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Everything posted by villanmac

  1. You can tell Ings hates playing up top with Watkins. Ollie doesnt mind it but thats only because he plays as if Ings isnt on the pitch.
  2. I never think we are gonna score. Maybe its just being a pessimistic villa fan and through the lens of an opposition fan's eyes we look dangerous lol but it just feels like at best we might carve out a half chance.
  3. Awful again. Ive defended Buendia so many times but hands up you cant turnover the ball as much as he does. Ramsey having one of those games he has where everything just looks difficult. Fair play to Luiz and Watkins, theyve been very good imo.
  4. Sounds like a young two footed Gareth Barry
  5. Will be easy for people to dismiss that as hyperbole but I fully agree.
  6. Everyone of them to a man would be buzzing at the thought of playing alongside Phillipe Coutinho every day in training.
  7. People turning their noses up at Phillipe Coutinho for 6 months, jesus christ
  8. I've seen a few interviews from Gerrard where he has spoken about Rafa's man management and how he treats players. I think he might understand if not emphasize. Falling out with Benitez, though not ideal, doesn't necessarily make u the baddest egg around.
  9. As I've said for yonks, if he was Dougie Lewis from Wales and didn't have a haircut it would have been "hes too weak, too shite we need better"
  10. Super Jog doing **** all again. Shades of Wesley Moraes with his off the ball movement in the centre forward position.
  11. Polar opposites would be Raheem Sterling who runs like he's carrying shopping and John Mcginn who runs like one of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.
  12. That's how I see it. You see play it safe players like Ramsey get plaudits but a player like Buendia trying to hurt the opponent, passing through the lines gets criticised because he's making high risk plays. It's similar to fans shouting "clear it" to the defence after they've given the ball away trying to play it out from the back.
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