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Everything posted by CarryOnVilla

  1. now this is how you get rid of Gerrard
  2. Wait until you guys see the TikTok me an Unai made, doing donuts in BMH car park with our Boogattis… get them simp brokies thirsty
  3. I've definitely got 102 backers. You wouldn't know them. They go to a different school.
  4. And Stevie probably will get European football at Liverpool
  5. Well the argument that you guys are making that mark Hughes is a good manager. But not good enough to manage villa.. my stand point is both mark and Steve are rubbish. Yet, steve will coast by on his playing rep, much like mark did
  6. Ok, mark Hughes should be our new manager
  7. Mark Hughes was a shit manager, I coincided he had an eye for a good signing, but still an awful manger. Overall, much like Steven Gerrard
  8. I have this bizarre feeling Steven Gerrard will become the next Mark Hughes, a great player who’s a shit manager, failing upwards because he was once a good player
  9. How he talks in his interview is so different to Gerrard. Danks talking of plans and ideas they worked on in training, asking players to do set things. Rather than demanding “magic moments” he created them. bravo Aaron.
  10. That’s how you suppose to play football! from now on, that’s how you play football!!!!!
  11. Why are brentford playing in goal keeper kits? proper mark bosnich specials
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