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Everything posted by GlobalVillan

  1. We may end up laughing our 4th placed bollocks off if 5th doesnt get CL and Spurs miss out. If we finish top 4 we dont want 5th getting it. Lets think about that.
  2. We are more than capable of winning at Arsenal. They arent Man City. We have a decent record at the Emirates comparatively and Spurs are no shoo ins to win on Tyneside. So long to go. I still think we will get 5th and CL personally.
  3. Plus, when do Man City lose at home? If they keep it to below 2 goals deficit, they will turn it around. Bayern are far from unbeatable too.
  4. We will get the place we need without those f******s anyway so if they go out, so be it. Arsenal and Atletico are the ones we need I think.
  5. That's 4 results ALL going against us in this round. I don't see it happening. I think we will be fine. I also think Liverpool will win the Europa.
  6. We will finish 5th and that will easily be enough. It won't even be close on the coefficient. We will be in CL next season barring an absolutely ridiculous set of results that just won't happen.
  7. I am willing to bet any amount you like that you are wrong about that. As for being stripped of titles, nobody in the game, from journalists to lawyers expects that to happen according to everything I have seen. They will get away with it.
  8. Yep. If the financial advantage gained by cheating, earned them just one win then they are a point up on the deal. Hardly a deterrent.
  9. They are apparently abondoning points deductions in favour of large fines, with that money to be spread across the other clubs. Basically, Man City will never be penalised in any meaningful way and them, Newcastle and any other state owned club, will be allowed to basically "purchase" as many points as they like with fines. This is apparently something that the PL clubs will soon be voting on. Whatever happens with that, Man City will never get what they deserve. I'm certain of that.
  10. Not turning up for a game is an immediate 3-0 loss. I believe it's the same for walking off, unless the score is bigger than 3-0 at the time of the walk off and then that is the score that would stand.
  11. I have not watched a Champions League games since the 2005 final (apart from the few games I have had to attend for business) but I think some of the refs we have had in Europe have been awful. Equally bad if not worse than the PL refs.
  12. Ironically, it's possible that Spurs game in hand could actually put Villa back above them. If that game was played now and they lost by the same score or worse than the reverse fixture, we would go 4th.
  13. More than they (or anyone) will be prepared to offer.
  14. His 1st touch for the goal at Luton was sublime. As was the winner at Spurs.
  15. No we wouldn't. We might win our last 2. We just need to be a point above them in that case.
  16. Yes I would think so. But its their game in hand so if they win that they are 3 points ahead with a far superior GD.
  17. I can't see how they will beat Spurs. We are definitely finishing 5th.
  18. Would be hilarious to see them in the Conference League. They are far too good for that tinpot competition don't you know....
  19. Yeah that won't happen and that's why it won't matter. We will still get more wins and they aren't winning all 7.
  20. Nor is the league table. We are so far ahead of them it doesn't matter anynore.
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