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Everything posted by wazzap24

  1. Stay strong, resist the urge. I’m backing you to pull it off.
  2. Had to do several takes at the name, I thought it was some kind of medicinal chocolate to clear your pipes out.
  3. https://nationalpost.com/cannabis/cannabis-shows-promise-blocking-coronavirus-infection-alberta-researcher/wcm/f1696154-0fbd-4f0c-937e-26f69f8ec48c
  4. I close to giving up on this beard growing malarkey, it’s not getting any better.
  5. Disappointingly, you don’t get the ESPN stuff included on Disney+ the UK, but they do a stand-alone subscription over here with all the films and 30 for 30 docs, so I think I’m gonna give that a go next month.
  6. He’s ace in it. Give it a go, honestly it’s so funny. Very few gags miss the mark and it rattles along at a right old pace. If you aren’t cry-laughing at the chloroform episode in S1 there’s something wrong.
  7. Brassic on Sky One is an absolute gem. Went in to S1 expecting it to be a bit crap, but it was proper laugh out loud funny. S2 has continued in a similar vein.
  8. Yeah I know, it’s not nice and I wouldn’t normally, but I make an exception for fascists.
  9. I take it back, saw it a few times on Twitter from normally reliable accounts. Should’ve checked. I still stand by my opinion on the amount of cock she’s seen though.
  10. Yes, she’s named as a director for the Ltd co. behind it. Weirdly, I’d never heard of her until yesterday - did a quick google and she looked exactly as I thought she would (rough as f**k and seen more cock than a chicken farmer)
  11. DO NOT CLICK ON THE VIDEO....if you are watching last dance and haven’t seen episode 7. If you aren’t watching it or don’t plan to, just watch this little 2min clip. Even without the context of the previous episodes, it’s one of the best 2 mins of a documentary you’ll see. The emotion, the way he explains the way he was, and then the final few seconds at the end.......wow. It’s just insanely good and an unbelievable insight into one of the greatest athletes of all time.
  12. Watched episode 7 last night...... It’s just absolutely brilliant.
  13. Not sure tbh, I’ve been watching them via Sky on demand. Think they are being shown on terrestrial TV though now too. It’s still ok, but just feels like it’s lost some shine. Also, the ending of episode 4 made me irrationally angry
  14. Struggling a bit with S3 of Killing Eve. Loved S1, S2 was more than decent, but it feels like it’s going on too long now.
  15. You leave Hudson Hawk alone, I love that film! One of the greatest movie scenes in history right here
  16. Absolutely right too. Fair play to them. It won’t end well for any league that uses PPG/N&V and relegates teams.
  17. He did indeed, after the defeat to Southampton. https://www.expressandstar.com/sport/football/aston-villa/2020/02/22/dean-smith-furious-with-aston-villa-players-following-embarrassing-defeat/ He wasn’t on about playing at home, it was after an away game - I think he meant more that some of them struggle under pressure
  18. I’d suggest Jack gets someone from his household to drive him in!
  19. Smith did say we have too many ‘training ground players’, playing behind closed doors might be good for us.
  20. Out of court settlement. Does the Prem want to be sued by a minimum of 3 teams (clubs looking at Europe might have something to say about PPG too), in court for potentially years, all the media coverage that will come with it? No precedent, so compensation could be anything really. When you factor in loss of TV money, sponsorship, devaluation of assets etc and over a potentially unknown period of time. A good team of lawyers would have a field day.
  21. This is why I’m totally relaxed about it all. If they relegate us on PPG, the amount of compensation we would get, would see us cash rich beyond our wildest dreams. I’d be ok with relegation and £500m (min) in the bank. The worst option is being relegated after playing the remaining games behind closed doors.
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