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Everything posted by villan-scott

  1. $13m a week!! Jesus wept!! Ridiculous. Also gets the ability to walk away for free next summer still. Mental.
  2. See you again next summer then Morgan. It’s not so long just bye for now… again.
  3. Last night was pretty intensive and not played out like a traditional friendly in my opinion. I’d be happy to use last night as more of a barometer than the Walsall game for example. He was the best player on the pitch last night.
  4. Wonder if it’ll be permanent this time around.
  5. I think I might cry if I see him line up in the Europa Conference League play off. Please play Emi there.
  6. Great finish from Watkins. Excellent work from Buendia
  7. Pre match crowd shots very Newcastle heavy. Really pissing me off.
  8. Match ready and match fit are 2 different things. He may not be doing any contact training yet on his injury return - therefore not match ready. Then once he’s back in full training he can focus on getting match fit…
  9. My first thought. Probably not quite match ready yet.
  10. This one will rumble on. Premier League clubs should be knocking the door with Bayern if they ‘have’ to sell. Levy won’t like that.
  11. Odds for Gnonto joining Villa massively dropped so someone/people must have lumped on
  12. Of the actual interview not them arriving but this is pretty cool too!
  13. Wish we were getting more videos of this type of stuff!
  14. Got Rob MacKenzie adding his bit too which is interesting as never usually hear from him
  15. As expected Unai’s love started way back at PSG
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