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Everything posted by TheStagMan

  1. Agreed, and I am not happy with it, in fact I have gone through several other emotions..... anger, depression, disbelief, amusement etc, but I don't think that getting rid of RDM is the answer at the moment. It sends the wrong message, and wont necessarily help. I genuinely did not expect a return to the prem next season, and would actually give RDM a lot more time to get it right (at least half a season) and failing that, a new manager having half a season to get it right and storm the championship next season if RDM cannot do it this season.
  2. Yes, absolutely - it could be 11 losses in 11 and ZERO points..... last season says hello.......
  3. I would rather play Hutton as a striker.
  4. JESUS H CHRIST!!!!! STEVE BRUCE?????? STEVE BRUCE?????? Have people lost their minds completely??????? Madness utter madness. RDM needs to be given more time. Have people forgotten the UTTER shambles he inherited?
  5. Ah, thanks. OK. Sorry to interrupt people. Back to the RDM bashing.
  6. on a different subject, what is the little silver man on his lapel all about?
  7. Personally I thought that was a foul but yes, he did look a bit like a child amongst men and was knocked over really easily. Welcome to the championship son! he will come good though.
  8. Im absolutely stunned........ A VT thread with nothing but positive comments about a player. I feel like I have entered some weird parallel universe or sumfink. PS. He played very well today and looks a great player. Not a bad swap for Adama "im too good for you" Traore. *edit* I know it wasn't actually a swap but it looked and felt like one.
  9. Wow, the "journo" must have a lot of club contacts to get that exclusive and must have really stretched himself writing it. There are a couple of big words in there and everything.
  10. christ, he will put his back out and be unavailable for selection for weeks. shame
  11. OUTRAGEOUS - the guy is just going to asset strip the club and sell of anything of value. Just look what he has done to that fruit. #GuyFromUzbekistan OUT!!
  12. Yes, massively so. And Xia has said that he wants to have a stable club ethos, which will be what RDM will be trying to build now, sacking him will not help with that.
  13. I started watching at 80 mins to see if we could hold onto the lead this time, and was unsurprised to see our players defending against wave after wave of attacks. Situation normal, unfortunately they seemed to have forgotten about the "score first" bit before defending for the whole game. Still, the unbeaten run continues.
  14. Yes, and then we broke him. And we broke Tshibola, and now we have broken DeLaet as well. treatment room is filling up fast. Typical!
  15. Now you are being silly. When did Villa last play football?
  16. He will be saying something else now... :-(
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