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Everything posted by Vojskovoda

  1. Does anyone know what all the booing was about after Bolton scored?
  2. Petrov is a much better player than Sidwell so I'd like to see if Petrov and Coker playing in the middle together would work. Atleast give it a chance? If it doesn't work out, fine, but if it does, brilliant, but I think we should atleast try and test it.
  3. Nice, thanks for doing this! Good to see we're not having to soley rely on Gabby getting the goals anymore with other players starting to step up and score goals. Milner's doing pretty well on the assists too.
  4. You'd normally stick with the same team if you've just steamrolled a team... but, Sidwell still needs to be dropped. Coker played much better than him today, and like Petrov does every week, did quite a bit of work Sidwell should be doing. One decent performance doesn't make up for 6 crap ones. I doubt MON will drop him against Burnley, but there is no way Coker should get dropped at the expense of Sidwell; so if I could change the team for our next game - I would, by replacing Sidwell with Petrov. Apart from that change, I would not dare to touch the rest of the team.
  5. Dear General; The poppy on our shirts today looked FANTASTIC. The Kitman did a great job and the size, design and placing of the poppy on the shirt was very well done. Slightly off-topic... but can I ask where you're currently living in America whilst you're recovering from your illness and will we be seeing you down at Villa Park before the New Year?
  6. I am very pleased with our emphatic win today... it's about time we've truly ran a team into the ground scoring freely. It was GREAT to see Luke Young back... although Cuellar has looked consistent at RB this season, Luke Young just looks more comfortable in that position and his pace offeres us lots in both attack and defence - lets hope he's given MON a reason to start against Burnley. Overall it was just a brilliant team-permormance from the boys tody and players, most notably Sidwell, Ash and Carew who haven't been up to scratch recently all played very well today, however, Sidwell is still going to have to convince me more that he's good enough to earn a place in the 1st team. Coker was fantastic today - we've certainly been missing that 'spark' he gives us in midfield. So yeah... very happy with today which means we go above Citeh and now have a better GD than both Spurs and Citeh... but lets make sure we try and follow up with this win with a win at Burnley - it's certainly not a banker, but we it'd be good to put a few wins together before we play The Toads at home. And yes, the poppy on the shirt looked very nice. Well done MR.Kitman.
  7. I have recently undergone a mafia obsession myself! Its got to the point where I have read nearly all the mob related books in my local library so Im kind of pissed off now. Special mentions go to Boss of bosses (The Paul Castellano story by the FBI guys who were assigned to him) Five families (Epic of a book by Selwynn Raab) Wiseguy (Nick Pileggi and Henry Hill, and the basis for goodfellas) The sins of the father (By Albert DeMeo, the son of Gambino Capo Roy Demeo.) Underboss ( Sammy "the bull" Gravano) Made Men ( The story of the DeCalvacante family in Jersey and some say the inspiration behind the Sopranos) Joey Dogs ( The life of Joey Iannuzzi, Gambino informant) The making of Jack Falcone (Similar to Donnie Brasco in its FBI undercover story). I have also read Henry Hills updated version about his life in WPP, Joseph Pistones "way of the wiseguy" (which is forgettable to be honest). I must have read about 20 MAfia books in the last 3 months but Selwynn Raab's Five families is the best , hands down. Yeah, there are some brilliant well-written books out there who have lots of inside-knowledge when researching what they're doing. Castellano and Galante are very interesting cases... it's funny to think how Galante thought he had the world in his own hands before his bodygurads from Sicily and two other hitmen murdered him whilst eating pasta... but it led to Donnie Brasco nearly being made a 'made man'. Do you ever hear of any Mafia on-goings around Miami and Fort Lauderdale these days, or is there not much Mafia organization around that area anymore?
  8. Red Bull: An essential necessity of being able to live life to the MAXIMUM.
  9. A can of Red Bull contains 80 mg of caffeine which is around 1/4 of the reccomended intake of caffeine you should consume a day.
  10. Gaborik is such a sick player... how long will Tortorella leave him on before he gets subbed?
  11. Aye, there's nowt like a bit of Mario Puzo every now and again. Omerta and the Last Don are two that spring to mind that I've enjoyed. From the mafia documentaries I've seen, and the odd non-fiction book I've read, the way life imitates art when it comes to organised crime, particularly the Sicilian/Italian variety, is fascinating. Donnie Brasco is a quality flick too. Indeed. I don't think a lot of people truly understand what the Mafia is about, how it operates and what the Mafia stands for. It really is mind-blowing to think how the original Mafia started in Sicily and then became the biggest criminal organization across North America due to the mass-immigration from Sicily and southern-Italy which then affectively was the 'American Mafia'. Luciano, Gambino, Bonanno... what interesting and powerful men they were... I could talk about them all day.
