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Everything posted by JPJCB

  1. Just a small point but I’m not sure the bar needs to be this high for there to be a conflict of interest issue here. Presumably the Saudi league/UAE league are owned/funded by the respective governments and the referees are remunerated accordingly. Given that two clubs are owned by those respective governments it’s really not hard to see how a conflict of interest can emerge. “We’re not gonna give you any more work in our highly remunerative league unless you give our PL teams more slack”. Reason number 657 why governments owning clubs shouldn’t happen
  2. I do wonder whether his form might drop off spectacularly from now given he’s basically won everything. He played like a man possessed for about 4 years because he was so highly motivated to get to the very top. But it wouldn’t surprise me if he slipped back to his more sporadic form from now given there’s nothing left to prove
  3. I’d go with this: Martinez cash. Carlos. Pau. Moreno Luiz. Kamara mcginn Ramsey Zaniolo. Duran Still a very strong side but gives an opportunity for those returning from injury to get some minutes.I’d also like to see zaniolo given a run out in the diaby role it’s a shame that tielemans and dendoncker have been so poor when used as we could really do with resting Luiz and kamara. But after everton I really don’t think we can afford to swap either of them out. Hopefully we can take an early lead and allow some subs later on
  4. The city fans now want rid now that doku has come on the scene who is far more direct
  5. I could see him potentially being ok (if not spectacular) in a three person midfield in front of Luiz and kamara. That would enable him to use his stronger skills most effectively - I.e through balls and shooting. But that involves changing Emery’s entire system. He’s not press resistant enough to play in the double pivot and isn’t dynamic enough to do one of the wide player roles (like McGinn/Ramsey)
  6. We signed him on a free so I suspect, even wages considered, he’s one of the cheaper transfers from an FFP perspective. So it’s difficult to talk about him in terms of bad value if he ends up little more than a bench player But it sticks in the throat that he’s in the press complaining about not playing. Bad player with a bad attitude
  7. JPJCB


    How’s he managed that when he wasn’t even playing?! It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s a bit of a petulant/nasty piece of work as that’s the second example in his career of getting a red card for effectively an off field incident
  8. Castore are a disgrace and the club are moronic for having picked these chancets rather than a proper sportswear brand
  9. So weird. So castore are just paying to have their name associated with us and aren’t actually doing anything? Either way I’m more than happy for them to take the rough with the smooth in that respect and take a reputational hit for the shirts being shit given they’d take the upside if they looked good
  10. The original villa website article said the deal was for Castore to “supply” kits which very strongly implies that they would be manufacturing rather than just designing them. It might be that castore then commission a third party to do the manufacturing but either way it’s on Castore to sort it out
  11. JPJCB

    Unai Emery

    Can anyone think of a better managerial upgrade in recent history? Literally moving from a guy who’d be lucky to manage in the championship these days to an elite world class manager
  12. JPJCB

    Ezri Konsa

    I didn’t think much of their analysis. It was like wright had never heard of him before today and at the end he described him as a “premier league striker worth looking at”
  13. JPJCB

    Jhon Durán

    Chill out mate. He’s agreeing that benteke will get stronger but just arguing that he won’t necessarily get much bigger physically. if you look at photos of benteke at Genk when he was 17-19, he doesn’t look radically different to how he did later in his career
  14. No matter the performance tonight, seeing people predicting a 4-5 goal win for Chelsea is absolutely pathetic and insulting to the team and the progress made under emery
  15. Fair enough- I disagree. And worth noting that young never really came as close as grealish to solidifying his place in the England team as a left winger (albeit grealish still faces competition). He made team of the tournament as a reliable if unspectacular left back. Maybe you think young was the best left back in the world at that time as justified by his inclusion in that team. Again I fundamentally disagree. Andto the original point, I think top managers with 07/08 Young at their disposal vs 20/21 grealish would be more likely to pick grealish in their team (though the ideal would be to play them both). I don’t think young would get anywhere near this pep Man City team
  16. If you think he had as big an impact playing for those clubs as he did when he played for MON then fair enough but I strongly disagree
  17. This is bang on. Young was very good and I loved the guy but there’s no way he would have been as good/important in any other playing style than MON’s “get it to young to cross for Carew” style. I agree with other posters that young and Barry ultimately had more impact. But grealish at his peak was the best we’ve had for quite some time. As much as anything the fact that we all think he’s “underperforming” despite being a first team player in a side which has just won the treble speaks to that point. Young and Barry wouldn’t get anywhere near this Pep team
  18. We can agree to disagree but at his peak grealish was better than each of those players from my perspective. In the 20/21 season we had one of the top 5 best players in the league playing for us and I don’t think any of the above reached that level. But I agree with you that we associate those players- or certainly young, Barry, Milner- with contributing to our success during a v positive period for the club. That’s sort of my point: grealish will have missed out on that kind of association despite the arrival of emery
  19. The strange thing will be if the emery era results in memorable success for the club (trophies, European football/CL). Then grealish will be in this odd historical position as arguably our best player of the past couple of decades but of very limited significance to our success Im trying to think of a similar example with another player/club. Coutinho at Liverpool comes closest. Absolutely outstanding for a few years including under klopp but then left before Liverpool’s more recent success and so is sort of in a limbo position historically
  20. I’d go exactly this but with Moreno in for digne. That’s then basically our first choice eleven but with tielemans in who is a very high quality replacements. I’m torn as to whether to keep Watkins in or swap for Duran who is banging on the door for a game. Ultimately I think better for Watkins to stay in to see if he can get a goal to boost his confidence
  21. In all seriousness, is he actually still cup tied?
  22. I found his finish for the offside goal even more impressive than the touch. The composure to wait a second rather than snatching, then calmly place it with his weaker foot. He’s a natural finisher
  23. Bloody hell. He must be good if he gets your approval
  24. I get the arguments that he works hard and offers more than just goals. The problem with Ollie is that, unlike a player like firmino for example, he clearly judges his own performance by how many goals he scores and the longer he goes without scoring the more it gets in his head and he starts being more and more selfish to try and get that goal, hurting his broader game. Given we have diaby who works just as hard with an excellent all round game plus end product in the form of goals and assists, I do think that Watkins’ importance is far lower than it has been previously
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