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Everything posted by Vojskovoda

  1. I don't really drink milk often anymore like I did a few years ago... but I'll still always have semi-skimmed whether I use it for cooking or drinking. All other types of milk taste like shit... especially full fat, that's just like cream.
  2. BAHAHAHA I know, have you seen that forum called 'COYS' where they have this message saying: "*** Please note that due to the very high volume of new applicants and of forum activity, the process for applying to join the COYS community is as follows: (1) New applicants who have an existing COYSer to vouch for them will be moved to the front of the queue. (a) Applicant needs to reply to the validation email they are sent straight after they apply, with responses to the three questions. ( The vouchor needs to PM site admin (Prof) with the Display Name of the applicant. (a) and ( can happen in either order, but both need to take place within 10 days of the original application. (2) New applicants who do not have an existing COYSer to vouch for them will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, however the number of new members accepted via this route will be low. ***" Why on earth does a forum have to be so secretive where you have to be 'indcuted' by another member or go on a waiting list... what the **** is all that about... either that or they can't afford a decent server lol.
  3. I just can't get my head around how a PREMIER LEAGUE team can concede NINE goals... ****, even Derby weren't that bad haha. Still, we've still scored more in a league match... http://www.cafc.co.uk/personality.ink?page=7573
  4. Is Downing really 'ready' to be back this quick starting a PL match though? He'll make a sub appearence I think, but I don't think MON will risk it too early. If he is ready to play, we'll be ripping Spurs' defence to pieces if we play Downing, Milner and Young all that the same time lol. We need revenge after how we dominated and outplayed Spuds at home last season... but still lost, we need to make sure we win this and not lose anymore ground.
  5. Yeah, tbf to Everton I think they've done the best they could of possibly done so far this season being plagued with injuries etc... When they get all their best players back and back into a routine of winning again, they'll have no problem, but I still don't think they'll be too much of a threat to us Citeh, Liverpool and Spurs (for now atleast).
  6. We need to show why Bottomham Lolspurs are overrated, overhyped and show they're not proper contenders for 4th spot... apart from Small Heath, there is no other team I want to beat this much. We've got home advantage and we've got a very good home record already compared to last season... we need to take advantage of this and we can't afford to completely dominate the game and come out with nothing which we did last season when we plays these Cockney spivs. And please O'Neill, DROP Sidwell!
  7. Didn't manage to watch the game but listened to what Phil Thompson was saying on Soccer Saturday for the last 20 minutes of the match. By the sounds of it the performance was probably equal to Wigan... but I'm very pleased we scraped out of this with a draw which is OK, but it's the manner of the performance that disappoints me, not the result itself. Did Downing really come on and make an appearence from the bench? How did he get on?
  8. It;s your opinion and for what it's worth I agree with you to some extent but who would I rather see in the starting line up? Steve Sidwell, suits our play so much more, 2 hard working, energetic, hard running central midfielder can retain possesion and win the ball in midfield and let our wide players and forward players do what they can do. Petrov just slows the game down for us. I litterally never see Sidwell do anything though... he doesn't do anything in attack and anything in defence, he just feels like a waste of space and he's had his chance to impress MON and he hasn't really done it. His miss from the rebound from Milner's penalty two weeks ago just somes up Steve Sidwell for me... just not good enough. I know people don't like hearing this, but what we're effectively doing right now is replacing Barry with Sidwell which is why it's severely weakened our midfield. You just can't do that and the longer MON insists shoe-horning Sidwell into the side, the longer it'll be before we make some real progression. Petrov was our best player last season and has shown how good he can be, Sidwell has not yet shown that ability and I hope I'm wrong, but my mind is pretty much made up regarding Steve Sidwell.
  9. Petrov > Sidwell, certain people just need to accept that. Burnley are starting to peak to similar heights of Hull last season and they'll have plenty of belief that they can beat us tommorow after their brillliant draw at Citeh, but usually, promoted teams don't often follow up with great results with another great result... that's one factor as to why I'm quite confident going into the game tommorow. Ideally I'd want 4-5-1, but Carew will be left in the team (and rightfully so I suppose) after his performance against Bolton so it's now a matter of choice who plays with Petrov. Reo-Coker is more value to the team and contributes a lot... but yet Sidwell will still somehow squirm himself into the team again.
  10. It's Giovanni Dos Santos! From Barcelona to Bottomham Lolspurs... it couldn't get any worse for the kid.
  11. Haha! I also predict St Totteringham's day will happen around early April... April 3rd to be precise.
  12. I have already explained why. But since you seem incapable of reading the thread let me repeat: The primary role of a wide midfielder is not "defensive duties" and Milner's "creativity going forward" is far less than Lennon's (Milner poses far less of an attacking threat). As for "work rate", I think that Capello, in relation to wide midfielders, is rather more interested in looking for attacking, game-changing players. Apart from anything else, Milner is not even competing with Lennon for the same RW slot. So Milner may well be in Capello's WC squad - I just happen to think that his place is less secure than Lennon's. I didn't ask how you recognised me. I asked why you are so interested in tracking what I post elsewhere, when frankly I couldn't care less whether or not you choose to post elsewhere. The difference is that I prefer to talk about football rather than sadly obsesssing with individual posters and seeking to to target them. As I've said already: good luck with your "hobby". The rest of your comments are not worth responding to. Oh dear... well your going by your logic that means Walcott will be playing on the right-wing instead of Lennon because he's better at what he does than what you're claiming Lennon is better at than Milner. Dude, I have many friends who 'support' Man United... I read that forum maybe twice a week and I've stumbled across many threads in the "Football Forum" where everyone laughs at you and how you talk about Spurs very similar how you talk about Spurs in this forum. THIS IS A VILLA FORUM, NOT A SPURS FORUM. If you just want to talk about Spurs, then why don't you join a Spurs forum? Or are your intentions to wind everyone up whilst spouting tripe? That would just be small time just like how Spurs are small time always being in the shadow of Arsenal.
