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Everything posted by the_eristic

  1. If the tourists would just piss off... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallingwater
  2. I'm not quite sure how a 5'9" quasi-winger is basically a Heskey replacement.
  3. Eck, what are you doing to our younger generation...! Get the Fonz studying Heskey, why don't you. There is plenty to be learned from studying Alan Hutton's play. For instance: "Ah, so I shouldn't tackle the boards around the halfway line when the guy I'm supposed to be marking is in our box with the ball!"
  4. Yikes. Any workable free agents out there?
  5. Had the chumps just sorted the set piece problems, I believe our Goals Against would be in teens, one of the best on the list. They're reasonable enough at defending when it isn't something so uncommon and confusing as a corner, apparently.
  6. It's something that seems obscure and kinda confusing at first, but in practice, it's actually incredibly simple. All harmonic and melodic content is based around the tones available in a specific mode, essentially a derived scale treated in isolation, rather than set by standard diatonic function (id est, in terms of relationships to the other modes and their chords in a particular key). So, you won't encounter the omnipresent ii7-V7-IM7 (in the key of C: Dm7-G7-CM7), over which you'd play Dorian-Mixolydian-Ionian (with D-G-C as the respective roots) to maintain traditional harmonic interaction and eventually force resolution to the tonal center of the I/C. In modal jazz, the changes aren't driven by a need to resolve tension to the I. Everything, the chords and the lines you play on top of them, all come from whatever mode you want to use, which is why you usually encounter fewer changes in most modal tunes: each new chord is the I, which is explored thoroughly to really emphasize the vibe of the chosen mode. I'm sure one of the first things in the book is "All Blues", which you could analyze as a I7-IV7-V7 (discounting the raised V7 that occurs for a couple beats in the V section), standard blues changes, but the way it's treated is as a recentering of the Mixolydian mode, with each chord, the melody and solos built directly from Mixolydian's "dominant" (Maj3+min7) tonality. G Mixolydian -> C Mixolydian -> D Mixolydian instead of just, say, the G Blues scales over all the changes. Basically, pick one mode (viewed as a standalone scale) and build everything you play from it. Done.
  7. Not surprising, honestly. We haven't had anybody in the side with both the vision and the willingness to attempt them with any regularity in some time, haven't had strikers with the movement to find them, haven't faced many teams brave enough to play a higher line against the likes of Gabby, and haven't had managers setting the side up to employ them. I think we've only averaged two a game over the last three or four seasons.
  8. What with all those chances he's had to break into the side since returning from a long-term injury a full two weeks ago. How could he not be in the side already? :?
  9. http://www.musictheory.net/lessons It's not too tough, really. Just have to keep at it, it'll click eventually.
  10. Poor decision. Shirt should be Brad's to lose now.
  11. If we get Arsenal and they play a lot of reserves/kids, we should field ours, too. The memory of that 10-1 last season might put the fear into them.
  12. Just saw the highlights, at least our goals were class! Good to see Guzan stopping a pen again, too. His technique seemed to have changed for the last few he's faced, this save looked more like his old method with the little hop before diving.
  13. Alex? Get off VT, you should be doing your half time team talk! What did you think that was?
  14. Hustle, fight for possession, win ball, pass twice, get confused, pass back to defense, hooooof, repeat.
  15. Albrighton looking a bit off, whole team needs to provide better support for the player in possession. Need to cut out the hoofing, of all the teams in this league, Stoke is probably the most capable of handling it.
  16. Scenery? Hell, it looks like they've just about replaced everyone's skin with CG in this one.
  17. Watching The People Under the Stairs for the first time since I was a kid. It's like Wes Craven decided he was going to be David Lynch, only incredibly terrible. That gimp suit is **** boss, though.
  18. I remember the guy having an almost absurd amount of technical ability, but was never able to get things going after he left Porto. His attitude and extreme selfishness (which he could get away with somewhat in Portugal) killed him when he made the move up to Inter, could hardly get on the pitch, probably less than 30 apps in 2 years. I've heard he's doing better in terms of playing for the team at Besiktas, so maybe he's finally getting his act together?
  19. Need to win this, Everton's goal has pushed us down to 12th on GD. C'mon boys!
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