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Everything posted by MSvillain

  1. Completely agree! To build on Pinebros point, why are we even bothering? let’s just end the premier league now and we can all find other teams/sports to follow
  2. It’s Karen carney, she’s got a jaw like evander Holyfield so that’s probably it
  3. Was just thinking this! Setting women in football back years with her tripe
  4. A significant portion of our first 11 will speak Spanish anyway
  5. Yeah I think the 3 for me would be CB (I am a fan of Mings but still think he can be upgraded), a striker and someone who can play across the 3 behind the striker
  6. I think people are confusing defensive with pragmatic
  7. You’re obviously trolling at this point
  8. Fun fact; Poch, Ten Hag and Emery have won 4 European trophies between them
  9. He lost his assistant after arsenal so been a couple of years, managed to get to the UCL semis with out him so should be OK
  10. As others have stated, not surprised if the Bournemouth result led to a loss of faith in Gerrard and therefore saving funds for a proper manager
  11. @Eastie has also been steadfast that Emery was the guy, going back to 14th October
  12. Nah mate, they’ve lost interest, didn’t you hear?
  13. I literally don’t know how we kept it quiet this long
  14. Hahaha I didn’t want to stitch you up
  15. And Nassef is backing him to the hilt too I imagine (or hope)
  16. Objectively he’s won way more than Poch
  17. If we’ve successfully kept this quiet from the Spanish press then we deserve an award
  18. It only makes sense to announce Emery in the evening in any case
  19. If Emery shithouses every single game to a 1-0 victory I couldn’t be happier
  20. I did have him blocked on twitter tbf but I think that’s just because he’s an arsehole
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