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Everything posted by GarethRDR

  1. Kaiserslautern have also announced the signing of Stiven Rivic from Energie Cottbus. ^Had to laugh a bit at this. I suppose when you're only playing for Energie Cottbus you need to supplement your 20 Euros a week. At least moving to Kaiserslautern will double his earnings.
  2. I'm eagerly awaiting her moving on to Malin Åkerman. :shock:
  3. Smart money's on Hughes for me.
  4. Messy as **** though. I prefer the streamlined efficiency of a wrap; maximum taste, no mess (except for the holocaust that's left on the porcelain by the end of night).
  5. Being reported that Kaiserslautern have secured the loan signings of Jan Moravek from Schalke, and Erwin "Jimmy" Hoffer from Napoli. I actually got to see Hoffer play for Rapid Vienna whilst on hols (got his name on a bastard shirt a month before he **** off! :x), and was a bit underwhelmed considering his reputation (bought the shirt before going to the match! ). Unsurprisingly he's not forced his way into a very good Napoli side, loaning him out makes sense. Not enough players have "sporty purposes with eyes" these days.
  6. Yes. Yes indeed. There are scenes. Hubba hubba.
  7. Wouldn't touch the boss for a raise, but the girls in accounts and marketing would get it for free.
  8. Can't really see either of these happening as far as Fiorentina is concerned, the one area we don't really need to strengthen anymore is the middle of the park (especially after buying Gaetano D'Agostino). Mario Bolatti and Adem Ljajić will probably both play bigger roles next season too. I'd welcome Ramires though.
  9. + There's a van tucked away in an industrial area near the outskirts of Basingstoke that does the best chilli sauce I have ever had. The guy who runs it has Turkish Süper Lig playing constantly on TV.
  10. I had a flatmate who would repeatedly play Dragonforce, Turisas and 3 Inches Of Blood into the wee hours. The tenancy did not last. ^Great song. **** terrible video.
  11. Well, he's doing alright in Germany's midfield at the moment.
  12. I saw that too, I had a wry chuckle. Worse than that though, ITV introduced Oliver "Khan" before the England match. I had no idea Ceti Alpha V even had a football team*. And DDID, I don't make the rules, they make themselves. :shock: *-if you get that joke, you should be as ashamed as I am for making it.
  13. Sorry BOF, I was referring to Rooney not Özil. My bad! If we're talking about Özil then I'm in agreement, terrifyingly good player. He may look like Gollum in a garage band, but he's fantastic.
  14. You'll get special dispensation for laptops (but bonus points if you use "Oe" in lieu of the ASCII code).
  15. Friends! Countrymen! Alt+1,5,3 = Ö. Save the Umlaut people! Excellent player? Yes. Overrated? Well, the media hype most players out of all sensible proportion, especially in this country. I'm still inclined to say he is slightly overrated though; needs to replicate club form at international level before being moved into the pantheon of the truly world class.
  16. Mauro Boselli didn't make the grade at Boca, but he was a big part (alongside Verón) of Estudiantes' recent success and Copa Libertadores win. Top scorer in last season's Clausura as well. It's a heck of a step up, straight from the Argentinian league to the Premiership but personally I think it's a very shrewd move on Wigan's part. Will be interesting to see if the intention is for Boselli to form a partnership with Rodallega, or act as his replacement.
  17. Pointless exercise picking apart a Mirror article (it's far too easy) but I found this quite amusing... So, England played terribly so we should lower price, yet in the very same article they highlight that Milner was arguably the best England player there so we should hold out for the price we want? They really are **** eejits. I'd give Citeh 3-5 seasons before they find themselves in the same shit as Liverpool do now; no silverware, crippled with debt, zero stability.
  18. BOF, where the **** have Kaiserslautern got all this cash from? They've just bought the not-entirely-bad-at-all Jan Simunek from VfL Wolfsburg. Didn't feature much last season, but if memory serves he was a big part of their (succesful) fight against the drop a few years back. Would've happily had him at Borussia Park!
  19. Do not underestimate the awesome pulling power of the mighty Lilywhites. Actually, considering how few people actually bother to turn up to the DW week in week out I wouldn't even be surprised if Hereford shirt sales outstripped Wigan's.
  20. Agree with that. I mean, how good did Afonso Alves look in the Eredivisie?
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