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Everything posted by Eligius

  1. He is still young with lots to learn still but if he doesn't want to commit his future to Aston Villa I won't mind if he leaves, and I would say that about any player that won't commit to this great club.
  2. Brilliant team performance tonight, apart from the first 10-15 minutes of the second half where Leeds looked slightly threatening we totally dominated all over the pitch. With Coutihno pulling the strings we look a bloody good team. Also the subs did well when they came on, can't remember the last time we had a bench with that much quality ready to come on.
  3. 1-2 win I think, Leeds may have played well the weekend but they will be wondering when the next win will come.
  4. Welcome Omari, hope you have a great career in Villa colours.
  5. As long as we can pay the wages he will command.
  6. I wasn't sure when I saw the team line up but that was a decent three points, good finishes from Cash and Ollie. Ref had a shocker especially in the first half, he seemed to lose control of the game and started dishing out yellows depending on how loud the scream was rather than for bad fouls.
  7. I phoned Sky up last month to cancel my package which included Sports, UHD etc and they offered to reduce it down to £49 from around £80 a month. I refused and asked them to cancel my package completely, after two weeks they rang me up and offered me the same package for £36 a month for 18 months which I agreed to. The following day I had a letter from them saying I could have the same package for £28 a month. To get a good deal be prepared to cancel and refuse the first offer, I said that with energy prices rocketing Sky won't be a priority for me.
  8. I think we may pull off a shock and get a point
  9. Awful, I expected fresh legs in midfield after the Leeds game but the whole team were off it especially the first half. Luiz set pieces were gash, crosses from Cash were poor and little movement and passing throughout the team. I thought Sanson might get on as McGinn and Luiz were so bad but it looks like he isn't going to get much game time under the manager.
  10. The ref has let them constantly kick the ball away every time we get a free kick
  11. Not surprised Leeds lost today, they put in a huge effort against us that they had several players collapsing with more than 10 minutes to go with cramp. They were probably ballbagged today.
  12. A fair result but three one up at home and we gifted them a point, JJ and Coutinho were brilliant but too many poor performances from th like of Konsa Mings and Luiz. Watkins was anonymous and the Leeds keeper didn't have a save to make in the second half.
  13. Hopefully Bamford is still injured for this game, 3-1 win
  14. Everton FC have tweeted that a fan has been arrested for throwing a missile onto the pitch.
  15. I'll go bottom left with the baseball cap, looks like his arm is at the end of a throwing motion. It's a bit like spot the ball competitions.
  16. Hard fought 3 points, we showed some steel second half to defend Evertons long ball hoofing. Matty Cash was excellent today but in reality when you see how few saves Emi had to make we nullified Evertons threat pretty well.
  17. Watkins has been poor today, poor touch and poor finishing.
  18. Under siege at the moment, we need to get the midfield working again.
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