And the best thing about the subs.....he realised city were over running us out wide and gave us fresh legs in both areas before the situation became un-retrievable. Solid start and looks like he will by hook or crook get the best out of our squad. Also shout out to the fans today as the Holte was fantastic and in full voice, continue like this and we may just become the place opponents don't want to visit again! VTID!!
  24. Can I ask, were you at the game? It's not a loaded question. Only he ran and ran and ran, often with very little to show for it and very little service. He defended from the front, which is a thankless task if you're watching on TV but much appreciated by those around me in The Holte End. He's not damaged his reputation today at least. Can only echo this post. He worked his nuts off today, held the ball up and linked up well with the midfield. He kept Kompany and Otamendi honest while he was on the pitch which was very good. Very decent game as with all our team today.
  25. how wrong i was...go on remi!! At the game and looking forward to seeing us in a game we should get blasted in. Weird!
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