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Everything posted by MSvillain

  1. No reason in particular for them to be in a bad mood this morning though I guess
  2. His injuries are definitely due to Bielsa's methods as other have pointed out, however it may be the case that the damage has been done now
  3. MSvillain

    The NSWE Board

    We pretty much have a teenager for every single position, most of who we have poached from under the noses of 'bigger' clubs, that's the sustainability aspect of the model
  4. I've felt guilty for thinking this so I'm glad other people think it too
  5. Literally also just had this thought
  6. I assume you meant *isn't haha
  7. Could've had COVID rather than an injury?
  8. Said this to a mate, he's genuinely two footed
  9. The terminology may have not been correct but surely you understand what he's getting at? The sliced clearances across our own box for example... Bert is a maverick and that's why a portion of the fanbase (myself included) love him and others hate him.
  10. Yeah I'm happy to just enjoy the time he's here, whether that is 6 months or 4 years.
  11. It will be interesting to see how gerrard treats him. If he's happy to play second fiddle to buendia I can't imagine we could buy much better who is also happy with that arrangement, considering his G/A last season.
  12. This is my fundamental understanding, articulated better than I could've done!
  13. That's my understanding, however no one can say for sure unless they've worked in football and seen these types of contract. All we can point to is the history of these type of deals getting completed
  14. I believe as a part of the option negotiation with barcelona, contract terms are also discussed and agreed with coutinho. As per another posters question I can't remember a single incident of a player reneging when an option has been activated.
  15. It's more his attacking output that frustrates people I think, his defensive ability isn't in question. The above sentence is a bit mad considering he's been moved back from RM/RW
  16. Yeah I'd agree, I'm not sure it will be below £100k but I think the young lad may be in for some disappointment if he wants £200k (I know that's a made up number on this forum but aaron ramsey at £400k will be the free agent benchmark)
  17. It's tough isn't it. You'd like to think players understand he gets paid more because he didn't have a transfer fee but its probably not the case.
  18. Yeah something like £52m over a 5 year contract. Not a problem it itself, however if he doesn't perform then moving him on becomes an issue.
  19. I agree with this tbh. The difficulty arises when your immediate form has an impact on holding onto the youngsters. I'd be comfortable with getting a CB in the summer just to bridge the gap
  20. Oh yeah I completely agree, has a target on his back for some reason. Not forgetting (as other posters have pointed out) he takes a lot of responsibility for playing the ball out and taking the pressure off of Konsa.
  21. This mistake really wound me up tbf. I'm a Mings defender although I know he switches off from time to time, stuff like that mistake is so uneccesary and makes it infinitely harder to defend him. Nothing came from the corner though, so all's well that ends well
  22. I know Hickey is two footed, however he is primarily a LB so I'd feel a little bit uncomfortable having him as a starter at RB, obviously he may suprise me though!
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