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Everything posted by Villa_Vids

  1. You can blame Brentford and Wissa for Pau.
  2. That was Hollis and Lerner. King is a legend. Resigned and gave Lerner a few home truths along with Bernstein.
  3. Fair enough. Sounds like Heck's plan here.
  4. We missed our chance to have a public funded stadium with the commonwealth games.
  5. With Donk looking like he is departing - is this clearing the way for Smith-Rowe?
  6. IMO. I don't see the advantage of it too. I think Premier League teams will prepare to play against our best team regardless.
  7. I don't think Emery is that insecure to be honest.
  8. Is he? He called the Dier deal months ago.
  9. It will be exposed in thirty years time as a "cover up" (which is British corruption) but the truth eventually comes out.
  10. Yet they are in a dark place and have no heroes to cheer.
  11. "Gets away with it" - because it is Man Utd. That is just as corrupt. I want the whole damp swamp drained! And how is it a "good appointment" hiring somebody associated with a club that currently has 115 charges to their name (Charges specifically related to sponsorships )? Plus I thought City cheated, so why would any club want to add a person fully associated with that regime. Nothing earned on merit it appears. If Mansour or similar owned Utd or Liverpool this would be swept under the rug and treated differently IMO. That person would be heralded by the media like Jack Walker.
  12. Sponsorships deals was Omar Berrada job - Does this mean Utd think City are not guilty ? or will he resign if they are found guilty?
  13. So the guy involved in Citeh's dodgy sponsorships deals is going to their rivals.
  14. JPB is better - so Rogers is worth below 5 million?
  15. Smith Rowe news - who we have been linked with. - got to keep David Cameron happy too.
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