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Everything posted by legov

  1. legov

    Global Warming

    Sure they do, where's the evidence?
  2. legov

    Global Warming

    We are the cause no doubt...but to what extent. That's what I'm not sure about, I voted 1 but I'm more concerned about dwindling oil supplies tbh.
  3. legov

    Top Gear

    :nod: One of my favourite shows.
  4. legov

    General Chat

    My answer is no. Not until we all take care of our own problems at home. Massachusetts ranks close to the top of every positive category you can find, but there are people here that live in pure squalor, all over the state. I'm talking pure poverty. And this is one of the wealthiest states. So you can imagine what it's like in every city and rural area in the country. I'm sick and tired of watching my taxes go to fund lost causes overseas, when back here at home, the country is slowly imploding. Democrat, then Republican, then Democrat, then Republican. Doesn't sound like a recipe for success atm. Unfortunately we all know what will happen every election time in the US.
  5. You include LBJ? Because looking at things from a more idealistic standpoint (civil rights et al) he was a great President. Of course as you said, too often we, me included, make the error of defining America by its heads of state when really Congress and state governments have more power than the President in reality.
  6. Precisely, if things continue screwing up in America they won't be the ones making the rules in a few decades. That is worrying.
  7. This. Damn right-wingers in America can't get anything right. Give it a rest. You think US policy is really driven by what flavour President is in the White House? Did Regan get it wrong when he spent the Soviet Union into bankruptcy? Are you happy Obama increased the US troops levels in Afghanistan? Do you think the Middle East would have reacted better if US and UK forces (no one else would have carried on) had driven to Baghdad in '91? America looks after its own interests first and any national government worthy of the name does the same, but when some disaster strikes in the world who are the first country people scream for to go and help? America isn't perfect but I'd rather live in a world where they are making the rules than China or the Russians, if you look at historical periods when the democracies were not ruling the roost it wasn't quite so rosy. I heard Singapore was a pretty unpleasant place to live under Japanese rule, remind me who defeated them again? Sorry, I'm talking about the Bushes, sorry for the overgeneralisation.
  8. This. Damn right-wingers in America can't get anything right.
  9. So he's the one cheating and yet Taylor was the one who got his jaw broken. Justice has been served I see
  10. legov

    General Chat

    Try applying for a job at a small grocer's or hawker stall in a suit.
  11. **** arse bailing on us so soon before the start of the season, but he was a good manager. Third option for me, the other options seem too unfair on MON, or the club, IMO.
  12. Actually I think Young is better on the wing but we already have Albrighton and a revived Downing there.
  13. Thank god they're about to show Social Network in my country soon.
  14. :shock: That's a fantastic price. Anyway I think you'll love it, it's excellent. First one I thought was a bit draggy in parts though.
  15. legov

    Do you read?

    :? All of that only follows if you believe that the Bible is the statements of God. Any thought given at all to reading it will show that it's not (whether there's no God to make said statements or because it's human recordings of the experience of divinity). Yeah, precisely the point I was trying to make.
  16. Oh great, expansion out and still not plans for Rockstar to push out a PC version.
  17. I love doing that but I never finish 2 seasons on a manager game.
  18. legov

    Do you read?

    It's because of me, sorry
  19. legov

    Do you read?

    So God is entitled to lie, give contradictory statements, and make up rules that are impossible to follow because you have to both obey and avoid them (know what I mean). Okay.
  20. legov

    Do you read?

    A bit of a problem those inconsistencies, one of the reasons for my deconversion was ultimately how it was impossible to reconcile some of the contradictions within the Bible itself. You'd think a divinely inspired book would at least be consistent in its message but no it can't even get important things like the details of Jesus' life consistent throughout the Gospels. Odd. If I were a Christian that wouldn't bother me. Then again I wouldn't be one of those "literalists". Lol No as in for example if the holy book said that Santa Claus was born on the 24th Dec on one page, and then the 25th on another. Impossible to reconcile. Jesus said in the Bible that he came to judge, yet he did not. So which one is it Jeebus? :shock: It's only a problem if you view the Bible as being one work by one author as opposed to a collection of works by different authors at various points in time interpreting the experience of something (we do not necessarily know what) through their own subjectivities/prejudices/etc. Precisely. And it's possible to be a Christian and to not view the Bible as one work by one author etc. So why the :?: It is? :shock:
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