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Everything posted by mjmooney

  1. In the interests of trying something new, I just had a listen to that, and I quite like it - as far as it goes. But I do have this problem with "groove"-based music - from James Brown on through George Clinton and up to current dance-y stuff - I always end up thinking "nice intro - when's the song going to start?". Because that's what it sounds like: unfinished; a rather good backing track waiting for somebody to come and put an actual song onto it. At times it did remind me of some of the funky Stax instrumentals that the likes of Booker T and the MGs used to do, but even they would have had a human drummer and a couple of jazzy organ and guitar solos to give it some life and shape. But yeah, it's still OK, even if I wouldn't buy stuff like that. If someone gave it to you on a compilation cd would you listen to it though? Simple answer: Yes.
  2. In the interests of trying something new, I just had a listen to that, and I quite like it - as far as it goes. But I do have this problem with "groove"-based music - from James Brown on through George Clinton and up to current dance-y stuff - I always end up thinking "nice intro - when's the song going to start?". Because that's what it sounds like: unfinished; a rather good backing track waiting for somebody to come and put an actual song onto it. At times it did remind me of some of the funky Stax instrumentals that the likes of Booker T and the MGs used to do, but even they would have had a human drummer and a couple of jazzy organ and guitar solos to give it some life and shape. But yeah, it's still OK, even if I wouldn't buy stuff like that.
  3. I like a good half of them - the old stuff, basically (surprise, surprise). But I repeat my earlier comment - this is a list of favourite TRACKS and NOT singles.
  4. 54, and I love it. Broke, but happy as Larry and fitter than I've ever been. And I've seen Villa win trophies (not to mention England winning the World Cup).
  5. Was never a single! EDIT: Applies to much of the list. You DO know what a "single" is, don't you? or did you just mean "tracks"?
  6. 40 Gypsies arrive at the Pearly Gates in their Transit vans and caravans. St Peter goes into the gatehouse and phones up God, saying. 'I've got 40 travellers here. Can I let them in?' God says 'We are over quota on Pikeys . Go out and tell them to choose between them which are the 12 most worthy, and I will let just the dozen in.' Less than a minute later St Peter is on the phone to God again. 'They've gone', he tells God. 'What?' says God, 'All 40 of them?' 'No - the **** gates!'
  7. I don't really HATE any of them (that's reserved for small heath). But I do like to laugh at their misfortunes. It's nice to have one joke team that falls on its arse every season. This year is special though, as we have TWO, in Newcastle and Spurs.
  8. mjmooney

    Do you read?

    Totally. As someone who was in that place at that time it all rings amazingly true (down to all the pubs mentioned). My 18 year old daughter read it and also loved it, but with the vital difference that she didn't know about the Tavern in the Town incident, so it came as a huge shock.
  9. mjmooney

    Do you read?

    Yes. Start with "The Bridge".
  10. mjmooney

    Do you read?

    William Boyd Voltaire Candide think i can see your problem .. sometimes you just have to switch your brian off and read a bit of trash , nobody reads Boyd for fun ..nobody :-) really? ive nver read one of his before. Oh well! I may have to reread a douglas adams classic then. Take no notice, Boyd is excellent. I loved "Any Human Heart" particuarly, and "Restless" was fairly entertaining. "An Ice Cream War", "Armadillo" and "Brazzaville Beach" also very good.
  11. mjmooney

    Do you read?

    My current novel is "Anathem" by Neal Stephenson. Really enjoying it.
  12. I think the crucial point is that most animals don't do it outside the mating season or when the female is on heat. Humans, bonobos and dolphins do it all the time (i.e. including times when impregnation is unlikely), which is functionally pointless - and therefore unusual. The evolutionary argument is that sex among these few lucky species has adapted to be not merely a reproductive function, but also a means of strengthening pair-bonding - which has advantages for the survival of any offspring.
  13. Great, GREAT track. Sent my son an mp3 of that last week, as he loves "Alright Now" but hadnt heard Wishing Well - typical teenagers, eh? I well remember John Peel (and me) being staggered that they left "Wishing Well" off the (otherwise near-perfect) "Free Story" compilation album.
  14. It's on a merry cast orchard brow, you know.
  15. CSNY "Love The One You're With" on Wolfgang's Vault
  16. Sunday: The remainder of the VERY cheap red wine used in the beef casserole.
  17. And to think you used to be a vegetarian, Richard. Me? Bottle of Marston's Old Empire IPA --> Bottle of Muscadet with the fish pie --> (currently) a few whisky macs.
  18. That's probably not a useless fact. But I wouldn't know. I'd say it was unless you were doin GCSE maths. That's what I mean. Useful to somebody. I wish I was better at maths, I suspect it COULD be fascinating if you "get" it, but it's something I've always been utterly crap at.
  19. That's probably not a useless fact. But I wouldn't know.
  20. :shock: How's the hell would you kill yourself putting your trousers on? Oh I could do it easy, especially when pissed. Standing up, get one leg in, balance on that leg and try and get the other one in, both legs in same trouser leg, overbalance, fall and smash head on nearby hard object. Sorted.
  21. In a similar vein, you're more likely to be killed putting your trousers on than in a aeroplane. What if you put your trousers on IN an aeroplane - that would be verging on the suicidal, surely?
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