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Everything posted by Jondaken

  1. Rev, meet the hunter class. Hunter class... meet Rev.
  2. me neither Can't seem to shortlink that... One of my proudest moments on WoW! Big bunch of old screenies from this hunter were just put up on my realm forums and he has one of me (well, my avatar ;-)) Spent weeks in the 69 bracket getting raped and pillaged by this BM hunter Glave, got some payback in that screenie though! Cnut ALWAYS seemed to have BW off cooldown
  3. Jondaken


    When you say running, do you mean going at a good pelt, a sprint, or just "jogging". You must be awfully unfit to not be able to go 200m ;-)
  4. It's not a PvP video, so I'm not even going to bother watching it ;-) I love Buddists vids. Comedy and some superb skill.
  5. My Bro's guild just killed Yoggie Bear 25 man. He was on holiday when they did it and had the highest DKP
  6. I joined the top PvP guild on my realm for a night once. After getting to tthe tower in teh mage quater, we got ourselves to teh AH without much trouble and could hold it down till we got swamped with Allies. I also used to love going to the bank on my rogue. You could SS behind the bankers, and kill them whilst nothing but pets could atack you. Me and 2 other Rogues spent 3 weeks doing that with them camped out in the place (we had other mains ofc). Allies raged and started throwing abuse at us via realm forums till we all got banned for a few days.
  7. You clearly never put enough heart into it
  8. Amen. Getting threads made about your exploits on the forums is quite a feat too.
  9. This. I've had my fill of WoW a few times over and it's time to move onto pastures new. It's no longer the game I used to enjoy. Sure, it's fun to reminisce about the old days but it's futile to try and recreate them. I'll maybe join you all when Aeioneioeeieeiioo comes out proper. Cba with teh beta and my comp is buggered atm.
  10. My old guild "We PvP for Food" had about 10 or so threads on our forums at one point complaining about members ganking and how bad we were ins PuG becuase it was a guild rule to ninja all Hunter loot regardless of what class you were. Good times!
  11. I'd love that tbh
  12. So this guy, I guess relatively high level, many skill unlocks and well equipped, went to the starter zone full of low level people and killed them..... I bet he felt really tough. What a great player Sorry, I think thats just about the gayest thing I've seen today To be fair to him, I'm pretty sure he knew how much of a dick he was being! Its no worse than what I used to do. Go to a place I knew would be packed with level 30-40's (when I was 70) and camp people till they logged off or till I got killed. Its not about feeling good about yourself, I had Arena and BG's for that, it was more of teh challenge of not letting them get away, and see how many people I could camp at once and knowing that members of teh oposite faction would be raging. You always knew you had done good when they either A) logged on a toon from your own faction on the realm and started whispering abuses at you, or made a thread about it on teh realm forums. It also often started up some proper world PvP, when higher level members of the oposite faction came along to aid the lowbies.
  13. Can that be called PvP? >< I was bad with my ganking, but I would never stoop so low as to go to starting zones!
  14. Corpse camping was the most fun thing ever. I took the stance that anything goes. The signed up for it afterall.
  15. Without clicking it first, is it Scatman?
  16. Thats interesting, and I see what Sie means now more exactly, the PVP we were playing in GW was absolutely nothing like this. it was structured, planned,specific win conditions against opponents who were (if the system worked correctly) more or less your equal playing for ladder rank and ultimately tournament success. You'd have your eight players, with their eight skills each , they'd have their eight players with their eight skills (and you'd have no way of knowing what Guild you were facing until the map loaded and no way of knowing their precise skillset until battle was joined), fought on the home map of the lower ranked Guild (and there were about ten radically different maps,each requiring a different set of tactics ... and in a night you'd probably play on all of them) At first the battles could last for hours, but later they changed it after the World Championship semi final lasted nearly six hours..... so in the end it was unlikely a battle would last more than 40 minutes or so. I think I preferred the longer games myself. That WoW PvP seems also designed to annoy the crap out of scrubs ..... must have been fun ;-) . Nothing even vaguely equivalent in Guild Wars Arena is pretty much what you just described there, but on a smaller scale.
  17. It would probably bring me back to the game. In TBC I spent 4 months in a level 60 only guild and jsut did AV and the old instances. Was the most fun ive had on any game to date. Sadly though, as only Blizzard can do... they mesed up the queues and 40vs 10 battles soon got tiresome They would have a hard job reseting all the talents/skills though.
  18. Or join the army?
  19. Not even the end of all time could stop any of the whining in the PvP forums. The WoW PvP forums Is there anything worse on the internet? Every time I used to go there I didnt know wither to laugh or hang myself.
  20. I'm pretty sure you wil be able to chose what race you want to be when you cross faction. Not a chance will there be Ally Taurens etc. So... 90% Horde pop BG's and vise versa anyone? People are going to sway to w/e faction dominates the, as that is the case on most Battlegroups. UD's goinf from about 20% representation to 40+? How long before class changes? Gear swaps? Vanilla WoW realms? Legaly buying epics from Blizzard with real money (thats already the case with some mounts)?
  21. Agree. I was going to vote for Jackson, but then though if anyone would be thinking of him, what we think of Angelo, a few hundred years down the line. Probably not. And I'm not too surprised about Michael Jordan being so high up. He was probably teh greatest sportsman ever who's name wasnt Ali.
  22. Not. A. Chance. That would mean they would also have to become the biggest club in teh world.
  23. I sense bad things...
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