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Everything posted by TreeVillan

  1. If you that's poor English then you want to see the comments on the official Villa Facebook page during a bad game.
  2. Did you not see the posts directly above yours?
  3. Lmao... the guy's having a beer with his mates. I fail to see the problem? Every footballer in the league that isn't tea total will be doing the exact same thing. I still think we have the worst fans in the league for this sort of bollocks.
  4. He's not that good any way, he was hyped up on here to the point where he could do no wrong.
  5. People wanting Lambert out, how high up the table do you think we'd be with SAF, José or Guardiola in charge?
  6. Bloody Java.. at least they make good VM software.
  7. Based on a few of his signings? Benteke and Guzan who doesn't really count have been good and Vlaar has been okay. The rest are shit Yes. The rest are shit. Not okay. Not mediocre. Not good squad players. They are not great, therefore they are shit. Based on this reaction, I have to ask. How do you react to a yellow light? Is there another club in the premier league that would buy any of them? No would be the answer to that and the reason it's a no is bloody obvious Because we never found Prem takers for Bannan, Ireland and Bent.
  8. I think he's right personally. Spending 1/4th of his wealth is pretty decent of him.
  9. Lambert is one of the best managers in the league plus he's not a complete clearing in the woods like some. I think he's being unfairly judged. Can you honestly see Martinez, Rodgers, Moyes do better with the squad we have available?
  10. m.skysports.com/article/football//9280610 Aston Villa goalkeeper Brad Guzan has jumped to the defence of the club's owner, Randy Lerner. It has been a frustrating season for Villa and Lerner, valued at over £1billion, recently hinted he may sell the club after eight years at the helm. However, Guzan has insisted that Lerner, who also owned the Cleveland Browns in the NFL for ten years, does not deserve criticism and has moved the club in the right direction. "Randy has been a really good owner," the 29-year-old said in The Sun. "Despite where we are in the league, the club is in a better place than before he arrived. "He understands the history and the passion of Aston Villa. "You don't always see that, with Americans especially. "He's built a beautiful training ground, improved the stadium and cleared the club's debts. "To criticise him after spending upwards of £250million of his own money - that is extremely harsh."
  11. I don't know anything about business but did he just transfer the debt to himself.. and so if he leaves the club owe him money? As is the same with Chelsea.
  12. If you could improve on the colours a bit it would be near perfect. Looks too much like teal and red to me.
  13. Who's Yao? Late Chinese bid? From Harry Enfield, and a play on the phonetics of the word 'you'. Anyone? He probably understood but added his own joke.
  14. Lol even if this was true who do you honestly think we'd knock out of the top four? Arsenal? haha no chance. The only way to get there now is to spend more than united do this summer, which has even less chance of happening.
  15. The new Tonev by the looks of that video.
  16. I don't think Lambert deserves the sack. He's not even been here long and has had to reduce the wage bill whilst being extremely unlucky with injuries. You'll all think he's the best manager in the world again if he gets wins against Man City or Spurs you fickle lot!
  17. That's all very well, but how many of those 42 were atomic? Clearly 8 of them.
  18. He has to buy cheap though, I'm sure if he was given the backing that MoN received we'd be up there with Spurs at least.
  19. This is probably a stupid question but how does the goal line technology distinguish between the ball and Lowtons boot which was touching the ball as it hit the line? Because it doesn't look that close to me on the actual footage.
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