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Everything posted by luckyeddie

  1. Does it matter if it is real or not, it's just a d*ck swinging competition for governments. The argument is like Big-Endians and Little-Endians in Gulliver's Travels. It will make no difference to us. The only thing we can say for certain is that if we do make it to the Moon, or any other place, we will f*ck it up and move on. We should not leave this planet until we learn how to live with it rather than live on it.
  2. He was taking the photo...obviously
  3. I wonder if they will put mascara on him in prison, just to watch it run.
  4. For anyone who is into woodworking, especially traditional, Grandpa Amu is a great channel. His work is unbelievable, with minimal tools.
  5. I find dark chocolate too bitter on its own, but is very good with fresh orange juice. I've read about your battles for while, and it's good to read about the progress you are making.
  6. Small potatoes are better than no potatoes
  7. I understand that hebephilia is because pubescent girls can reproduce, but paedophilia has no use in nature other than power and abuse. This is why I believe there should always be a distinction between the two.
  8. "I can't help noticing I have more wins than you"
  9. "One blinding film and we never saw him again"
  10. I'm not bothered, when someone tailgates me I always go 20 mph
  11. Watching Adrian Morley go to war with the Aussies was a thing of beauty
  12. The difference with the 03 side was that it spent the first 50 minutes grinding the opposition down and putting themselves out of site with penalties, which the forwards did very effectively. The last 30 minutes was piling on the tries, which the backs were ruthless with. The statistics show we score a huge amount of tries between 01 and 03. This is easy done when all 15 of the starters would come close to the World XV side at the time. A nutless monkey could have managed that side to victory. Now we only have Itoje and Tom Curry who would come anywhere near a World XV. There are different types of kicking games, one is dominate territory (I always thought O'Gara was the master of this), another is to compete for kicks (the boring box kick) and one is when the team has run out of ideas. England revert the last one almost immediately. Kicking in the opposition 22 when not on a penalty advantage is a sign of a poor attacking side low on confidence, and we do it regularly.
  13. I watch because I am emotionally invested in being an England rugby fan, not because it is exciting. Statically, nobody kicks more than the All Blacks, but they know when to. They hardly ever kick in the opponents 22, but we do it consistently, which is just a Rugby League sixth tackle tactic. We play like we're scared of having the ball, this continuous box kicking is awful. Nobody plays more entertaining rugby than the Welsh when they are 15 points down with 10 minutes to play.
  14. Because 99% of what he says is clickbait sh*te we tend to ignore the rare pearls of wisdom, but he is right about this. He was a fantastic winger who played heads up rugby, a throwback to days when mavericks had a place.
  15. Another Andy Robinson, good coach, rubbish manager.
  16. We were better with 14 players, when we had to dig in and play actual rugby, rather than this micro managed dross SB is serving up. David Campese spoke about this in an article, and it pains me to say it, he is right.
  17. Brilliant, but that would have happened to England if we had stuck with Eddie Jones. How does he fit such a large ego in a small body?
  18. That is not 1984, that is just basic human behaviour. Our biases and predujices create 99% of our decisions. I will freely admit that I cannot stand the man and could not way before accusations arose. I'm a bloke, and he gives me the creeps, heaven knows how women feel around him. This is based on my gut instinct, not any evidence or text supplied by others. Through my experience in life, I believe at best he is a malignant narcissist, probably with sociopathic tendancies. These people lie and decieve like regular people breathe. No fancy talk from expensive lawyers will ever convince me otherwise. I trust my gut more than the legal system.
  19. That's what happens when you pack your squad full of Boks and Kiwis
  20. It's not just about the legal evidence though, people will make up their mind on a gut reaction. First time I ever saw Russell Brand, my reaction was that his was an obnoxious pr*ck. The fact that these allegations have surfaced is not a surprise. I genuinely believe he is capable of these crimes. Whether he is found guilty in a court of law is another matter. Even him being found not guilty in a court would not convince me he was innocent, as our legal system is set up to protect the rich and powerful. Without physical evidence, the only people who know the truth are those directly involved, everybody else just has an opinion on which side to believe. My gut reaction is he is guilty.
  21. I'll bare my *rse in Woolworths window if he ends up on 3.2 league goals this season.
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