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Everything posted by Jas10

  1. I think Deano’s a big fan of his and, admittedly, I have a slight concern that he sees him as our main striker going forwards and may not necessarily be thinking of replacing him with a superior alternative & rather just a different option. I could be, and hopefully am, completely wrong. Just a passing thought but we know absolutely nothing about our transfer activity & targets at this point... Just seems to be mostly baseless speculation & rumours so far. Can’t wait to actually see some bids going in, only then will we get any realistic idea of what we’re actually trying to do...
  2. I agree, if selected (and relatively free from injury). He has showed promise and was great against Everton in particular. I just, for some reason, get the impression that he’s not a favourite of Deano’s and could have been favoured/selected more. We’ll see but I’m personally a fan and he will definitely improve imo.
  3. Absolutely loved this guy, what a player! Highlight being his hat trick against Leeds. Happy Birthday Benito!
  4. Ok, what’s De Rossi up to nowadays?
  5. Way out of our league but we could do with someone like Milinkovic-Savic Not necessarily a DM, but a strong physical presence who would benefit us in certain games and prevent us being overpowered etc. Someone with an eye for a pass and shot at goal (unlike Nakamba). Let’s sort that front 3 first though! Starting with Rashica
  6. Our two best & most technically gifted players, hope we can add more of this kind of quality and have many more moments like this:
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