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Everything posted by Jas10

  1. Very encouraging signs in each of his games so far. Determination, intelligence, workrate, pace and he’s not short on ability - I think he’s a more complete player than Tammy. It’s early days and we need to be supportive of him and patient, he needs time to settle but he’s already got goals and I can see him being fairly reliable for us. We shouldn’t be too quick to judge or be negative based upon a single game or two. Ollie alone has made our attack more dynamic and I’m hoping we will be adding another player or two to help out in that sense.
  2. He’s more of an asset defensively, purely for his workrate, than in an attacking sense.... could he be converted to a fullback? He doesn’t have the required level of technique, skill, talent or even coordination to contribute to our attacking play or build up. Loses the ball easily, struggles to control it a lot, can’t beat a man, doesn’t have much of an eye for a pass, but his attitude and determination cannot be knocked... He gives off the impression of a fan who has fortunately got the chance to play professional football! If we want to be a force in this league, he cannot be starting but he will be a help in games against the top sides to help us defensively, can pop up and grab a goal too. Will run around all day and harass the opposition, I’m sure he will improve too but not sufficiently.
  3. Agreed, he looks like such a dangerous attacker. Good dribbler, ruthless finisher and threat from distance too. Just what we need to kick on.
  4. He really is, I don’t think we would’ve got out of the Championship without him and been in such improved/good shape and we’ve only progressed since he’s been here, along with the new owner. The football we’ve played under his tenure has been a refreshing change form the negative dross we endured under a heap of shite, dull, dour, negative managers for so long. So fortunate to have a manager and captain that genuinely adore the club and are genuinely passionate about the success of Aston Villa.
  5. Just enjoy the win FFS. We won 3-0 and could have had a few more. We can improve on certain aspects but when isn’t that the case? We can’t be perfect in most/every game. We’re a work in progress and should go from strength to strength, (building) confidence is everything in football.. We can’t instantly turn into world beaters! Enjoy these times (don’t forget the crap we have had to endure for so long, we’ve finally come out of the storm) and look forward with excitement, enthusiasm & optimism. As Villa fans, it’s always going to be a bumpy ride but we are back and heading in the right direction now! UTV
  6. I’m so pleased that we have such a united group of players, excellent team spirit and seemingly no bad eggs. There seems to be a genuine rapport & friendship between all the players and they all want to contribute to our success. Plenty of fight, passion & determination. Seems like a great place and environment to train and play football. We just need to continue adding quality and our existing players will continue to improve. Most are young and hungry. Dean has so much class & integrity too. Good times. UTV
  7. I’m sure there will be more signings, it’s just a matter of how soon we can wrap up deals. If we manage to offload a few players then that will enable us to do more business. I wouldn’t rule out a deadline day signing or two either, there’s always a mad rush & panic at the end of the window and Sky will be making their usual, massive fuss and bringing out the flipping yellow ties again... We have until Monday 5th October to get in players from home & abroad and until Friday 16th October to complete domestic EFL deals. So I would assume that, according to our list of targets and priorities, we would be chasing top and/or foreign targets first and if unsuccessful then possibly pursue alternative options later e.g. if we don’t manage to sign Rashica, we would place bids for Sarr or Benrahma. We’ll probably look to bring in a couple of loans too (RLC/Barkley), bringing in Sessegnon seems like a good idea if we are allowed (FFP)...
  8. Dean Smith has revealed how Mbwana Samatta "reluctantly agreed to go" to Fenerbahce after telling the striker his game-time at Villa would be limited. The Tanzanian only signed at the back-end of January and, just 16 appearances later, he's left to join the Turkish giants on a permanent four-year deal. Samatta, 27, scored just two goals (both headers) in 16 games - one on his Premier League debut at Bournemouth and another at Wembley in the Carabao Cup final in March. Since then, though, lockdown commenced and a barren goal-drought followed as Samatta failed to score in any of Villa's final 10 games as they eventually clinched survival. Smith, meanwhile, went out and signed £33 million Ollie Watkins this summer while it's believed £19 million addition Bertrand Traore can play as a No.9 if needed. Keinan Davis, 22, signed a new four-year deal just last week, too. "I think it was the right decision in the end," Smith said of Samatta's move to Fenerbahce. "He couldn’t be guaranteed minutes here and we’ve paid out a record amount of money for Ollie Watkins, who we believe is going to be a top striker here. "Keinan Davis has signed a new contract as well and we have Wesley to come back in the new year. "We just can’t stockpile players and we had an offer from Fenerbahce and I think Ally reluctantly agreed to go. "We’re disappointed it didn’t work out how we all wanted because he’s a good player and a really good lad. "But the club has moved on from that and we wish him well in his career now." Samatta trained with his new club on Friday and penned an emotional message to his former employers: "I wish to thank Aston Villa for giving me the opportunity to fulfill my dream of playing in the Premier League. "A special thanks to all Villans for the amazing support you gave me during my time at the club. I wish you all the best of luck for the rest of the season." As for the boss, he was asked whether he's short up front given he has just Watkins and Davis as out-and-out strikers to chose from in a situation that mirrored last season when he went with Wesley, Davis and Jonathan Kodjia. "I don’t believe (we're short) because we also have Traore who can play there as well. He’s a player whose positions have been wide right or centre forward so if needs be, we’ve certainly got one who can play there as well." Smith added: "We want to add goals from all of our forward-thinking players. Jack (Grealish) had his most productive season last year in terms of goals and assists and Trezeguet scored six I think last season. We want our goals to come from all areas but we’re hoping Ollie can be that player that can come good."
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