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Everything posted by MCU

  1. I'm glad someone mentioned this - there was a decent turnout, and fair play to everyone who pays their money to come and watch the team when we are awful to watch. However, I have to say, some supporters behaviour suprises me! Maybe I'm boring, but our away fans spend most of the time goading the home teams fans and the police and stewards (not just chants, but physically turning away from the game and watching the opposition fans rather than watching the game! I don't get it, if you've paid 30 quid for a ticket plus travel etc. you would think that watching the majority of the match would be a priority. I also think its a sign of the times that we need to goad Sunderland fans, other than Darrent Bent and Steve Bruce, we don't have much rivalry with them or history (I don't think so anyway), so why when we go 1-0 up do we need to turn on their fans and tell they are shit etc when they havn't provoked us at all other than chants about Darren Bent. If we are a bigger club than them, we should have the class to not even bother singing about them. Its like the Birmingham argument, we are bigger and better than them (in theory) so we shouldn't waste our time focussing on them! Also, I thought the stewards and police were brilliant yesterday, they let the away fans stand up for the whole match without complaint, but still come muppets manage to get in trouble. Like I said, maybe I'm just boring! Are you a Sunderland fan in disguise? I assume you made the trip up yesterday or this just a 1 off? Away games are different and mockery of the home fans is always expected, especially with the whole Darren Bent situation going on aswell. But it's the same when away fans come to Villa Park. It just happens, and some blokes give it alot worse than others. When they equalised 2-2 yesterday the Police were having more trouble holding their fans back than they did for any of our lot throughout the whole game! I also got something thrown at me and **** all was done about it yet one of our lot go threw straight out.
  2. It was thrown towards me, felt it off my leg. Horrible ****. I went on their forum this morning and they were giving it the big 'un saying we only sang when we were winning. They taking the piss or what...
  3. Ah, where were you then then? That golf ball was actually a little stress ball, nonetheless the stewards did **** all about it but 2 policeman jumped on a kid who was harmlessly throwing, if you say sweets? Was he even throwing them towards Sunderland fans?
  4. Any ticker info updates? How many we sold?
  5. As long as Gabby is playing as a striker and not a bloody winger I'll go with any team!
  6. There are dedicated servers on Gears 3 (unlike 1 and 2) so nobody will have a host advantage. I added you on Xbox btw Cheers buddy. So i guess that means im just shit then!? :oops: You know when using the shotgun, do people aim or just free fire? Mostly free fire or "hip fire", especially if they are within a few inches of you. Line your shotgun up with the middle of the screen and you should have a clear shot on them. If you do aim, just tap your aim button quickly and then fire. Another option may be using the sawd-off Shotgun to get you into the game a bit more. It's far more stealthy though and you need to be like right next to them but it'll blow 'em into next year so s'all good. It's just practice at the end of the day I guess. I'm still shit compared to most people.
  7. Fuming. Just spent most of the morning having a good few games and I think I won about 1. I can't believe the amount of dick heads that troll this game. I got chainsawed and my own team mate thought it would be better to run for cover instead of capitalize on the prick chainsawing me. There's just no common sense in some people. Another player, I know it can't be helped, but he got killed 15 or so times in one match. Now baring in mind your team gets 15 lives per round in a game of TDM he basically cost us 1 round. I wanted to hit level 30 before I got off to work but that won't be happening now. That's why I'd prefer to play with a group of lads I know and can communicate with.
  8. Also, I was in a game yesterday and saw my first level 100. I'm sorry but how the hell is that even possible?
  9. There are dedicated servers on Gears 3 (unlike 1 and 2) so nobody will have a host advantage. I added you on Xbox btw
  10. Next month I think, includes a new character too.
  11. Sure am buddy, my GT is Teddy_Picker21 I don't finish work till 9 so it'll have to be late on if that's okay. No worries if not but it'll be nice to have a team of VT'ers playing!
  12. Lewis, fancy playing sometime? I'm playing this quite alot but still only 27.
  13. That's a fairly good turn out all things considered. Agree! Can't wait!
  14. When's that out? Would probably get it back to try out the new class even though it'll probably be shit.
  15. It's not, it's in front of him. I couldn't be arsed to do facial features and the 7 on his top is just a mock up to show people who he is. Now, where's yours?
  16. You're making it sound like a chore to complete. Enjoy it. Now the hype of Fifa has died down I've brought this baby back out. Playing online all the time now with a bit of Horde on the side. Must say it takes ALOT of patience to get used to, my first couple of games I always have nightmares. Sitting on level 22 at the moment. I also can't believe how much powerful they've made the Lancer/Retro Lancer/Hammerburst. I hardly touch my shotgun now although I'm dire with it anyway. 8) How the **** do you do that 1 shot kill thing with the shotgun? That's the sawd-off Shotgun mate. I hate it. Requires no skill at all, just a close enough range to blow their balls off.
  17. I like the little dance the Greece wall are doing myself.
  18. You're making it sound like a chore to complete. Enjoy it. Now the hype of Fifa has died down I've brought this baby back out. Playing online all the time now with a bit of Horde on the side. Must say it takes ALOT of patience to get used to, my first couple of games I always have nightmares. Sitting on level 22 at the moment. I also can't believe how much powerful they've made the Lancer/Retro Lancer/Hammerburst. I hardly touch my shotgun now although I'm dire with it anyway. 8)
  19. That's why he's doing her from behind
  20. MCU

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    I hate shifts. Back on nights this week and the first is always the killer. Have to go like 24 hours without sleep. :yawn:
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