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Everything posted by Milfner

  1. Schweinsteiger didn't turn up for the 2nd and 3rd games, he was anonymous. I'd say Sneijder or Villa.
  2. It's been on sky anytime for agessssssssssss.
  3. I've got one in two weeks. Badboy grey suit. Still need shoes, shirt (I don't want a white one, but I'm gonna end up going in one) and tie. I want a waistcoat too.
  4. At least we beat Durham in the T20, comfortably too. Seem to be very well in the one day competitions.
  5. I saw that, **** horrendous. We have the highest amount of bowling bonus points in the league, and the lowest batting points. 9 battings points from 8 games, unbelieveable.
  6. Exactly that. It was the right thing to do, but it's just tearing me up because it's just gonna be a huge gap from where she was, and it's gonna be hard to replace. Factor in that she was also my first love - I know it sounds very cliche, but she's also my first proper girlfriend too, like one that actually meant and does still mean something to me. I've never experienced this sort of feeling with anyone before, and never had to deal with sort of break up either. She's a very insecure person, so she'd push me away, because she was unsure about how much I loved her, when in fact I did, and it was obvious to everyone else, but she just needed that reaffirming to herself. And that has just built up, and it happens regularly too, so it just gets me down, and eventually it's just broke me down. I couldn't do it anymore. The actual break up itself was the easiest part in fact, it's just sitting here thinking about it that is just absolutely destroying me. And I just got out the shower, put on spotify, pressed play, and the first song on shuffle was a song that reminded me of her, and I just broke down.
  7. Whats up dude? Split up with the girlfriend, 16 months to the day aswell. It's horrible. She just returned all the stuff she had accumulated from the time we were going out aswell, there was shit loads, so many memories. I ended it aswell, but it's hit me so hard.
  8. Thought that it was pretty dull in all honesty.
  9. Kebab in a naan - with lettuce, onion and lashings of mayo/sweet chili sauce.
  10. Good shout. Paolo Sousa? Billy Davies?
  11. I'm with AG, I reckon they'll go for Hughes.
  12. Nah, haven't watched the new series yet. However, having just broke up, I'll catch on Discovery sometime.
  13. Ah, what a programme. Phil from the Cornelia Marie died last year though
  14. Naan > Wrap. Roll it really tight then, it's what I do and it works a treat.
  15. Have it in a naan instead Gareth, absolutely superb.
  16. I got the fourth man by getting out of the chair, and running into the bloke that is still waiting to play and making him fall over. I sat back down, and even though it was the third man, he was doing the fourth and hardest sequence.
  17. I really want some Ray Bans.
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