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Everything posted by Rightdm00

  1. Yeah, think so My memory only goes back to the PL with 38 games and I know no one has it hit it since then.
  2. He's such a cagey vet. Gets nibbles on players throughout the game. A kick there, push here. No yellow card to be found. Love this man.
  3. Having a flair guy willing to get in the trenches is such a luxury. First player we have had since Milner who can cover every blade of grass and be a threat in the final 3rd.
  4. I think we were all suffering from Steven Gerrard derangement syndrome. Can't believe he had us thinking any of our players weren't PL standard.
  5. He's playing forward balls with confidence now. That was the one part of his game that was lacking. Just another Unai has improved.
  6. @nick76Come on, you kind of have to.
  7. Gets a meg every game. Add Tripper to his victim list.
  8. Up there with one of the best we have seen from a winger. A LB should not be thread through balls of that quality. Absolutely unplayable right now.
  9. This performance has rendered me speechless so I'm just trying to give away my reactions as quick as possible.
  10. Can't believe he left Gordon out there. I mean thanks but wow.
  11. I can't shake the fact that we may be just a little beyond his growth curve. I think we sell him for £25 million to a promoted club over the summer or someone desperate for goals come the winter. Unai wants another proven striker this summer, I love the idea of Archer growing at the club to eventually take over from Watkins but I don't see how we get him the requisite game time. He needs to be playing every week at a minimum.
  12. They got tonked 5-1 but they showed Aaron by giving him a booing after he got injured. Perfect definition of a small club.
  13. I'll be there. Can't be believe they picked FedEx field. I swore never to return after my last visit (it's a dump) but for Villa I'll make the exception.
  14. If Uani replaces Dean I doubt the love in would be this pronounced. Steven was just that bad. Like Bruce but without the results. Given the resources available, he is easily the worst manager we have had since the Lerner acquisition.
  15. If Young has to rest then it has to be Chambers at RB. No way you break up a successful CB pairing of Mings/Konsa.
  16. Low blocks always frustrate him. No space to drive into. Part of his game he will improve on as he matures.
  17. Hand up when this thread went live I laughed. After the mess Steven made top 7 was fairy tales and unicorns. Now if we don't get Top 7 I'll be shattered. UTV!!!
  18. That's it. Really is starting to feel like the promotion season. As a fan I figured that was a once in a lifetime experience. Feels almost unfair to get another run like this.
  19. I'm being overloaded with so much Villa positiveness. Help!!!
  20. Everybody get in here and give our man a massive group hug. Should have never been sent on loan.
  21. Bertrand is one of a kind. Can't think of another PL footballer that even tries that freshly subbed on. Love this man to pieces.
  22. An interview over the international break talked about Emery telling him to stay up on the last man. You can't score a goal when you are dropping to the halfway line. One great benefit of Emery's system is he always gets secondary runners into the box. Makes it far harder to double up a striker if the attacking team has multiple players in the box.
  23. Chelsea paid 21 million for Potter. Well Emery would cost them a cool 100 million (they ain't paying that). Feels good to have owners who you know won't get financially muscled and will absolutely get the best deal for the club.
  24. The best striker outside the Top 6. I I also want to take a little credit. I picked him up on FPL early in his scoring run. Belief goes a long way.
  25. Got Aston Villa to finish 7th at 2000 to 1 odds a while back. Now I'm looking at the table and Unai needs to slow down. He could actually get us into the top 6. Amazing stuff really. Hats off to him and boys for another amazing and entertaining performance.
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