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Everything posted by T.Daley

  1. I will be starting my career again tonight (probably for the 7th or 8th time), as I get off to steady starts, then about 15 games in the AI goes crazy and I find myself 5 nil down after 20 mins and can't win or score for toffee! I probably should try managing another club, but worry I would not try hard enough if its not Villa. Git of a game, but can't leave it alone.
  2. Slightly OT, but didn't McGrath/GOD play CB for Villa and CM for Eire? Maybe thats who CC should be aiming for!
  3. One of the few good things Big Eck could do with SHA was get results against the big boys. One of the biggest things from this game will be how we bounce back from our first (probable) defeat, especially as it will be against the boggies.
  4. Can I ask what level people are playing this on. I have always played FIFA on legandary and done ok. But I am shipping at least 3 goals every game at the moment! Might have to drop it down to World Class, but feel I would be cheating myself.
  5. Because the defending is quite different, and therefore new and hard, I pack the midfield, playing Gabby wide and Ireland or Jenas behind Bent...but its quite easy to isolate Bent and Gabby is a bit wasted on the wing. So quite realistic really!
  6. Well going by what the seating plan says on the OS and that Wigan will only bring 1500 max, I will say 35k+ My prediction is 36,253
  7. Thanks for posting the full version stats. 1st thing I will be doing in manager mode is flogging Heskey!
  8. As you have the full version already (lucky git!), can you confirm the Villa player rating are the same as they were on the demo?
  9. I get the impression from article of the OS that Jenas will come in for Delph...if Jenas starts.
  10. Just ordered Special Edition from Asda for £34.99 and they reckon I will have it on Friday.
  11. Telegraph What a brilliant and refreshing article to read. Written by a a complete neutral and providing food for thought for us all. Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in all the negativity (and rightly so at times) as we are just too close to our beloved Villa, so to get some words like this is very eye opening. He actually touches on what so many of us have been saying too; re-build from the back, and now start to address the front 6. Maybe that 2nd half on Sunday is the trigger to get it down and play some nice stuff. I bet Bent was sat at home watching, and thinking 'play like that when I am back!'
  12. He was bad yesterday, but some of the comments on here are a bit harsh. Some players take some time to settle. One of the positives from yesterday was Ireland, he finally looks like he can bring something to the team. With Petrov playing some of his best stuff at Villa (in my view), Bannon growing in confidence and Jenas to come in, it actually gives Big Eck a chance to 'rest' Zog, which might relieve the pressure of him a bit.
  13. Let me put it another way then. If we play like we did last night (spineless) and lose on Sunday there will be up roar. I did not say we had been spineless in other games. He has to send the team out to win on Sunday, not in a nagative fashion, which he has done in our 2 previous away league games. That ok for you.
  14. Not a chance Randy will sack AM, he is too much of a 'gentlemen'. If we lose on Sunday with another spineless performance things will get very nasty very quickly, and I hate to say it but Randy will have only him self to blame. My worry; will he really care. Also people asking him to sell up and get some people in willing to invest in the team...I am afraid that is not going to happen. Even if Randy did accept defeat who the hell is willing to spunk millions away on a football team in this financial climate. If there is a wealthy investor out there, Everton would of been snapped up a long time ago. I am just glad there are 3 worse teams than us in the league. Would not thought I would find myself missing MON.
  15. Thanks for posting the Villa player stats, another indication how we have fallen during the last season! Any idea how fast Gabby is, not that I rely heavily on him being in the 90's to the way I play :oops:
  16. laughable.. this season the football has been awful. but the defending has been better? Parking the bus in front of goal will automatically let fewer goals in, but also make you score less goals up front. And what has happened? Cannot look at the defensive turnout as "positive" when the goalscoring has been exactly the opposite. But we have scored just as many goals at this point compared to this time last year and against just as 'weak' opposition and conceaded 5 less. That seems like progress to me.
  17. I would play him tonight too, and make him captain. Momentum is key at this stage. It would also show him its his place to lose now.
  18. Moaners shut the **** up for 90 mins and get behind our team and MANAGER.
  19. With everything going on in London, is there a chance this will get called off?
  20. I predict he will score a brace tonight...or he will be subbed after 40 mins never to be seen again. He really needs a goal to kick start his Villa career.
  21. Am I right in thinking that still leaves #4, which traditionally is for a CB or DM...interesting
  22. Think this through.. From January, the entire footballing world has known that Ashley Young would be leaving AVFC and that we'd recoup £15m+ for him. Since May, the entire footballing world has known that it was likely Stuart Downing would leave and that we'd recoup £15m+ for him. Whelan is no fool. Whether we'd bid for N'Zogbia before the sales of Young and Downing, he would still have known that he was a replacement for one of those players. If people think Whelan was willing to accept 9m the day before Downing was sold but changed his valuation based on reading the BBC Sport website, they are doing him a huge disservice. The man is a self made millionaire - he doesn't make kneejerk decisions. Hit, nail, head
  23. Is that the new nickname for Sunderland now? Bit harsh, its grim up North, but it ain't that bad. I grew up in Brum. Congratulations
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