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Everything posted by Rob182

  1. This. Therefore I refuse to vote :evil: I'd love us to have a manager that got us playing attacking football like Swansea, but I just can't see us taking a chance on an inexperienced manager (or that manager been given a chance by the fans, when he gets more than one loss in a row).
  2. Mark, I'm with you when you say that you don't have a problem going into games against the top sides, looking to soak up pressure and then attack on the counter. But you say '. Do you really think that that's what McLeish has advised the players to do? Is there not also a chance that it could be due to the poor movement/ lack of ability of our players? At times Yesterday, Me and the guys around Me were screaming at some of the players to work harder. On another day, with a few better players (or our current players a few years younger), we could easily have got a point or more against a top City side. That's exactly what we did against Man City last year, when we won 1-0. I'm disappointed at the loss, and I would love us to be the next Arsenal (or even try to play like Swansea) but is it completely McLeish's fault that the players didn't take their chances?
  3. In the grand scheme of things, a 1-0 loss to Man City isn't bad. Many people were going to the game assuming we would be completely turned over. Perhaps Heskey's physical presence did help with the defensive side of things? My opinion is that McLeish made a good choice in dropping Warnock, and a clever alteration by bringing Cuellar in (he could have easily put Baker, Lichaj, Hutton or Stevens at left back). The midfield was set up well, Albrighton back to fitness to hit them on the couner, Petrov & Gardner (presumably because Clark was injured?) in the middle, but then Heskey on the right was slightly less attacking than many of us would have liked. But then we did play with Bent & Keane up top. If we'd have played Albrighton, Bent, Keane & N'Zogbia OR Ireland with only Petrov & Gardner in the middle and we'd have been trounced 5-0 or 6-0, then people would just be slating him for going too 'Gung Ho' and not giving Petrov or Gardner enough cover. I really don't think he can win. We contained them until their goal, and we did have attempts on goal ourselves. City looked like they wanted to just keep possession for most of the game, even when it was 0-0. Our players did work hard to get the ball back - mostly Keano! But we lost to one poorly defended corner. I came away from the game thinking we could have had a point, and that would have been more than most of us had expected. I understand people's frustrations that we didn't attack more, but I really don't understand the anger at losing a game 1-0 when we did attack, we did have chances on target and we did contain them for the majority of the game. He does really need to pick up some points in the next few games though, if he doesn't then we are going to be dangerously close to the drop.
  4. ... and the protest really worked.
  5. There were most definately one or more posts that said exactly this; which was the reason for hycus-flange's post, I thought.
  6. Personally, I'd like to see McLeish given some money in the summer and let him build his own team. I can't see Lerner sacking him and I don't see us being relegated, so instead of having another average year with ageing players, I'll happily see what McLeish can do with some money. His transfers for us having been bad imo. Given - excellent signing N'Zogbia - the majority of VT saw him as the obvious replacement for Young or Downing. Hutton - personally, I thought he'd be a good signing. I remember him scoring a few decent goals for Spurs, but it hasn't happened for him and this is Eck's main downfall in the market with Villa (other than Jenas - but pacbuddies says we can't use that example because it's not a real signing :winkold:)
  7. I hope so! I'd love to see a brief return of the circular badge too! (Although, I feel like it should be a landmark season where we actually perform admirably... maybe we should wait a few years before we bring out a special '82 kit)
  8. I don't remember anyone mentioning 'it makes no difference what the shirt looks like'. The point being made was - it doesn't really matter who our kit supplier is, as long as the kit is claret, blue & nice looking. That's why I piped up. You agreed with a post by somebody who, I believe, missed the point. - 'philthevillan' talked about how he'd binned his previous hummel & villa kits, but he likes the nike and reebok ones. - 'hycus flange' questioned why people are bothered about a nike 'swoosh'. Then the following happened... YAWN!!!!! you read what you want to see. I was trying to point out how petty some people can be over branded mass prouced poor quality tat. peer pressures a bitch. So some people care about the clothes they wear, so what? Referring specifically to Villa however, people care about the quality of the shirts and the style because not only do some people like to wear nice things but also it represents our club week in week out on the pitch. There's no need to get so holier than thou about it, if you don't care about the clothes you wear then that's your prerogative, but there's no need to come here and look down your noses at people. Like someone said earlier, if you don't even care about this stuff then why even post your opinion if it's just going to be a judgement on others? Hear, hear. Some people are completely missing the point; it's not about some superficial affiliation with more popular brands. At a personal level it's about quality and style. I want to buy next season's home shirt but if it's tacky, I won't. Some people care about what they wear, others don't. Having a sense of style doesn't make you shallow. In terms of Aston Villa as a whole, the kit is an important part of the club's image. Which matters. Also I'm fairly sure that shirt sales are a significant source of income for the club. If the shirts are shoddy and look awful, I think it's safe to assume that less people will buy them. Ginko, there's nothing stopping Macron from making a kit of good 'quality and style'. Also, there's a difference between 'caring about the clothes you wear' and turning your nose up at a top just because it's Macron not Nike. Ooh-Ah, you say it's not about a superficial affiliation with a popular brand but it's about quality and style. Again, whats to stop Macron making a quality, stylish top? Also, no-one said that 'having a sense of style is shallow'. The point being made was, why boycott the purchase of a Villa shirt (before it's even been designed or released!!) just because it's made by Macron. That's shallow, or superficial, or something.. I just think that hycus-flange's point was misread by a few. Unless you both actually think that a kit made by Macron will definatly be horrible, and even if it isn't, you both won't buy it because it's made by Macron, and not Nike/ Puma/ Umbro/ Reebol/ Adidas?
