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Everything posted by WallisFrizz

  1. Think this is really unfair and not accurate. I think most clubs outside the top four would love to have him in their squads, definitely outside top 8.
  2. That’s twice he’s raised Villa’s lack of set peice quality, without really having to (vague question about how he keeps his cool when being fouled). There’s some agenda there, it does add to the JWP theory I think.
  3. According to the Times, Southampton are ready to spurn any offer we make. I’m not saying it will happen, probably won’t, but that’s several different news outlets reporting our interest which according to the article became ‘clear’ over the weekend. Think people are right and this is his agent stirring up some interest in jwp, whether for us or hoping to prompt other clubs into action.
  4. Fair point but didnt Wolves also pay £30 mil for Fabio Silva? I’d be surprised if we were in for him at that price but willing to put trust in the recruitment team if it’s true and they think he is worth it.
  5. Article on him here. Sounds promising but I wouldn’t go near him for £25-30 mil. Way too much of a risk and pretty much the opposite of what we’ve been told our transfer policy is. https://www.getfootballnewsfrance.com/2021/prospect-pape-matar-sarr/
  6. What reports? I’ve seen a few people talking /tweeting about the reports that we’re interested but not the actual reports. Who is reporting it?
  7. The way it’s going for him, I think I’d rather he barely featured for England. The worse that could happen for us is that he comes back knackered, with his confidence shot to pieces. Let that happen to Stones, Maguire etc
  8. I would be more impressed if we pulled this one off thsn beating Arsenal to Buendia.
  9. listened to the first half on the radio. Pearce was slagging Mings and Grealish throughout. Not that he was particularly complimentary about any of the others.
  10. He is really funny on Twitter. I don’t even follow but his tweets always seem to appear on my timeline.
  11. Ok, thanks. I just read this and had a bit of a panic that we had to wait 3 days hoping that no one else came in for him.
  12. Can someone explain to me how we can have this wrapped up if the transfer window doesn’t open for several days and can’t legally sign him? Not trying to be negative but a bit wary of celebrating too soon.
  13. Are we now going into that painful stage where we await the announcement for what seems like a lifetime cue loads of panic that it’s fallen through? Fun times.
  14. This is the point I was trying to make a few days ago, outside of Villa he seems to be really unpopular. People are totally intolerant of him and almost will him to make mistakes (which is why I was annoyed he gift wrapped this one for his critics). If I’m honest I do wonder if it’s because he is the footballing face of BLM/taking the knee.
  15. Arsenal don’t seem to be pursuing Odegaard which would suggest that Buendia is now their first choice in that position. We’ll struggle with this one I think.
  16. Apparently Lingard favourite but I’d prefer JWP. We’re already stacked with forwards.
  17. And so very Brummie. It’s great for the region to be represented by Jack and Jude.
  18. Yeah you’d be totally fine about it if someone did that to Jack/Ollie in the penalty area. His eyes are totally on the defender and he takes him out. I love Ty but facts of the matter that would have been a pen against us with VAR.
  19. I’m so annoyed at him for this. He had a golden opportunity to silence the doubters and he does this and just amplifies the negativity around him. No one will care that they looked shakier in defence without him on the pitch. After a game in which not a lot happened a big deal is being made about this and the fact that it would have been a pen had VAR in use. He’s lucky the squad is already picked. I know he got rattled by Zaha and Bamford but I don’t remember him shoulder charging someone in the penalty box all season and he chooses to do it in an England shirt when loads of people are waiting for him to make a mistake.
  20. Total crap. He’s had an excellent season.
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