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Everything posted by Jondaken

  1. Black and white are not colours, they are infact shades. sherlock.gif
  2. I'm sure the guy above me just said something interesting, but I can't seem to get my eyes off that avatar when it's on the page
  3. You know, I was going to post about not being allowed to vote for beetles either, but then I thought, nahh, noone would be that obvious. :bonk:
  4. Before someone makes a comment along the lines of "the dead ones"... I will.
  5. You don't often make me laugh Rob, but
  6. ??? Surely the thread title being "fav beatles album" would incline people to beleive that the subject matter was "fav beatles album" and not "who thinks they are shit?" Going by your logic, the title would also have to include every possible thing on earth that are not the words "fav beatles album". If someone wants to make a thread entitled "do you think the beatles were shit or not", then go ahead. You can disccuss how much you think they are over rated, and tallentless, and how bad the lyrics were, and how much better some band noone but you and your dog has heard of were till the end of time and I'll have no objection to it. That last part wasnt a poke at you, and probably a bit of an exageration, but you get the point.
  7. Soory if all the threads on the internet can't be to your taste.
  8. Some days it's a 10, some days its a 1. Usually women involved in both extremes. Quite sad tbh.
  9. Smells of a 2-1 with a nail biting finish tbh
  10. Jondaken


    Talking only of the one experience I've had in America, love it.
  11. Live in Scotland, but managed to make 2 games last year, and have plans for another two before Christmas. Bit of an armchair fan of the Villa tbh.
  12. The good looking female one... Oh wait, there isn't one, hence me not watching it ever
  13. How fast things change on these boards! Best game I've seen NRC play for some time, same with Cuellar and Davies. So miss this feeling of hopefullness for the team, not since Blackburn have we had much to cheer about! Liverpool did play poorly tbf on teh pundits, but teams never play poorly out of choice, its the opposition that force them into it.
  14. Reckon he is ignoring the fans? Wouldn't blame him after the reaction from the fans after ONE defeat.
  15. No, but they do sell deep fried ice-cream, which is mostly milk. I'm actually not kidding, you can deep fry ice-cream.
  16. They don't seel full fat up here, or I would get that.
  17. Hopefully it'll fire blanks all season long and the **** will go down We can only pray!
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