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Everything posted by DaveAV1

  1. DaveAV1

    Keinan Davis

    I agree that there is an instinctive element to football in general and that is probably at its most obvious for strikers. However we shouldn’t underestimate the role that good coaching and hard work play in allowing that instinct to come out and flourish. Thierry Henry wasn’t thought to be a natural goal scorer when he arrived at Arsenal, similarly Glen Hoddle didn’t consider Micheal Owen to be a top goal scorer when he first got into the England team. I’m not suggesting that Davis will ever be that good, or even that he will ever be an instinctive goal scorer, but all elements of his game can and will be developed. As an instinctively cleaver man once said, genius is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration. If he works hard and listens to our excellent coaching staff, he has every chance of becoming an extremely good Premier League striker. After all this is his first proper preseason with our coaches, the less said the better about the previous ones.
  2. DaveAV1

    Keinan Davis

    Tammy missed an awful lot of chances last season, but we created lots and so he still scored lots. If we continue to create plenty of chances, which I think we will, our strikers, including Davis, will score plenty. Add goals from other parts of the pitch and I think we’ll have a good season.
  3. The Sturridge rumours won’t go away, I doubt it and not my cup of tea at all, but who knows?
  4. It’s within touching distance. A couple of sales plus the odd unattached signing rumour and it’s in the bag!
  5. DaveAV1

    Keinan Davis

    I don’t think Bruce had any faith in him. The only time he played him was when all the other strikers were injured. None have us have seen him, not in the first team anyway, since Dean Smith came in. He’s apparently come on a lot over the summer and is now working under a different team of coaches, with a proven record of developing young players. Only time will tell, but hopefully the lad can do well and have a breakout season.
  6. This lad could turn out to be a great player or totally forgotten by January. These moments in a player’s career can be fleeting and if not taken may never return. For me the telling thing is that I don’t recall anyone else seriously after him. We were purely bidding against Brentford’s valuation, only they believed he was worth £25m or whatever, otherwise he would have been sold.
  7. This wouldn’t surprise me at all. All of Smiths career he has got the best out of young players, as much out of necessity than anything. But he isn’t going to ignore that side of things just because we’re able to buy. If Brentford had signed Davis a year ago they’d possibly be asking £20m for him now. I don’t know much about Ramsey, but again he could be a diamond ready to break through. We have the coaches now to develop our own players and integrate them into the first team squad, rather than the disjointed haphazard approach we’ve had in the past. UTV!!
  8. Surely it would be a bee he’s swallowed? I’m not convinced this Brentfordnylons chap is a real Brentford fan at all!
  9. Ex girlfriend syndrome incoming
  10. How long has he got left on his contract?
  11. Dooooomed we’re all dooooomed I say.
  12. Ok thanks. I’ll default to my “It’s all part of the negotiation strategy” stance. Which could of course me true as others have suggested.
  13. Did Smith actually say we won’t make anymore signings?
  14. Super John McGinn staying at a big club!! Suck it up Utd!!! I’m going to be singing that song all day .
  15. Sorry mate you’re too old, you don’t fit the young and hungry profile. P.S. I have no idea how old you are, but happy birthday anyway
  16. The plan is that in general we buy young and hungry as that suits the playing style we’re trying to achieve and the business model with regards to future value. However there will be exceptions age wise that can still suit the team and give value, Heaton for example. If the club believe that Yedder will fit into the team and still represents good value it may happen. If he was 25 he’d be £60m, so at £35m we’ve saved £25m already. In 3 years if he’s done well we may still get £10m + (on today’s values). The money men may think that’s a decent return. A damn sight better than Hogan anyway!
  17. Well you’re halfway there....
  18. Some pundits still seem to be of the opinion that we would be off having only have signed 4 or 5 players and field 9 players rather than having too many new recruits.
  19. Shows what I know. My ITK career lasted about 2 minutes. But if it doesn’t snow I’m definitely claiming it! P.S. you’ve got too much time on your hands
  20. Exactly, what kind of lunatic would let players go out on loan in positions that he knows we are really light? Answers on a postcard to NUFC.
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