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Everything posted by T.Daley

  1. The whole argument of the effect the FA has had on Woy and melted face could be seen as a positive. Spurs will now probably be more pumped up, which means they might beat Bolton mid week, which not only keeps Bolton in the bottom 3, it also means (I think anyway) that its a little less unlikely that they will beat us, based on winning 3 in a row is hard in any league and playing 3 games in 7 days. With West Brom, its already looking like a negative reaction for Woy, so I guarantee the next game he plays he will want them to win, purely to show he is the right man. The FA might have just done us a big favour. Or maybe not
  2. I think we need to be at least 3-0 up at HT, because he knows how to transform our performances in the 2nd half. What the hell goes on during his half time talks...walks around naked covered in honey? They always come out looking scared shitless!
  3. I am working on the basis that 1 point will be enough, QPR lose to Chelsea and the law of averages means we cant lose 4 in a row. AT STRAWS CLUTCHING
  4. Somone must of recently put a wedge on Martinez coming to Villa as he is now 6/4 fav to be the next Villa manager.
  5. A draw tonight, although boring and pretty pathetic would be fine and pretty much secure our Prem status. For that reason 'he' will set us up not to lose...pretty much like the last 34 games this season.
  6. A perfect scanario for me this Saturday would be that Villa win (obviously) really turning the style on, then during the last 10 mins or so the whole ground singing something along the lines of 'The Villa is ours, the Villa is ours, F off McLeish, the Villa is ours', or maybe something without the swearing. This would not only sound great, it would have zero effect on the players and the result but would show McLeish 100% that WE do not want him in here. Oh well, I can dream. More like a lot of boos at HT and even more (if anyone is left) at FT.
  7. I intend to be too drunk to see the dutch master class football being played out on front of me for this. McLeish has ruined it all.
  8. I am starting to come round to the though that we scrape survival by goal difference which then puts massive pressure on McLeish...although Randy or the clown would still come out and say it was a solid season!
  9. Its not so much how much he is worth, or how much we could sell him for, its who we could realistically replace him with. He can be unplayable but that only seems to be for short spells throughout the season. Take away the fact he is a local lad and a Villa fan, what does he really offer us over the season? How good is he? Well does he get called up for England squads much? The likes of Frazer Campbell and Danny Wellbeck now seem to be well ahead of him. They have pace but also a football brain. What we would potentially get for him would not give us much of a better replacement, unless we went for a 30ish year old (Keane?) which begs the question would it be a step forward?
  10. Tomatoes, pointless fruit/vegetable/salad, that tastes horrible and ruins so many sandwiches. This goes back to my childhood.
  11. Direct and to the point I would blame the Talisker, but that would be an easy excuse. The bloke is killing my club, our club. I have tried to like him, but he really is a clunge. I dont look forward to match days anymore. His fault. I dont enjoy football anymore. His fault. More Talisker required. Bastard.
  12. This guy really is a top bloke. He has been treated pretty badly by Villa over the years, as in he has always played to a good level but never really held down a regular place in the team, where managers 'favourites' have. He never moans and he never lets us down. I reckon they will offer him a contract, but one that is so below him, it will force him to go. This club really is a shambles at the moment.
  13. Cracking article and pretty much on the money. The media seem to be picking up on the negativity at Villa, which is not a bad thing, because as far as I can remember Lerner has never had to deal with bad press. At least it might force him to come out from behind his rock and make clear his indications of our club.
  14. Slightly OT and I am no fan of AM (finally given up on hoping he can turn it around) but Albrighton has had enough chances this season, Clark is doing fine and Lichaj has been injured for probably 75% of the season. He has introduced Herd and established him as a 1st team squad player, given Gardner his 1st team chance and Bannan was looking good pre his ban. So I think its slightly unfair to tarnish AM with this one.
  15. Will they include the MLS loan players, i.e we get Keane!
  16. Easiest question I have ever answered. Lerner. Anyone who would not recognise our most important day in our history is someone better off out of this club. Plus many, many other reasons why Lerner. Funny how people forget so quickly.
