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Everything posted by troon_villan

  1. If there was ever a safe place to be arrogant about Villa it's a Villa fan forum.
  2. The fact we've been battered twice already won't be helping but he needs to keep that shit to himself. Only gonna get harder when Ramsey is back.
  3. Commentator mixing up Moussa Diaby with Adam Le Fondre was funny there though. Can't imagine that'll happen too often.
  4. Sod it I've paid the deep sea diver. It's clear where to watch it on the avfc app and I can cast straight to my tv.
  5. You're right because they 100% had our game scheduled last week. Only just finding out 3 hours before KO that they have dropped it the bastards.
  6. Watkins, Luiz and Diaby will not start. Too important for Sunday. Olsen, Chambers, Tielemans, Bailey and Duran will start. Those are the common sense picks. Will just have to wait and see with the rest. We are able to rotate and still field a strong side these days.
  7. It's a defence mechanism. Can't be disappointed or let down if you aim for failure. Sadly indicative of todays society.
  8. Like the look of that team away from home. Unsure about Burnley though, plenty of unknowns in there.
  9. Perhaps it differs regionally. I am based in Scotland. Specifically Clydebank, hometown of John McGinn and Marti Pellow.
  10. 162 on my Virgin schedule is Channel 5 USA. NCIS is on but I'd rather watch the crime scene at Easter Road mate if it's all the same!!
  11. 108 Programme states "to be announced" but I'm sure that's it. Starts at 1725
  12. Fine with this. Good business. Villa are ballers on and off the pitch these days.
  13. Someone told me he was just a head, torso and one arm down to the the elbow!! This is amazing!
  14. He looks like a Renaissance sculpture that's been brought to life. I can guarantee he plays romantic minor key melodies on the acoustic guitar in his spare time.
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