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Everything posted by Jondaken

  1. A guy I know has recently had to quit WoW due to it causing marital problems. He had a 4 year old and a wife, whilst spending 5 hours a night 4 days a week online.
  2. Only use Ive found for MC now is using it to run people into Drek. Started doing soem arena as SPriest/Rogue. Helluva fun globaling people!
  3. I'm glad I dont give a flying about Rugby else I'd have probably been in tears yesterday after watching the last 10 mins of that game.
  4. What's your GS Brigga? 2562 I believe. Not a chance if you're level 80, you're addon must be bugged or something. My level 33 hunter has 1500 lol. My priest who ive put no effort into gear atal with has 5.1kgearscore, and 5k with pvp set which is mostly s5 gear ><
  5. 80 days ish across all chars in 4 years. Although tbh ive probably spent more time in the bog in those 4 years.
  6. Yeah, a dying breed really, for pve. But there are still rogues out there in BG's and arena who are incredibly skilled players. I think a good rogue is better suited to pvp. I wouldn't think playing a rogue in raids is very fun. Better for leveling and pvp. Arent they the best DPS atm in PvE?
  7. 3 points behind us now Albiet we have a game in hand...
  8. I was unaware that there was a "Big Four" in 1994/95. If there was, Arsenal (decent top six side) and Chelsea (mid table also rans) certainly werent members of it. Its amazing how people think football was invented yesterday. I think the guy knows that, he's just refering to how the teams are known as nowadays.
  9. Surely the best result we could have asked for yesterday was Blues 0-27 Chelsea? We are title conterders didn't you know? brb, men in white coats at ma door
  10. Since when did VT'ers become hackers? ...
  11. Who collects friends on Facebook though? I either went to school, Uni, or worked with everyone on my friends list. The only people I haven't met on it are those from VT on there. I don't class people from WoW as my mates. Sure I talk to them in guild chat, however I wouldn't disclose any personal information with them. Plus I would never consider them friends as such. I don't think that it is wrong if people do that. However, I never would. I know loads of people who would class people as friends through facebook even though they had never met. Be it via a mutual friend or jsut common interests, it does happen, and it happens alot.
  12. Well not many managers can take the Scottish national team, play 10 games with them, and win 7.
  13. hull said the same january this year and they only just scrapped another season, there only 11 points above the drop zome Hull had already started plumeting by this stage in the season last year. SHA have won their last 5.
  14. Well they certainly wont finish in teh top 8 spots, but they certainly have nothign to fear of relegation either.
  15. You dont know the half of it ;-)
  16. Ive macro'd the 7 spells I most commonly use to the one button, and spam it. Kills 9/10 players.
  17. I'll prob end up deleting this char and make another one and do all over again once I hit 60
  18. If anyone is still playing and hasnt tried making a dk, getting it to 58, getting some basic enchants on their gear, and going bg's you have GOT to try it. I feel like a raid boss here got Wrecking Ball on 2nd bg entered ><
  19. Tbh, there isnt much to laugh about this lot atm! 5 wins on the trot.
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