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Everything posted by Chine

  1. Chine

    Formula One - 2023

    Looks like the possibilities of rain have blown away now unfortunately
  2. Chine

    Formula One - 2023

    Bring some rain on ! Lando will have a chance !
  3. Fantastic appointment, we have recruited really well over the last few years , it will all bear fruit in the end… £££
  4. Chine

    Formula One - 2023

    The red bull doesn’t seem affected by dirty air either
  5. Aah Trent , not sure he’s a top target, don’t think we’ve bid , but FIRMLY BELIEVE he is a target…. Absolutely no clue Trent so just be quiet
  6. What a load of shit ! Embarrassing stuff
  7. , looks like he’s just filled the bowser up in the pub behind
  8. Best for all concerned, good player …for them
  9. I suppose hel be encouraging to keep it mixed up , for instance JJ would feed off a decent pass into back to goal striker but he will also feed off a line breaking through ball . Really looking forward to what the Don does with him ! Exciting times ! UTV
  10. I posted in here about 6 weeks ago that I had been told that development plans were looking to be put on hold due to equipment availability, of course things have changed since then with CP moving out and the new guy coming in . It would appear now that there is a disappointing rethink going on
  11. The ball is swinging now , hopefully get smith gone sharpish !
  12. Poor fielding looks to have cost a couple of wickets this morning. The batsmen have rode their luck dangling the bat at times and have got away with it . We could really do with a breakthrough or wel be toast
  13. Imagine if Grealish is there , he’d be full on spaced out and flat out in some drug tent
  14. , cocknose involved no doubt . “Jacob you WILL request a move to one of my favourites,”
  15. Didn’t Tielemans recently play centre of a back 3 for country? Maybe that’s UE plan
  16. It’s about opinion…Mount is decent , Chelsea were better than us then as a squad , we are catching them up quickly and Jacob in my opinion will be better than Mount comfortably .
  17. Regarding JJ and Mount currently I agree although they are very close, but with almost 2 years between them age wise I’m in little doubt that JJ will become the much better player during that time , he’s flying
  18. A betting company I hear you say !! , only joking ,grateful of the input of people involved around the game
  19. Yeah I got it , I’m not sure I know anyone who finds him funny , complete weapon
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