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Everything posted by Seat68

  1. A perfect example of a band who with their second album, Save the world get the girl, released an absolute joy of a record. Faultless but managed to make me hate them live, every other release apart from that album and their lead singer. Putting their second album down as an anomaly.
  2. Mines all in the attic and to be blunt its a shit tip at the moment. The plan if we ever move, is to bring the music down to a place where it might get played.
  3. To use an analogy, those people were always going to fall down the stairs, Covid just pushed them off the top step.
  4. i am a big home drinker and normally due to the early commute I dont touch a drop Sunday night to Thursday night. Thats now gone down the drain (figuratively you pedantic bastards) but Im not drinking as much as I would on a Friday.
  5. Same here. People are having calls today to see if they are going on furlough or not.
  6. 3 channels. Everything rated well.
  7. Would appreciate further pictures of CD spines to be done in a higher resolution if you dont mind.
  8. As the owner of a shihtsu this last page has triggered me greatly. words removed.
  9. Agreed, I loved it. Found it hilarious but as you say it may be too niche for most.
  10. In all fairness no one gave a shit about you not topping up your meter the sentence of value was related to formula milk. How is your youngest?
  11. Fountains of Wayne were excellent. Great power pop band, but also Schlesinger was a phenomenal songwriter. Recently he did the music to the excellent comedy Crazy Ex Girlfriend. He was one of my favourite songwriters.
  12. i dont fall for it a second time.
  13. Another band I saw. First time in Birmingham Institute down in Digbeth. Supported by Faith Over Reason. The latter had the vocalist that appeared on St Etiennes Only Love Can Break Your Heart. Lush at the time were too shoe gazey for me and I never saw them again until they got a bit more pop.
  14. i am doing nothing but eating. Jogged a little but now my knee has said get to **** you chubby bastard. My eating habits are unlikely to change.
  15. I look at to Get to the front, its a gig listings site, and the amount of gigs rescheduled to September and October is ridiculous. Its a huge gamble it will not only be over by then, but we are allowed to congregate in large crowds.
  16. There was an excellent Johnny Cash cover album from the 80s called Till Things Get Brighter. Pete Shelley doing Straight A's In Love, Dave McComb doing Country Boy. A really good compilation that I have but have no chance of finding. I assumed that Youtube would help me out particularly with those named examples. No. No. Bloody obscure 80s compilations.
  17. Willie Nelson and Ray Charles. Seven Spanish Angels.
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