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Everything posted by Steero113

  1. Just said the same thing in the Buendia thread. I seriously value Jude Bellingham as a player, doesn’t mean we’ve got a hope in hell of signing him.
  2. I’d be staggered if we spent £50m + on a single player in January.
  3. We are most certainly not signing De Paul
  4. I don’t know the actual answer, but at times in my near 30 year support of Villa it feels like 2 games.
  5. Wind up merchant BS of EMI Martinez proportions here.
  6. Think we look great. Difference is clinical finishing from the other side, except that Uruguayan bloke
  7. McGinn’s actually been one of our better players. Played two outstanding balls that should have been goals and has looked composed.
  8. Enjoying the game, we should have scored 2 at least which is disappointing and would have given the game a totally different feel. Anyone who thinks we somehow have a right to be matching a side worth around 500m more than ours are funny on the inside.
  9. Watkins doesn’t cost 80m though
  10. We are looking pretty good. Can’t score for toffee though
  11. Personally we’ve looked excellent other then one amazing move from pool
  12. If Emi is sold, with or without you mate I think we should get in Bono. Sure would make it a beautiful day at VP, would be a magnificent signing and wouldn't surprise me as we know Lange works in Mysterious Ways.
  13. Tiger's actually a pretty sound bloke. Apart from the sex addiction and relentless knobbing of over 5,000 hookers, strippers, other people's wives, any female but his own wife. But yeah... normal guy. Great Dad.
  14. Not a clue what you're getting at. He's as sane as a cabbage.
  15. Frankly, the disgusting regime who bought, murdered and sportswashed their way to gaining those 1.5 billion viewers deserved every ounce of disrespect that came their way. Beckham, Infantino and the other hypocrites are the ones who aught to be embarrassed.
  16. And pissing off 3/4 of their traditional fanbase.
  17. Pricing starts at £75m for me. Top 3 goalkeepers in the world right now in terms of ability, top 1 in the world in terms of global media profile after this world cup. In his prime (30), still has 6 or 7 years at the top as a keeper and just signed a new deal with a club that he clearly loves. Most importantly if someone was to come in for him, the two clubs that will be looking for a keeper (who could afford him and would be attractive) are two who have a hilarious history of overpaying for players in Atletico and Man Utd (Sancho, Maguire, Felix etc.)
  18. Literally my favorite thing about the whole final. No Utd, Arsenal, Liverpool or Chelsea players had a big impact on the result. Not even Alvarez had a big impact on this game from City. Beautiful.
  19. During the game of course, he takes gamesmanship to the max. Away from the pitch the second the whistles gone? I won’t hear a word against him.
  20. Are you taking the piss? The first thing he did was console Mbappe and Rabiot. He’s an absolutely magnificent human away from the game.
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