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Everything posted by Swerbs

  1. Really :winkold: Honestly, I don't see any reason for him to lie. Nothing suggests a takeover though.
  2. My mate's dad works for a private chauffer company and he was the one who picked up the prince on Wednesday at BHX and took him to Bodymoor Heath. The prince was not Qatari but from Saudi Arabia. I forgotten the name but will get that as soon as I can but that is all he knew.
  3. O'Neill is indeed an excellent motivator but he's also a terrible tactician. I think he's best at making smaller clubs like Leicester and Sunderland perform and punch above their weight. I'm not so sure he's cut out for the England job. Well England do punch above their weight a bit...
  4. In your opinion how much time should a manager be given when taking over a new team?
  5. Ah right so a player who has spent 9 years at a club, can't have a laugh with some of his old friends during the break. Should Shay Given be also fined too for hugging and having a laugh with one of the Man City back room staff as well too? Should Ireland also be fined for coming back to his boyhood club and having a chat with some of his mates? Do you not go into work and give your co-workers some friendly greetings? Do you go in each morning pumped up ready for the tasks that awaits you ahead and sustain that feeling for your whole shift? What? You sometimes relax on your shift and socialize with your co-workers? Resign immediately, you're showing a total lack of professionalism. Believe it or not, footballers do have friends from other clubs and are human.
  6. What happened ? Someone slipped there yesterday and unfortunately died.
  7. Rest in peace to the blues fan who died at the game tonight.
  8. Ashley Cole is shit, give me Leighton Baines over him anytime. I want Parker or Barry as captain.
  9. Morgan Freeman as Red in The Shawkshank Redemption.
  10. Mat Kendrick says it's record breaking so I assume it's per year?
  11. Feels weird to say it but Alan Hutton has been playing alright last two games, hope he carries on improving.
  12. No it hasnt, Sky, Ladbrokes, William Hilll all still running and if others have stopped its only because the market has closed for today. Just posting what I've seen on Facebook mate
  13. Rumours: All betting on McLeish to be next manager gone has been suspended.
  14. I would be unhappy if I was replaced by Emile Heskey.
  15. Sack Alex McLeish - New manager but stuck with the troublemakers. Stick with Alex McLeish - We'll be stuck with a shit manager, shit football, possibly no troublemakers but no decent players + witness our club free falling.
  16. Even if Ireland told him to **** off, he shouldn't have dropped him. Apparently Petrov exchanged words with McLeish too.
  17. Do keep up. He was having a go at Pardew Really? According to the reporters there it was McLeish.
  18. Ireland weren't the only one having a go at McLeish in the match, apparently Petrov was also furious with McLeish.
  19. First goal weren't his fault he was tracking Jonas and Ireland made a pathetic attempt of a challenge on Santon which allowed him to cross. Not sure about the second though, seemed he ran with Santon overlapping and Bannan didn't do enough to block the cross. Thought again he was decent today, played some nice passes as well.
  20. Why the **** did McLeish bring off Ireland, then N'Zogbia for Heskey...
  21. Well impossible since he's ruled out by injury! really? Thought he was declared fit for this weekend. Yeah last time I checked him and Albrighton were out. No doubt Collins will come back in for the game against Man City
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