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Everything posted by Milfner

  1. How are you going to revise? By running around? Is that an Inbetweeners reference?
  2. P.E exams are absolutely solid from what I've heard from my mates. Everything is really in-depth.
  3. For the Master Hunter challenges and you have to knife stuff... Can you use throwing knifes, or can it only be melee knives?
  4. Tall Trees is the best place on the map, absolutely superb. Teeming with wildlife. I was hunting Beaver (ha) earlier for that bloke that is trying to fly and I jumped out of my skin a few times after being mauled by a Cougar or a Bear. Great fun though. Oh, hate to be Captain Obvious, but if you get attacked by something and you are about to die, quickly take some medicene, makes you pretty much invincible.
  5. That was quick! I haven't got to Mexico yet. I've been doing random stranger missions and the challenges to raise my Survivalist and Sharpshooter levels. Oh, I know! Played like 14 hours or something already! The Funny Man stranger mission is really pissing me off, I think it's just an excuse to make you do all the gang hideouts. I got killed by a cougar last night, picking flowers for that wierd bloke with the dead wife, then bam, little bastard was tossing me around and then decided to kill me
  6. Maybe so, but I've seen him a few times now, and I haven't been impressed once. BTW, you have spelt Premiership wrong in your sig.
  7. That is unfair. How reliable is that quote/source. If we speak to riberys camp they will state their opinion which may make others look bad. There are two sides to every story. We don't know the full FACTS yet. The truth will all come out in the end though, and then we can make our opinions known. I still think that Ribery is an overrated, ugly bastard.
  8. Watching Hart's War on BBC1, pretty good so far.
  9. Unbelieveable. **** hate Ribery as it is, slimy French prick.
  10. Just unlocked Me-hi-co. Mission when you are crossing the river doesn't half drag on.
  11. Same, he played a lot this season, and barely scored.
  12. Ha, free entry to Alton Towers tomorrow if your name is Rob Green! :arrow:
  13. How can you lose a pair of jeans in your own house? :? Oh, and good luck, Chindie
  14. I don't know if I have either, I did it in the private lobby. Only played the single player for about an hour.
  15. They are by "Tall Trees", Chindie.
  16. Mate told me where the bears were just. So I used the transport to quickly travel to the waypoint, spawned, turned around and there was 3 Bears staring at me! Just managed to killed them, then walked a bit further on and then 4 boars decided to play human pinball with me. Lets just say I didn't last long!
  17. Turns out it is in the kitchen!
  18. Yet to be bowled over by this yet, I'm willing to give it a lot of time!
  19. Nah, not yet, gonna wait til after the Chile game and get a couple of hours in before I am off out.
  20. It just explains thing in a little more depth like the regions, about strangers etc. Nothing special.
  21. Oh, did everyone get something called a "Frontier Guide", or was that just me?
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