  9. YAWN!!!!! you read what you want to see. I was trying to point out how petty some people can be over branded mass prouced poor quality tat. peer pressures a bitch. So some people care about the clothes they wear, so what? Referring specifically to Villa however, people care about the quality of the shirts and the style because not only do some people like to wear nice things but also it represents our club week in week out on the pitch. There's no need to get so holier than thou about it, if you don't care about the clothes you wear then that's your prerogative, but there's no need to come here and look down your noses at people. Like someone said earlier, if you don't even care about this stuff then why even post your opinion if it's just going to be a judgement on others? Hear, hear. Some people are completely missing the point; it's not about some superficial affiliation with more popular brands. At a personal level it's about quality and style. I want to buy next season's home shirt but if it's tacky, I won't. Some people care about what they wear, others don't. Having a sense of style doesn't make you shallow. In terms of Aston Villa as a whole, the kit is an important part of the club's image. Which matters. Also I'm fairly sure that shirt sales are a significant source of income for the club. If the shirts are shoddy and look awful, I think it's safe to assume that less people will buy them. The major flaw in these last two posts is that you're both assuming that the Macron kit will be horrible. Unless.. you are actually basing your points on us replacing the nike 'swoosh' with the word 'macron' ? In which case it is shallow and superficial, surely?
  10. Therr's a bit of a difference between discussing a match/ manager/ players abilities (or lack of) and the maker of our kit. It's still a talking point, hence the 50+ pages, but for someone to be so angry about Macron that they wont buy the shirt, is pretty sad IMO. I can understand people's thinking when they say they wont go to a match with McLeish in charge or that they'd stop going if we bought Joey Barton.... but cease from buying the kit because it's Macron instead of Nike! Laughable! I'm looking forward to seeing the kit, as usual, I just hope they don't give us one of those triangular, pointy necks that I've seen on some of their kits.
  11. Whoever your little bird was Trent, they were wrong.
  12. As long as it has the Villa badge on it, I dont care what label it is. Macron, Macro, Netto or Aldi. If it has the Villa badge, it'll look classy. And now, as a bonus, we will hopefully get our kits in time for the summer and wont get dicked around by a company that obviously thinks they don't need to put us high on their list of priorities.
  13. I saw his pass, I personally think he mrant to whip it to Bent and overhit it. I'm not saying he doesn't make occasional good forward passes. But when he's bang in the centre of the park, watch him give the ball to a centrensck or Clark. It frustrates me more because he's older amd should have the confidence to thread passes through oppositions more than once a fortnight.
  14. I can't stand him. I know he adds experience to the middle, he's a good captain and is a good person to put alongside our youngsters and show them true professionalism. But I can't stand watching him play. He shirks responsibility so much. When he receives the ball in the middle, more often than not, he will pass the responsibility of making a forwrd pass to a centre-back or Clark. It infuriates Me. He does make forward runs, his shooting has definatly improved this season but he still looks like he's running in custard and I can't stand watching him shy out of making an incisive forward pass. Good captain, lovely bloke, great professional.... but I really, really hope he is pushed to the subs bench next season.
  15. Good assist. Papillion, I actually thought that was a really good tackle - even though it was offside, he went flying into the box to cover for his central defenders and he did get a block on the ball.
  16. I don't think he does shit anti-football. We play very attacking at times. There are just sections of games where we seem to pass the ball around the middle of the park aimlessley then lose it.
  17. Macron So it'll probably be one of these designs then? There are some okay designs (even if they all look skintight!!)
  18. Have faith Mantis! You used to be such a cheerful fellow :winkold: Now you sound like my Grandad (no offence)
  19. If true, im actually excited to see what the kits gonna be like. Maybe it's better to be the biggest in a small pile, instead of the smallest in a big pile of Nike shit.
  20. I know that there have been some bad performances recently, but come on!... That doesn't justify accusing them all of being high on drugs! :winkold:
  21. I couldn't care less who he supports to be honest. All I care about is the fact that he's shite and we did well to get rid of him in the first place. Average player at best and I see no benefit in signing him. If the argument is to use him as a squad player then it's a waste of space and money. We already have better midfielders than him (including his brother) and some promising midfielders coming through the ranks (like Johnson etc). I really don't see the point in taking two steps back and signing Craig. I can't see any logic from those who actually want him back either. It would be a pathetic and pointless piece of business for us... The only half-reason to want him back, would be if you had his name on a shirt before he left or if you didn't want him to go and are too stubborn to admit bringing him back would be a waste of money. Firstly, we sold him for £3.5 million, he went to Sunderland for more than that and we'd need to spend a bit to get him back. Secondly, and more importantly, we should not be buying squad players!! It'd be as good as signing Harewood, Sidwell or Beye. The next midfielder we buy should be combative, experienced, and should push Stan to the subs bench. The way to build a squad is to buy better than you have. Not waste your money on players that you'll imagine replacing in the next transfer window.
  22. I can only assume that you pay no attention to the people writing on the forum or what they are writing. There is so much wrong with your post, I can't even be bothered to go into it.
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