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Everything posted by Jondaken

  1. Pictured from BBC BBC article on it I'm fairley non-pulsed towards Spurs, so as fas as my seeming non bias opinion goes, it looks pretty run of the mill modern stadium, nothing special or unique, but not ugly either.
  2. Acording to the BBC, tehy had 3 offside there and no flag?
  3. To be fair, they are playing in terrential rain.
  4. Yea, the had all pretty much left by the time I got on this site too ;-) There are still 4 or 5 that play, some are on Tauren Mill, not too sure where else.
  5. Episode 2 is absolute rubbish...... what makes you say that? :? Sad ending?
  6. There isnt one. Just dont vote. Simples.
  7. I agree that Empire Strikes Back is the best. However to call Return of the Jedi 'kiddy trash' is just madness. Madness I tell you!!! Yeah, cause fluffy "Ewaks" tripping over the elite republican soldiers whilst making cute noises isn't stupid. Not to mention the 'i'm your sister' plot twist which they messed up by having them get it on when they wrote the first movie. It's still better than A New Hope in my opinion. Plus, what's wrong with Ewoks?! They are brilliant! Oh, plus Princess Leia in it: Ewoks mde tht movie.
  8. Empire Stikes Back fo sho
  9. Got a text today. All it said was N G A B Think that's bang out of order.
  10. Happy with a draw, happier than bluemoon anyway. Good to see Dunne settling in well. If City really were realisiticaly a top 4 team, Hughes should have been happy with all the ET they could get to score a late winner.
  11. WherWhat's wrong with 5 mins? All the more time to bag 3 points.
  12. On the topic of Stephen Ireland For the love of..
  13. Getting 10 secs of coverage then 10 secs of freeze
  14. Every time you look at anything you are looking at the past. There is no such thing as the "present", it's indefinable. If you assign any kind of value to it, no matter how small, that value can be divided into a past and a future. In reality there is only the past (which we live in through our slow senses) or the future. If you could manipulate how fast the past reaches your senses (via manipulation of gravity perhaps?) you could manipulate how far back you can see/hear into the past. That would be a type of time travel I would think. There is the "moment". Which yes, you cannot define it, but that doesnt mean it does not exist.
  15. That's nto time travel though, that's light travel. Comparable to looking at your TV of some recorded programme. If you look at your hand, you arent seeing your hand as it is now, you're seeing it as it was 0.0000000000000000....000..0001 seconds ago. As for is it possible? Not a chance.
  16. Along with Cali, surely that's the best two states in America?
  17. La Liga does look like it will be quite the watch this season, I just hope teh Barca/Real games live up to teh hype. probably 5-6 of the top 10 best players in the world all playing in the same league can't be a bad thing.
  18. If the entire English league is so strong compared to others, how come a team outside the top 4 havent won the UEFA cup for 25 years? And only Liverpool have won it since then. Ronaldo found much much more space than 6 yards quite often in the PL, does that make the entire league shite?
  19. I've always wanted to do that too! They do exist, we just can't see what color they are ;-)
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