  12. Great game. Bruins scored with 50 seconds to go... stayed 1-1 throughout extra-time and then Bruins bottled it in the shootout handing Montreal the 2 points.
  13. WOW! That's very impressive. Thanks for sharing and giving insight.
  14. I don't read too often but the majority of my books are based upon the Mafia. Sometimes I'll step out of my comfort-zone and will read famous novels but about 70% of books I read are Mafia related. My next book will be "Donnie Brasco: My Undercover Life in the Mafia"; I've watched a couple of documentries about Pistone's involvment as an under-cover FBI agent in the Bonanno family but I really want to read his book to get a more in-depth and personal experience from Pistone; once I have finished reading his book, I will then watch "Donnie Brasco" the film.
  15. Quite a lot. Watching Montreal @ Bruins right now... Montreal are leading but Bruins have looked the better team. Both need a win and I can't see Montreal continue being so defensive so I reckon Bruins will get a goal or two before the 2nd is over. EDIT: Levi; I've always wondered: How does the TD Garden and Madison Square Garden transform the ice-rink to a basketball court and vice-versa. I imagine it's a pretty difficult job to do in such a short space of time.
  16. So because a cartoon meerkat says it, you say it? :confused: (confused) Don't mess with Aleksandr the meerkat. Btw, just on the topic of managers... David Moyes is not as great as some make him out to be. He's probably on MON's level manager-wise but Jol > MON every day for me. I bet Jol was laughing his ass off when he saw Spurs doing circus shows every week after they 'fired' him despite he took Spurs to the highest they've finished in the PL for successive seasons.
  17. Of course O'Neill can take us further and I believe he's the man that can take us to 'top 4' destiny... but what's stopping us from achieving that goal is poor team-selections week-in-week-out, not dropping certain player's who offer ZERO to the team and **** around with the formation. No Villans are expecting too much, we just don't understand why O'Neill is ruining our chances of winning something and breaking into the 'elusive' top 4. Until O'Neill eradicate's all those horrible habits, we won't be progressing much further as we have in the last two years. Simples as that really.
  18. I just feel we're going one step foward and one step back each time now under O'Neill. I'm just getting irritated with O'Neill now and his 'team selections' - does he not realise we hardly ever win playing a 4-4-2 because we don't have a central-mdfield partnership that works well in tandem... but the reason why our central-midfield is a joke is because of Sidwell. Petrov is a very good player, has a great array of passes and has shown how brilliant he can be... he's not playing as well as he is last season because he's having to do all the work for Sidwell which weakens our midfield consdierable which leaves gaps and spaces for the opposition to stroll into. My second biggest gripe with O'Neill... why on earth is he not picking L.Young?!!!!!!! It's ridiculous how he'd rather player someone who's not as good as L.Young in the RB position. No bloody doubt he'll choose Cuellar again on Saturday. I'm disappointed with this result and once again... we bottle a game which could of meant we'd gone 4th in successive matches. For me, the full blame is going on O'Neill. He's the manager, he chooses our team and tactics... but he's made a right mess of it recently and big questions will be directed towardss him if we can't beat Bolton at home. Btw, the ref, for three successive games was a JOKE. I'm going to complain to the FA and ask why we have such poor referees.
  19. Well, I've read more interesting things in this thread than on my current FB news feeds like... "OMG the weather is sooooo nice dis morning!!!!!"
  20. Ah, I see. Didn't realise there was already an NHL thread, could a mod possibly merge the threads?
  21. Is this thread a place to tweet so you don't have to use Twitter?
  22. I think I'm on the 'being hooked' stage now when it comes to the NHL and ice hockey in general. Last night I watched Canuks vs Rangers (3rd game I've watched in the last 3 days on ESPN) and I'm just loving this sport right now with the high-tempo speed, end-to-end action... and more importantly () the BRAWLS! Man, that was some brawl last night between the Rangers and Canuck players... the mini-battle between O'Brien and Avery was hysterical. But seriously, I'm so glad I've introduced myself to this exciting sport and with games on almost every night on ESPN I'll have more time to get an even better understanding of this sport. So, anyone else interested in the NHL and if so, what team do you support? (I'll have a wager Levi is a Red Wings fan lol)
  23. Vojskovoda


    Maaaaaaaan, what a finish to tonight's match. Philly's looked comfortable throughout most of the match scoring home runs from here, there and everywhere... but out of nowhere in the 7th inning, Yankees make this surging comeback, but sadly didn't pull off the miraculous comeback, but still got very close to. Gonna' be a great game tomorrow, and if Yankees can be more consistent pitching-wise, I just can't see Philly winning.
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