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Everything posted by troon_villan

  1. Brighton so dangerous. Take a **** day off lads
  2. Just cracked open my first beer, here's hoping the rest will be in celebration! 8-0 villa
  3. Emery has said he will walk so it is a big deal.
  4. Struggling to get an answer online but will this be on TV? I'm sure they usually show all the games on the final day somewhere?
  5. Amazing what a week can do for a negative Nancy. Supremely confident that we'll do the biz against Brighton and play Conference now!
  6. At least we've had some closure today with regards to EL. The games in hand situation with Brighton has been hugely frustrating and that's now over.
  7. Not impossible but extremely unlikely we play any part in Europe now. Brighton will wrap up 6th and deservedly so and I just cant see us bettering Spurs and the PL officials results.
  8. We're definitely not handsome enough since Sanson left
  9. Villareport is going to be advertising for a PA at this rate!
  10. We just cannot escape those cheating scumbags can we?
  11. Nah none whatsoever. I mean to be fair we were the car crash club not so long ago but Chelsea? Nah that was a dumb move even back then.
  12. What are Fulham even doing? Shame we haven't punished them for this pointless performance.
  13. What are Fulham even doing? Shame we haven't punished them for this pointless performance.
  14. What are Fulham even doing? Shame we haven't punished them for this pointless performance.
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