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Everything posted by MaVilla

  1. is that one of the criteria for the coming of the 5 horsemen of the apocalypse?
  2. yeah their long ball tactics were something to behold. Burnley were probably watching them and stroking one off at it. I havent seen play that route one, every minute of a half since....well.....i cant remember, it was proper anti football on the next level.
  3. it wouldnt be anywhere near that. But tbh, whatever the price is, signing Dele Alli on stupid wages, regardless of transfer cost, is exactly the type of bantz move Everton would make. I wouldnt touch the guy with a barge pole.
  4. Personally, i think now is the only chance we have of ding the deal. If we wait until the summer, i would imagine he will have many suitors, with many of those being quite a bit above us in the pecking order. Just my opinion tho.
  5. any more news on whether he is on the way out?
  6. maybe we see Young, Hause etc as adequate backup until the summer.....
  7. i dont care if he goes or not.........as long as we have cover for LB (which would mean buying another LB).
  8. weird one for me. If we are buying Hickey we really want to sell Targett (or a loan with obligation to buy - at the least). If we arent getting a backup LB, we shouldnt be selling or loaning Targett.
  9. not sure how old u are m8, but i do remember when google didnt exist.....or the internet for that matter!! madness how it feels like it has always been here.....my kids looked at me in wonder and shock when i said there was a time without internet lol!
  10. prob even less than that? edit: a quick tally, which may not be correct. 38 full matches equivalent, 9 goals, 8 assists, in those 38 equivalent games. I could be out by a little or a lot tho, as i tallied it quickly.
  11. 2 in 4. But actually 2 in 240 mins, so basically 2 in 2.7 games (of actual game time). good on u Davis!
  12. 2 in 4 for Davis lol......what a time to be alive!
  13. ye he will be a good championship striker for sure. I dont mean that in a derogatory sense, i just mean that he does have ability, and even if he doesnt make in in the PL in the end, he certainly has the talent to be a valued striker in the Champ. Hopefully he continues to do well, and his form invites some decent bids in the summer.
  14. yeah i just read that, makes sense then! They clearly need him right now....
  15. on the bench today versus Cardiff.
  16. wonder if we are gonna manage to offload Trez before the window closes.
  17. ye quite possibly, but we gotta be mindful that he has only played 200 minutes of football since August 21, so even if we do intend to play him, he wont be anywhere near match fit initially (like most of our squad right now )
  18. i would imagine it was because he went off injured in the last game, so he may not have been fully fit, but was on the bench for an emergency etc.
  19. Interestingly, i was reading the paper reports of when Arsenal first signed Chambers in 2014. Chambers was actually a right back, or to a lesser degree, a defensive midfielder, and Wenger said specifically "he is very talented, capable of playing the way i want to play, we will develop him in to a central defender". I didnt realise he wasnt originally a central defender, but it also kinda makes sense now, as i have seen many Arsenal fans saying he played better at right back & looked a little ropey at centre back, he was voted player of the year at DM for Fulham also. interesting.
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