  13. Around a table with other people like a civilized human being. Having a meal with other people is more than just 'eating', it's a social occasion too. You eat, you drink, you talk, you have a good time and sometimes our meals can go on for 2 hours because it's a great occasion to have in the evening... that's why we go out for dinner and lunch... it's an occasions and is just more than just 'eating'. I'll only ever eat on my own eating my food in front of the T.V. in the lounge if nobody else is in my house because it'd be pointless sitting at the table if there was nobody there to have a conversation with. It'll usually be a take-a-way too because I cannot not be bothered to cook a whole meal just for myself.
  14. Seems fine to who...? In general and in society. Why does it seem deemed more OK for a woman to use physical violence on a man? It doesn't matter who does it - it's still not acceptable. A lot of people would be very surprised as to how many women are using physical violence towards their male partners.
  15. Well this is intteresting... I've done a little bit of research and I've seen quite alarming figures (in this country) as to how many women abuse and use violence against their male partners... but yet it seems fine when the women do it. Anyways, I'd hit a woman if they were physically attacking and abusing me... why should anyone of any gender have to put up with that sort of behaviour?
  16. Atleast Big Fat Frank isn't being lured into the dumb blonde fake tan wags.
  17. Yeah that's what really annoys me about FIFA. They claim how they want diving and cheating kicked out the game... there's a simple solution for it but yet they don't want to take that option. They can't have it both ways.
  18. Walcott is much much better than Lennon and it's a shame he's had so many injuries recently which have put a blight on him getting in the England team. Once he stays fit he'll be #1 candidate for the right-wing.
  19. FIFA say it's never going to happen because it would ruin the 'spirit' of the sport but yet video technology would cut out all the cheating that goes on in today's game so FIFA are just contridicting themselves.
  20. I've already said why: try reading the thread. Generally I don't. For example, I don't recall discussing Milner vs. Lennon anywhere else but here. Why are you so interested in what I post on Redcafe, when I couldn't care less whether you post on there or not? Why am I not interested? Perhaps it's because, unlike you it seems, I'm not one of these stalker types who obsesses about particular posters and apparently seeks to target them. Anyhow, good luck with your "hobby". 1. So... even though Capello likes Milner because of his workrate, creativity going foward and doing his defensive duties you still think Lennon 'deserves' to be in the England WC squad ahead of Milner even though you haven't explained as to why Lennon deserves to be in the squad more than Milner. Riiiiiight. 2. Yeah... you've sussed me out Glaston, damn! You have the same username on Redcafe as you do on this forum that's how I recognise you. Everyone just laughs and rips the piss out of you on Redcafe when you bang on about Spurs all the time and say they're the greatest overrating your own players and making excuses when you lose... that sounds familiar lol. Have you just signed up to both forums so you can stroke your ego just so you can brag (how could you brag about supporting spurs lol) about Spurs whilst talking BS but have no intrest in talking about both clubs? Why don't you just sign up to a Spurs forum if you just want to talk about Spurs?
  21. 1. Lennon has been at Spurs longer than Milner has at Villa and why do you seem to think Lennon is more likely to be in the WC squad than Milner when Lennon hasn't shown he deserves to be in the squad more than Milner. 2. Why do you just post the same things on this forum and on Redcafe where everyone laughs at you because of the bizarre things you say?
  22. Whilst Lennon has been at Spurs we've finished 5th twice, come within 30 minutes of finishing 4th, won a trophy and made two Wembley final appearances - so that's six times a better accomplishment than anything that MON at Villa - or any current player at Villa - has so far managed. Let me know when Milner or Young or any of other wide-midfield World Cup squad wannabees at Villa can say the same thing. What in the name of God....6 times a better accomplishment? That sentence doesn't actually make sense, you're counting 'nearly finishing fourth' and finishing fifth as two seperate achievements! 2 Wembley appearances AND a trophy....was the trophy from one of those appearances? Yet you're counting it as a seperate achievement? Please tell me I've misread Glaston is pure gold. Tell us again why dos santos is better than young. Oh dear... when did Glaston say that? In pre-season in 2008 is my guess haha.
  23. come within 30 minutes of finishing 4th. And you still **** it up lol. Best chance you've ever had to finish 4th in the Premier League and you mess it all up in typical Bottomham Lolspurs fashion. btw, we were 1st around late November/early December last season... Spurs won't be this season. I like how when Villa fans talk about our past and success (winning the European Cup which Spurs fans envy because they know they'll never do it) you dismiss it... but when you talk about Spurs 'history' you act as if it's still current and matters more. And judging by the last two seasons in the Premier League, you're a mid-table team, just like you've been a mid-table team since the inauguration of the Premier League if we do an average your league positions.
  24. Not true. For example, he has eaten Patrice Evra for breakfast on several occasions .... ask any Man. Utd fan if you haven't seen the matches concerned or don't believe me. If Lennon is as good as you're making him out to be, then why does he play for Spurs?
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