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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. That's a bit of a stretch surely
  2. The main question is if Watkins shreds his knee in the first game, can Wesley be the guy. Personally, I don't see it. And that's a massive massive risk. Are we seriously relying on Watkins playing every game again next season? All it takes is studs caught in the grass, one bad tackle and we are left with what up front?
  3. We will sign people before 31st August ends. Cling to that. Everything else is just waffle and bullshit.
  4. You know when you just have a feeling it is my going to work for a player? I'm getting they with Wes now. Makes me sad
  5. Seriously relying on watkins to be fit and play a whole season again is an massive massive risk that could blow up in our faces massively. Davis and Wesley are not the answer for varying reasons.
  6. He's a bullshitting wank pheasant like all these Twitter ITK's.
  7. Doesn't seem to apply to all teams does it? See PSG. And even then the punishment is probably tolerable
  8. I have very little faith this will happen
  9. It's just a random number input by some spotty kid in the basement
  10. We still have some large gaps to fill and squad depth is a worry
  11. Haha try to be positive as much as possible, but also realistic. This just seems like your typical foreign agent transfer that never happens, we have 2 or 3 of these each summer. Is there a closed thread graveyard for all of them?
  12. We do seem quite confident that Watkins will stay uninjured again for a whole season. Wesley still needs time, maybe they have Traore in mind too to backup if needed.
  13. This to me seems like a typical agent led story, like Smith Rowe. With probably similar results, eg it doesn't happen!
  14. I can't imagine any signings will be made before the actual season starts. These things take time.
  15. Remember when sky sports news actually used to get news first? No more. Well unless you count made up bollocks!
  16. But nobody of the same quality of Watkins and the cost that will be, is not coming to potentially sit on the bench..we are in an awkward position with this. No European football means less rotation unless injury.
  17. If the attack stays as it is we will definitely cause teams a problem. I know it's only Walsall but for a first game this looks good.
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