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Everything posted by mjmooney

  1. mjmooney


    I think with running shoes - whatever the gait analysis dudes in the shop tell you - you just have to try different ones until you find some that work for you. I've settled on Asics, but not everybody likes them.
  2. mjmooney


    Garmin Shop around for prices. Amazon, etc. all do them.
  3. mjmooney


    Never used a HRM myself, but one or two of my clubmates swear by them. If you're thinking of getting a stopwatch you may as well get a GPS one. The prices have come down a lot and they're great for telling you how far you went, how long it took, and (therefore) at what speed. The fancier ones can download data into your computer and do all sorts of training analysis. Garmin seems to be the most popular brand.
  4. mjmooney


    Yes - perfect, I'd say. There are various "pre-planned" 10K training programmes on the web, and Runners World magazine usually has something of the sort. But ultimately everybody finds a different schedule.
  5. University, 2,000 or so employees (not a "company" as such).
  6. mjmooney


    You RANG, Sir? Trim morphs into Captain Spearmint, I'm impressed. I'm also massively impressed with Corleone's times, I can't compete with that. I do about 20-25 miles a week in training, plus races about every 4-6 weeks (5K, 10K, half-marathons, etc. plus local cross-country league stuff). My 10K PB is a fairly mediocre 43m 22s, but bear in mind I didn't (re-)start running until I turned fifty. But yeah, the advice here is all good - get decent shoes, don't overdo the buildup - you should increase your speed OR your distance (no more than 10% per week), but not both at the same time. Nick has a point about off-road, but latest research suggests a bit of hard surface impact is actually good for your joints. Get a copy of Bob Glover's book "The Competitive Runner's Handbook", check out the Runners World UK website. And enter some races. And the advice I always give in these threads - join your local running club. Good advice, competitive incentive and (if you're lucky) a good social craic.
  7. That's quite funny. Because I can't stand him OR Clarkson, but I suspect if I actually knew them they'd probably be OK!
  8. I see several contributors to this thrad have used the term "public school" in the American sense, rather than the traditional English (public = private) one.
  9. That may have been the case for that individual school, but certainly from the school I went to I don't think it's entirely fair. In the end, the way you bring up a child as a parent will have far more impact on the person they become than the school they went to. There are dicks at every school, but to say that sending a child to private school will make them a snob is akin saying that you wouldn't send your kid to state school because they will turn into a chav. Peer group pressure is very strong thing at that age; it's a survival tactic. And getting on with your education is a lot easier when you "fit in". At the school they went to there was a very wide range of social backgrounds, which can only be a good thing, IMO.
  10. There was both a private and a state high school (both with good reputations) near me when my kids were approaching eleven. We COULD have stretched ourselves to pay the fees, but chose the state one without hesitation, for most of the same reasons others have already outlined on here - essentially I wanted them to be well educated, but not turn into little snobs, embarrassed by things like the fact I'd be turning up to school in a rusty old car when most other parents drove 4x4s with vanity plates, under peer group pressure to take skiing holidays that we couldn't afford, and so on. I got to know one of the other parents who had himself been to that very same private school, but sent his own kids to the state one. When I asked him why, he said "I wouldn't wish that place on them - it's nothing more than a 'crammer' for the thick kids of rich parents - no thanks". The girls seem to have turned out just fine, academically and as human beings. That said, we are lucky enough to live in a nice area where the local school was a good one. Were this not the case, I may have had more of a dilemma.
  11. Haha, never thought of it being a tough time for rivals of red teams Red is such a Christmassy colour, too.
  12. There's a good bit on the extras DVD showing how they did that scene. Which I suppose does take a bit away from it, but I guess it's OK if you watch it AFTER the film itself. There are also loads of extra interviews with the original guys, which really adds to the experience. Dick Winters comes across as a really good bloke, and Bill Guanere is good talking about how his brother was killed in Italy a day or two before D-Day - which resulted in Bill going totally **** berserk killing Germans when he hit Normandy. BTW the Stephen Ambrose book is really good as well.
  13. Tea. Still hung over after the wife's works do last night. Free wine (the most dangerous sort).
  14. Hmmm. It might give hope, but at the same time if we hadn't been saved who knows where we would be right now. I'd be very afraid. Everton look like a sinking club from where I'm sitting. That's the hope I'm kind of talking about. A good buyer to come in and "rescue" them. It happened to us, can happen to them. Thing is, they want a Randy Lerner type, rather than some oil sheikhs. There aren't too many about, and it's a bad economic climate in which to buy a footie club.
  15. This is the sort of frustration that used to be prevalent on here a couple of seasons ago. EDIT: Beat me to it, Pelle.
  16. I'm sure I heard it was 1 in 10, so 10% Dunno how reliable my source was, but i distinctly remember sitting in school (in my class of 30) and thinking "Statistically, 3 peaople in here will be gay" I was reading one of those "World statististics" articles the other day, and it said that one person in every five is Chinese. I'm just trying to work out who it is in my family. Don't think it's me, so it must be my Mum, my Dad, my sister Valerie or my brother Yip Chung Wang.
  17. Well me, obviously. I loathe them (to be fair, I mainly loathe Morrissey - his backing band sound OK. Marr is a half decent guitarist - but still a clearing in the woods). But several others seem to have seen through the emperor's new clothes though.
  18. About the same. Five years ago I was in the same house, with the same wife (and kids), doing the same job. Funnily enough I'm quite a bit happier with it all now than I was then.
  19. I would like it if no remakes were ever done again. Some of my favourites films in there (along with a couple of clunkers) - leave 'em alone. If anybody tries to remake Casablanca I will personally go round and kill them.
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