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Everything posted by GarethRDR

  1. Even with the secret blend of 11 lubricants?
  2. There's an argument for Matt Le Tissier, but Dave Jones made a very interesting comment regarding him, stating that it was from "his own lack of motivation" more than a commitment to Southampton that he never made the step up. I remember being highly amused at the time by the number of Saints fans visibly irked by this statement.
  3. Fair do's dude. If I'm honest I know I'd prefer a unique sponor as well, but it's all about the moolah. That is, unless Vagisil, Durex or KY were gonna sponsor us. No amount of money is worth that.
  4. I wouldn't care if we had the same sponsors as Kidderminster Harriers, as long as they're paying what we're asking. And let's be fair to Fulham; when was the last time we got to a European final? I do agree that they're a "smaller" team in terms of domestic performances/financial clout but the insinuation that we should be looking down our noses at them is a bit arrogant.
  5. So what, did we bring in Arsenio Halfhuid from Doncaster or something then? And Guzan from Brighton & Hove maybe? Weimann from York?
  6. The simplest way of putting it is that it's an ultra-violent roman costume drama set around a gladiator. It has loads of sex, violence and swearing. Thoroughly entertaining and very well written. You really would have to watch it to appreciate it though because what I've just put above is akin to calling The Wire 'a cop show'. I had no idea Sam Raimi/Rob Tapert were involved in Spartacus. As soon as it's out on DVD I will be checking that shit out.
  7. Well I damn sure hope that's how our scouts see it.
  8. And Kevin Prince Boateng. Two solid young players for maybe 10m total. They could start as squad players and work their way into the side. If you think we're getting Michael Bradley that cheap you're nucking futs my friend. Contracted until the end of July 2012 and pretty much essential to 'Gladbach.
  9. Yeah but he has full size goals in his back garden and his son is crap in goal. That's nonsense, I have it on good authority from my Uncle's cousin twice-removed on my Father's side who's in charge of Petunia-maintenance at Bodymoor Heath that we're putting together a bid for Junior Yakubu.
  10. Whilst I wouldn't mind seeing his quality here, he would have to leave his ego behind.
  11. Was anyone else hoping that at the end of the 'Brian Blessed C'mon England' BBC clip he would shout "Fly my Birdmen, Fly!"?
  12. Somewhere collecting dust in my attic is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlfKiT0OHAY. Ah, the ignorance of youth! Utterly random collaboration. Recently been switched onto an Icelandic chap called Ólafur Arnalds; ridiculously talented and has composed string arrangements for the likes of 65daysofstatic among others.
  13. I like the way Kaiserslautern seem to be going about boosting their squad; none of this coming up and parking the bus bollocks, they're going for goals next season. Cue chants of "Angriff! Angriff! Angriff Angriff Angriff!" Wouldn't have minded seeing Steve Fletcher here, but not for the money he went for in the end.
  14. The Yanks are gonna pip us to that second place and deservedly so, the way things are going.
  15. ...yes....lets sell our top goalscorer and keep a donkey......and while we're at it it, lets give Milner away for nothing and hold car-boots on the Villa Park pitch at 3.00pm every Saturday.... Car-boots are awesome. Got a near-mint Dinky Toys Spectrum MSV for £1 at a car-boot near Hull once. The things can fetch up to £30 on eBay. :shock:
  16. One for BOF here, Kaiserslautern have bought Ilian Micanski. The Bulgarian striker (24) comes in from Poland's Zagłębie Lubin with an impressive goal-scoring record. 14 goals in 28 matches last season, with 4 assists.
  17. After West Brom asked for too much for Borja Valero, Sevilla have moved on and brought in young Italian midfielder Tiberio Guarente from Atalanta. Quite frankly, I'm amazed he wasn't their first choice; Guarente has been the bright spark in a poor Atalanta team for a while now. He joins Mouhamadou Dabo, brought to the Sánchez Pizjuán from Saint-Étienne a few weeks ago.
  18. I'm feeling really bored, so here's a list of as of yet unmentioned/unlinked attainable(ish) players I wouldn't mind seeing here next season... Marcell Jansen Gustavo Colman Gökhan Inler Vedad Ibišević
  19. Melo's had a piss-poor season at Juve. I'd be interested to see how he comes back next season as I think consistency is a big issue with him.
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