  17. Warnock will so blatantly get recalled. Its the sort of no balls decision AM makes.
  18. So do you rate McLeish a better manager than Martin Jol? I have not said McLeish is a better manager than MON, all I suggested is that he could of done a job just as good or bad (depending on how you see it) in those 3 seasons. Remind me what honours Megson and McCarthy have won? Look, McLeish is not great by any means, but he is working the graveyard shift at the moment, he has made some mistakes but so the **** did MON, and MON had a lot less excuses...in fact what are his excuses in failing?
  19. Thanks for the constructive and intelligent argument there, I was just making an alternative argument to 1, MON was not the saviour of all man kind, certainly not Villa, 2, he blew THE best chance a Villa manager has had in probably 10 years and 3, hypothetically there is no reason why AMc could not of matched this massive achievement by MON, IF he had been working in the same parameters. All friendly banter. Nevermind. Lets all get back to the gnashing of teeth and bashing our manager.
  20. Riiight so that is why MON has won 7 games in 11 at Sunderland in 2 and half months. Whilst meahwhile McLeish has managed 6 wins in 23 games all season despite having a better squad and whole summer to sign his own players. Not really read my post have you. But yeah pretty much the response I expected. The point I am making is that MON has been made out to be messiah whilst at Villa. Yes he was successful for us. But I am suggesting that it was in a 'window' of great opportunity. Massive backing, with the Sky 4 starting to wobble, there was room for a new boy, it could and probably should of been Villa. I think he blew the one chance we had where others may of been a bit less 'this is the Martin O'Neil show' and more lets get Villa back into the English elite. Not a dig at MON, just making a different point/argument to the one banged out so many times on here. MON had faults and yes he did blow a great chance for the top 4 in the 2008-09 season. But after that the squad was stripped apart by our board. You said that McLeish would have done just as good job. Based on what?? MON had pedigree as a Premiership manager from his time at Leicester before he joined us. McLeish has only record of Premiership failure. What on earth makes you think he would have done as well as MON? Nevermind talking about hypotheticals the FACT is MON is currently doing a better job at Sunderland than McLeish is doing here. 7 wins in 11 games compared to 6 wins in 23 games ! :oops: You love that stat dont you, points to game ratio for McLeish is probably more relevant but nevermind. Premiership pedigree with Leicester, 13 years ago, again against a very different league backdrop. The league pretty much was a 2 horse race then, if that. So if he was that good why was he not finishing top 6? Limited funds? Now in a league that the top 6 is much more competitive, who is that manager who has limited funds...Alex something? MON had a brilliant opportunity and he blew it...FACT (thats another phrase thats banged out on her so often, so I thought I would use it), McLeish has never had that budget, so who knows what he could of done in that window of opportunity. I think its unfair to base it purely on previous Prem experience unless it is like for like. SPL pedigree, well there is an interesting one. Titles 3 - 2 for MON, a UEFA cup final for MON, but getting to the knock out phase of the Champ League for Eck.
  21. Riiight so that is why MON has won 7 games in 11 at Sunderland in 2 and half months. Whilst meahwhile McLeish has managed 6 wins in 23 games all season despite having a better squad and whole summer to sign his own players. Not really read my post have you. But yeah pretty much the response I expected. The point I am making is that MON has been made out to be messiah whilst at Villa. Yes he was successful for us. But I am suggesting that it was in a 'window' of great opportunity. Massive backing, with the Sky 4 starting to wobble, there was room for a new boy, it could and probably should of been Villa. I think he blew the one chance we had where others may of been a bit less 'this is the Martin O'Neil show' and more lets get Villa back into the English elite. Not a dig at MON, just making a different point/argument to the one banged out so many times on here.
  22. Ok heres a brave thing to say on here and no doubt be shot down in flames, but I reckon AMc would of done no worse than MONs last 3 years at Villa with the same money against the same league backdrop, ie pre Man City cash really kicking in. 3 consecutive 6th places and zero silverware, with over 100m, yeah I reckon quite a few could of achieved that (if not better) including our beloved Alex McLeish. Tin hat on.
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