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Everything posted by Meath_Villan

  1. I remember as walking into work one morning as an apprentice and the head chef was there dashing around the kitchen 2 big striploin sides cut in half, each half in the deep fryer baskets bubbling away, breakfast chef down in the staff canteen asleep, turns out the breakfast chef went to work straight after a house party turned on the big salamander(grill) opened 10 packets of crisps and started grilling them fell asleep on the cold larder counter..... anyway the complements over the beef that day were above normal
  2. Been a Fairly good year for me
  3. Kids cracked a milk tooth ......dentist is closed on a sunday .........
  4. Anyone with a relation in the states the Fire hd 8 is like $53
  5. Only now a month after the deed I kind of feel a bit of pride doing a marathon ......combined with .....what the **** was I thinking about doing one
  6. Trump not sugar coating what most thought of castro .....a grade A word removed
  7. have to say ......anne hathaways arse on the bike near the end ....... 8/10
  8. The dark knight rises .......after re-watching it ....its a bit of a **** mess ...the timeline at the end just melds into one and the **** music means I can hardly hear anyone speaking
  9. Going into starbucks or any coffee shop and saying medium when the spiel off what size drink ...Gimme a **** medium coffee
  10. Westworld has just been kicking it up a notch every episode .... gone up to essential viewing
  11. Making a cup of tea and forgetting the amount of time that has elapsed, then taking a big gulp of cold tea .....nothing worse .........except ..probably aids
  12. Waters rising in Fukushima ....hope that flood wall was built high
  13. Just been reading the Alverez post on Instagram .... You would almost fear for the bloke if he didn't have wife and kid
  14. The young pope ...another good episode Shooter on netflix ......yet another BS semper fi lump of shhhhiiiitttteeeeeeeeeeee like the film ....I remember when Ryan Phillippe was a potential actor
  15. Kubo and the two strings ....... really good movie to watch with the kids ..... 7/10
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