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Everything posted by Milfner

  1. Fulham and Wigan pay Nike? Do they ****.
  2. I think he did. Get Joe Hart on, he takes a brilliant pen!
  3. What are you doing there?
  4. You don't look alike at all. It also looks like your brother has a raving stonker.
  5. I just can't see past Kryton, sorry! It still makes me laugh seeing that post!
  6. Blimey, fair play though
  7. Fair enough. How much are you up to?
  8. Make a thread, and get the mods to make it sticky then!
  9. Ellie Goulding on the red button on BBC2. Om nom nom.
  10. Yes. I don't see how anyones opinion can change in the past month, rendering this poll pretty ineffective. (Yes, I am aware you do it evey month).
  11. Just one exam left on Wednesday. I can't fookin' wait!
  12. I found them by the top of the Great Plains, and also the coast line between Thieves Landing and Blackwater. Watch out for the boars though, shit loads of them!
  13. Bastards. One tomorrow, one on Wednesday.
  14. Ah, just finished this. Brilliant ending!
  15. Bit late Xann, there was a thread for this about a week ago.
  16. Bloody hell no, I've had it for a week and a bit now. So about 3 hours a day. :oops:
  17. Maybe you're just completely overthinking things. I overthink a lot and sometimes lie in bed just thinking about stuff, I think everyone does. However, that is me and not you. If you aren't sure, ask a professional, like Snowy said.
  18. Hmm, sounds exactly like my mate really, he reckons he has. His Mom has it too, I don't know if that could be a factor though. Has anyone in your family got it?
  19. 78.8% done in 24 hours. Is that bad?
  20. I've completely stopped doing all the main story missions atm, been distracted by all the stranger missions. Has anyone downloaded the DLC on the Xbox yet? 6 Co-op missions to sink your teeth into, great fun! They are quite hard too, much, much better than the gang hideouts.
  21. Can't sorry Scummers are scummers :yawn: Doesn't make him a bad player.
  22. How many Stranger missions are there? I've completed 15 now, is there many more?
  23. I don't think it's that bad, just a lot of content to learn. Biology is a lot worse.
  24. I have 2 left still. 1 on Friday (Biology resit), then a Psychology exam on Wednesday. That's the last exam for everyone, so quite annoying really. Psychology is such a bitch aswell, we have to learn 2 years worth of work for it.
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