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Everything posted by claret75

  1. Met Ian Brown at a petrol station
  2. Me old man was on televised its a knockout. Ha.
  3. Kevin Keegan almost had me eye out with a golf ball.
  4. My mate was Middlesbroughs mascot Roary.
  5. I agree. The balance wasn't right in the midfield, we need more stability in CM, IMO, rather than a gung-ho Milner and totally fooked Petrov. With £30m, we can possibly strengthen RB, CM and CF, if needs be. Young is better than Milner and i'd also rank Dunne as currently more important to the side than Milner.
  6. We should be laughing if we end up getting around £30m for Milner, he's really not THAT good, £30m would be obscene for Milner after just half a good season. If MON makes even just fairly good signings with that money, we should be a better side next season. We lost 2 of our best players in Barry and Laursen and we managed fine without them.
  7. I see them casuing sparking trouble at matches. I wouldn't like one of those being blown all match next to me.
  8. have you seen how much debt we are in? I think the 25M+ from the sale of Milner would come in very handy at this point in time as it would probably mean no additional spending this summer other than the receipt of that fee. I wouldn't worry too much about the amount of debt we're in, the General has pretty much said we should expect to have a certain amount of debt until we achieve our goals ie CL football and more success in the league.
  9. I'm excited to say i'll probably be going to NY in December and if i am, i'll make sure i'm there in December, same weekend that the Giants are playing the Skins at New Meadowlands. This will be my first NFL game and i'm not too sure what to do about buying tickets. I've researched a little and tickets are the cheapest tickets in the nosebleeds are $160 each, from Stubhub and NFL ticket exchange. Does anyone know of other ways to get tickets and whether or not they'll get cheaper the closer to the game. From what i can gather, they'll get cheaper or more expensive depending on how well both sides are doing. Also, does anyone know where the best place for a Skins fan (me) is to sit?? I don't really want to be sitting amongst the Giants, although it wouldn't bother me too much, i'd rather be sitting amongst a few other Redskins fans. I'm really looking forward to this one :) .
  10. I got a wasp sting in between my little and second toe on Sunday.....ouch. **** hurt, then my eyes closed up and watered like mad for the next 3 hours. According to my neighbour (a nurse), there were loads of people in A&E with reactions to wasp stings. On top of that i was sunburnt and my back was playing up. Fair to say i was a grumpy bastardo Sunday.
  11. Love Jimmy and think he had a great last season BUT struggling to see why you would pay £30m for Milner when Ozil is supposedly available for £25m unless it is just down to the english player requirement. Ozil is a much better player than Milner IMO and will be one of the worlds best soon IMO. Milner's good but not that good. However, if Man City are looking for Englishmen specifically and have payed £24m for Lescott, we shouldn't take less than £30m for him.
  12. I haven't seen all that much of Albrighton either, just 3 sub appearances i think, but i thought he looked way out of his depth. He's a youngster and may just need a bit of playing time to ease him in, but i don't understand people saying he should be given more of a chance next year. I'd rather keep him on the fringes for now and bring in a more experienced player. Other areas need addressing first, but we could do with a bit of cover on the wing, IMO.
  13. I agree. I'd like to see him coming on to see games out. I'm a little bit worried about Petrov starting in a 4-4-2 if that's the way we go, hope he proves me wrong though.
  14. I really want us to leave Petrov on the bench and sign a decent defensive CM. I think Petrovs 'better' days are behind him.
  15. oh yes, Mascherano is a brilliant footballer isnt he. you dont have to be an amazing footballer to play the role Reo-Coker does, he stops the opposition from walking through us, something that happens far too often with Milner and Petrov in the middle Liverpool are not a top 6 club, :winkold: And Mascherano isn't super technically but he is a class apart from NRC. Mascherano's a much better footballer than NRC. His touch is better, his passings better and he reads the game better. We do need more than Petrov in the middle in a 4-4-2, but NRC isnt the answer.
  16. Couldn't have put it better myself. He's above his level at Villa. We are top 6 club with aspirations of CL football. NRC will do a job at a lower Premier League club, but he's not good enough for us. I like players with an engine that can put a foot in, but those players also need to have a little bit of footballing talent. NRC has none.
  17. Pretty much this. But I still think his time here is over given the fallout with O'Neill. Despite the rather laughable 'forgiveness' that he has experienced since. Yeah exactly, it's a shame really because he has shown that he can be a big asset to this club especially in a 3 man midfield which is what we seem to have the most positive results in. :? I think his type of player can lift the crowd and the players because of how competitive and direct he is. He wins the ball and then quickly offloads. It's fustrating because we spent alot of money on him and it's not as if it's a buy that's gone wrong because he turned out to be crap, it's the fact he's not getting the chances to play. My nan could look in a 3 man midfield. You can hide in a 3 man midfield. Yes. Of course, I mean, we beat Fulham, Liverpool (especially Liverpool 1-3) away from home with basically 10 men. Infact the 10 men even won a penalty when Gerrard slid and tackled the thin air man and won a penalty. I didn't say it was like playing with 10 men. I'm saying you don't have to be as good to play in a 5 man midfield. Players like NRC can get away with it because their lack of footballing know how, skill etc isn't as obvious when playing in a stodgier formation, where they get more help. Petrovs the same IMO. Pretty average for PL standards in a 4-4-2, but in a 4-5-1 would probably do much better.
  18. Pretty much this. But I still think his time here is over given the fallout with O'Neill. Despite the rather laughable 'forgiveness' that he has experienced since. Yeah exactly, it's a shame really because he has shown that he can be a big asset to this club especially in a 3 man midfield which is what we seem to have the most positive results in. :? I think his type of player can lift the crowd and the players because of how competitive and direct he is. He wins the ball and then quickly offloads. It's fustrating because we spent alot of money on him and it's not as if it's a buy that's gone wrong because he turned out to be crap, it's the fact he's not getting the chances to play. My nan could look in a 3 man midfield. You can hide in a 3 man midfield.
  19. Why? I think NRC still has a future at the club, MON needs to use him more and make his ability count. I don't think he's much cop in no uncertain terms and want him out, while we still have the chance to rip someone off for him and so he doesn't have to linger on for another year. Been over more precisely why too many times before and it's tiresome. Just like having him as an Aston Villa player is for me. If there's anyone at Villa i'd like to see the back of it's NRC. I can't believe how many people still rate him. He's the only Premier League footballer i've seen that can't actually play football in the slightest.
  20. Here? Or did you mean getting without paying? Me? No, never . Cheers.
  21. Saw Watchmen he other night and really liked it. I also saw The Crazies and thought it was poo. Does anyone know where i can get Das Experiment with English subs? I'm having trouble finding it.
  22. I fancied Holland, Spain and England from the start. Now i fancy Holland or Spain. I think Holland will beat Uruguay by a couple and Spain will beat Germany. I cant see the Germans taking the piss out Spain the way they did us and Argentina. Lets face it, Argentina and England were both very poor in midfield and defensively against them. Spain have a much better midfield than either of those teams and I fancy them to open up the German defense and create the chances that Villa and co should put away. Wouldn't like to choose a winner in a Spain Holland final.
  23. Erm, overrated?? No. One of the best 3 or 4 CF's in the world.
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